Upcoming Events and Meetings

August 15th

7:30 pm Session Meeting

August 15th

6:30 – 8:00 pm Worship Team Practice

August 19th

8:30 am Women’s Breakfast

August 22nd

7:00 pm Teams 2 and 3 Meeting

August 23rd

6:30 – 8:00 pm Worship Team Practice

August 30th

6:30 – 8:00 pm Worship Team Practice

September 6th

6:30 – 8:00 pm Worship Team Practice

September 7th

8:30 am Senior Breakfast

September 9th

7:30 am Men’s Coffee

September 17th Fall Kickoff

10:00 am

Welcome to Wayne Presbyterian

We’re glad you are here today. Each of us is on a journey of faith. Together we are building a safe community to ask questions, expand our understanding and practice what we learn. Our goal each week is to FORGE RELATIONSHIPS with God, each other and our community. Join us in the hall following the worship service for a time of refreshments and a chance to catch up.

Child care, staffed by trained volunteers, is available for children ages infant through four years of age in our nursery. If you need any information about our church ministries, please ask at Guest Central, contact the church office or visit our website.

Connection Cards: These cards are a way for us to keep in touch; you will find them in the bulletin each week. You can share your contact information, add prayer concerns or request information on church events.

What’s Next: Today we begin our Bible 101 Series. Each message will include a fantastic and thought provoking video about the 1st five books of the Bible. Invite your friends to experience these relevant messages.

Thank you Seth Moroch! This is Seth’s last week with us. He has done an unbelievable job keeping our office running efficiently and in good order this summer. Have a great senior year and God bless you in your life’s purists.

The personnel committee (Nancy Freiler, Mike VerHage and Jeff Buckley) are personally interviewing candidates for our open office admin position. Please keep them and this process in prayer as we look for our next staff member.

The Holland Christian Home announces the final night of our annual free concert series, “Summer Nights at the Gazebo.” Join us at 7pm on Tuesday, August 15 for a fun filled evening featuring the “Ridgewood Cavaliers of Harmony” barbershop chorus. Concert is held at the Holland Christian Home Gazebo, 151 Graham Ave., North Haledon. (In case of rain, concert will be moved inside to the Home’s Chapel.) For more information call 973-427-4087.

Sermon Notes

SEn iors Fellowship

Our Seniors Fellowship plans wonderful activities and is open to all! If you are interested in joining, stop by one of the meetings. All meetings begin at 12:30 pm in Memorial Hall unless otherwise listed.

Mark Your Calendar

September 10

Dig In Teacher Meeting

September 17

Dig In Sunday School Kickoff

Renegade Youth

August 16

Mini Golf ($13) at the Willowbrook Golf Center 7:00pm-9:00 pm

August 22

Dorney Park & Wild Water Kingdom ($85) 8:00 am – 10 pm