Dear Parents

Welcome to our October Newsletter. Not long now until the clocks change and the darker mornings/nights draw in. The children and staff are thoroughly enjoying all the seasonal changes with lots of long walks, nature trails, being creative with vegetables and forest school sessions. Here is just a brief snapshot of some of the wonderful activities the children have been enjoying…

Please feel free to share any of your Autumn adventures with us on your child’s tapestry account! We can then encourage your child to share the pictures with their friends and staff during the day.

Upcoming events and dates for your diaries:

New Menus - Following on from an email sent out on the 30th October, please be aware that we are introducing our new Winter menus from week commencing 9th October. A copy of the menus are displayed on the front door (next to the fish tank)

Photographer visit – Please be advised that our fabulous photographer is back in on Thursday 26th October all day. If your child attends a Thursday, please feel free to bring in a change of clothes for them and inform a staff member during the morning handover. If your child does not attend a Thursday, you will need to book a slot with a member of staff in the office. Our photographer Deborah Hurst takes exceptional photos of the children in preparation for Christmas time!

Pudsy is back -

As you know we love to raise lots of money during November towards Children In Need and this year we will be taking part in lots of events leading up to Friday 17th November – including a pyjama day and a yummy cake sale. Please look out for posters across the nursery with more information about dates and how you and your family can take part!

Remembrance Day – You are invited to join us on Friday 10th November at 10.30am to walk up to Verwood Centre in time for 11.00am. We will be observing a minutes silence with the children and taking along our very own wreaths and poppy’s. We would be delighted if you could join us.

Jan’s Music Maker – This term Green Apples have been very lucky to receive a weekly music session from Jan. Jan comes along every Tuesday at 9.00am to complete musical sessions, including singing, instruments, Jan’s ukulele, puppets and props! Jan has over 10 years experience as a music advisor and teacher. She wrote and co-designed a complete Early Years Music resource. We are very lucky to have her and the children are thoroughly enjoying her classes.

Facebook – Please don’t forget that we have our Facebook page! Please feel free to like us, share us and comment!