The IDent-A-Kid Child ID Card program is scheduled for Thursday, April 16th. Order information is being sent home with your child on this Friday. The IDent-A-Kid child ID card provides parents and law enforcement with crucial information should your child become lost or missing. The driver's license-like card contains your child’s photograph, fingerprint and description. Parents keep this card or the eKid card with them at all times, and in an emergency, can immediately provide law enforcement with relevant information. This program is scheduled only once each school year. There is no “make-up” or “re-take” day for this program. Only students who have an order, with payment included, will have their picture taken for this child ID card.
Clothing to Cash Recycling Program - Help support our school and save the environment One Bag At A Time! Our school will be paid for every pound we collect. All materials will be re-worn, repurposed or finally recycled. We want all items in ALL conditions, unwanted outgrown and out of style. New and used clothing. Every items counts. Please bag all of your donations. Clothing should never be considered garbage. This is an easy way for our school to raise money for necessary resources that our students deserve. Look for the large white collection bin in the school parking lot. The goal is to FILL our collection bin WEEKLY with as many PLASTIC BAGS of clothing, shoes and other textiles as possible.
“Living In A Digital World”
Order your copy now!
Sales continue for the 2014-15 Guilford Yearbook, 'Living In A Digital World'.
Cost: $15.00 each
Order Deadline:April 14, 2015
Please Note: All current 5th grade students will receive one free copy of the yearbook compliments
of the Guilford PTA. No order necessary.
You may pay for your yearbook Online at:
To pay by Cash or Check, complete the attached form and return, with payment,
to Mrs. Johnson in the Main Office. If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Johnson at 410-880-5930
The Maryland Summer Centers for Gifted and Talented Students is celebrating its 48th year this summer. Programs are available for Gifted and Talented students/advanced learners currently in grades 3 through 12. Subject areas include Ecosystem Education, Engineering and Robot Design, Fine and Performing Arts, Creative Writing, Physics of Wind and Solar Power, Space Engineering and Robotics, as well as Biotechnology and Forensic Science. Some Centers offer a residential experience and others are held during the day only. ALL Centers offer partial or full financial assistance!
For more information and to begin the NEW ONLINE APPLICATION process, please visit the Center website at : The application deadline for most centers is April 17.
Complete lessons at school and at home on Dreambox and win prizes! Prizes will be awarded to the top class and to the top three individual players in the school. So go to during the month of April and start playing!
Title I News – April is Mathematics Awareness Month. We will be running a Dreambox usage challenge during the month of April. The class with the most lessons completed will earn an extra recess and the top individuals in the school will win prizes. It is for a combination of in school AND at home usage. It runs April 1st-30th and we will be doing weekly updates. Parents please support your child by encouraging them to complete their lessons on Dreambox. Good luck to everyone.
Save the Date!
Family Math and Reading Night
@ Three Brothers Restaurant !
Wednesday, April 22 from 5:00 – 7:30 p.m.
in conjunction with
GES PTA’s Restaurant Night from
4:00 – 8:00 p.m.
You will be provided with a placemat of fun math and reading activities that can be done right in the restaurant!
You won’t want to miss the fun and prizes!
More info to come.
National Take Your Daughters and Sons to Work Day - The fourth Thursday in April of each year has been designated as national Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work® Day. The program was created by the Ms. Foundation for Women as an educational experience for daughters and sons. It provides an opportunity for daughters and sons to become more aware of their parents’ workday, and encourages them to think about their own futures. A student in our school system that is participating in this program will be considered to be on a field trip and will not be marked absent for the day. A parent note to the school is required if your child is participating in this event.
Last Day of School Update - The last day of school was originally scheduled for June 10 on the 2014-2015 school calendar, which reserved five additional days through June 17 for inclement weather makeup. As of today, all five of those makeup days have been used, plus three additional inclement weather days. For the three additional days used, the Board of Education on March 12 voted to apply to the Maryland State Dept. of Education (MSDE) for a waiver for one inclement weather day used, and extend the school year by two more days, making June 19 the last day of school for students. The calendar adjustment will not be final until approved by MSDE. Additional changes may also be needed if more inclement weather closures occur.
April Teacher's of the Month:
Colleen Morris., 2nd grade team leader
Dina Sutton, 4th grade Special Ed Para
Allison Kordonski, 5th grade Special Education Teacher
Damien Hardy, School Custodian
Career Day:
Career Day will take place on Thursday April 30, 2015. This is an exciting time for our students to hear about the training, education, and goal setting that each professional who shares took on their steps to college and beyond. If you are interested in sharing your Career as a presenter for your child's grade level please contact Ms. Dobbs, School Counselor. . Hope to see you there!
Welcome to the TVMS Family! Middle School Parent Orientation
Please join us for our Middle School Parent Orientation. We will provide information on the Middle School Program of Studies and our four Signature Programs. The evening will also cover our Gifted and Talented and Outdoor Education Programs.
Thursday, April 16, 2015 6:30 pm, TVMS Cafeteria 7000 Banbury Drive Hanover, MD 21076 410-313-8711
We look forward to meeting you!
Mrs. John, Principal
Come support the Band!!!
Friday April 17th, 3:00-9:00pm
Mt. Hebron High School
· Elementary band students will have a chance to sit on stage with the Wind Ensemble and play a song sometime between 7-8pm; (6-7pm will be a kids clinic to warm up before taking the stage with the band)
· Bring your instrument and play along with us (adults & students)
· Grab dinner at one of the food trucks –
Madame BBQ (pork BBQ), Upslide Down Dave (sliders) or LaPearl Waffles
· For $5+ donation take the baton and conduct the band or adults take up their instruments and play along
For more info email: Karen Freerksen,
HC DrugFree and Howard County Police are once again holding a Drug Take Back Day to collect over-the-counter and prescription medications. Two-thirds of teens who abuse prescription drugs are getting them from home, friends, or family. Please do not flush meds into the water system! Help us keep our kids safe by removing unwanted or expired medications. Date of collection will be Saturday, April 11, 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. For more information about the nine convenient collection sites around the County, please visit or call HC DrugFree's Executive Director, Joan Webb Scornaienchi, at 443-325-0040. HC DrugFree's office will be the only location accepting needles, syringes and EpiPens on this collection date.
Rising Stars: Early Theatre Exploration Program - This year Slayton House Theatre Camp of the Arts has created a NEW program for rising kindergarteners (ages 4-5). The goal of this program is to introduce young children to the basic concepts of musical theatre through story telling. Children will learn a song, create props, wear costumes, and perform a story by the end of their time with us. Participation is limited to 10 campers, and will require parent participation. This session begins on Tuesday June 23 and ends June 26, 2015. For more information contact Rachael Strube at or call 410/730-3987
Grace Community Church will be holding their Spring community clothing give away on Sat., April 25th at the Howard County North Laurel Community Center (9411 Whiskey Bottom Rd, Laurel).9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. They will have summer/spring clothing including jeans, light jackets and shoes. Plan to go early! Most of the clothes are taken in the first hour.
Lunch and Recess Monitor Needed – Guilford has an open Lunch and Recess Monitor position. Work hours are from 10:25 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Monday – Friday. This is a paid position. If you are interested or know someone who might be, please contact Connie Stahler, Assistant Principal, at 410-880-5930 or email .
14 Report Cards Issued
Chat and Chew with Administration, 6:00 pm
PTA Meeting, 7:00 pm
21 1st Grade Field Trip, Maryland Hall - The Jungle Book
22 Reading and Math Night @ Three Brothers Restaurant, 4:00-8:00 pm
24 Student Spirit Day, Dress Up Day
27 2nd Grade Field Trip, Maryland Hall
29 Student Banking Day, 9:25 am
Art Night, 5:30 – 7:30 pm (Corrected Date)
MSA Science, 5th Grade Only
4/14/15 & 4/15/15
Bridges Session II
1/27/15 – 5/30/15
For a listing of upcoming Community Events access GES Paw Prints online at .
HCPSS Kindergarten Registration – Register Now!—Registration for students entering Kindergarten in Aug. 2015 is ongoing. Parents or guardians are to register students at the school serving the address where the child’s parent or guardian resides. Please visit to see a complete list of documents required for registration.
Pre-K Application & Registration—The Howard County Public School System offers a Pre-K program for income eligible children who will be four years old by Sept. 1, 2015. Applications for the 2015-16 school year will be available beginning Mon., Mar. 2. Please visit for more information.
RECC - RECC Learning Together Peer Program—Regional Early Childhood Center (RECC) preschool programs include children with and without disabilities who will be three or four years old by Sept.1, 2015. Children are selected based upon screening information given on the application form and the “Ages and Stages Questionnaire,” as well as observations of participation in a playgroup. The monthly fee for the preschool program is between $150 and $270 monthly depending on the number of hours of participation in the program. Contact 410-313-7017.
Summer Classes and Camps Program Online - Each summer the HCPSS presents a number of learning experiences and educational opportunities. Some of the offerings include Comprehensive Programs for elementary, middle and high school; the Black Student Achievement Program (BSAP); and G/T Summer Institutes for Talent Development. Detailed course descriptions and registration information may be found online. For general information about HCPSS summer programs, visit:
are due (in writing) in the office to Teresa Johnson every Wednesday by 12:00p.m. Submissions can be emailed to
Community Events
The following events are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Howard County Public School System.
Recreation and Parks
Recreation & Parks has established local baseball teams for several age groups in your community. We are writing to invite you and your neighbors to participate in the Columbia Baseball League (CBL). Come help us bring baseball back to your community. First time and experienced players are welcome. Thanks to support from the Howard County Public School System, permits for your local school fields were issued to Recreation & Parks.We recognize some families could use a little extra assistance with the price of registration. Recreation & Parks has a sliding scale for financial assistance program.Howard County residency is required for financial assistance. To apply for financial assistance, a scholarship application and acceptable proof of income must be submitted. Applications and income verification can be faxed to 410-313-4658, emailed to or mailed/delivered to Howard County Recreation & Parks, 7120 Oakland Mills Road, Columbia, MD 21046. ES, MS, HS
North Laurel Community Center
A new, free walking program for the community beginning Sat., Mar. 28, at the North Laurel Park, at the North Laurel Community Center, 9411 Whisky Bottom Road, Laurel MD.The walking program will be every Sat. from Mar. 28-Oct. 31.New member registration is at 8:45 a.m. program is 9-10 a.m. For more information call 410-740-7601. ES, MS, HS
The First Tee
A unique youth development program that teaches children and youth ages 7-14 core values and healthy habits through the game of golf. Classes begin in Apr. at Fairway Hills Golf Club in Columbia and additional program locations will be offered around the county this summer. Sessions are $60-$150 and scholarships are available. For more information visit email
, call 410-730-1114. ES, MS
CrossLife Community Church
Men’s Ministry "Wild Game Dinner" Sat. Apr. 11, 5- 8 p.m., Grace Episcopal Fellowship Hall, 6725 Montgomery Road; Elkridge, MD, $50.00 due by Mar. 30 (Seating is limited) Dave Maier, call 410-796-0605 or email
Elkridge Youth Organization
The EYO 12U Baseball Teamis hosting a Bingo Night, April 11, 7 p.m., at the OLPH Gym located at 4801 Ilchester Road, Ellicott City. There will be Designer Purses filled with great prizes for each bingo winner and also Special Bingo card rounds. Tickets are $20.00 in advance or $25.00 at the door. Tickets may be bought online at or
Cedar Lane School
Cedar Lanes Annual Walk for Our Stars, Sat. April 18, 10 a.m., Maple Lawn Community Center.
Come join us for this fun, non-competitive walk. All money raised will be used to support our students with significant special needs and our staff. Funds will go towards the purchase of specialized equipment, expand the school's cultural arts program, increase the number of student field trips, and provide staff development opportunities beyond what is provided by the county. Please support The Walk and help those who can't walk, learn to stand on their own and those who can't speak, find their voice. For further information, please contact Cedar Lane School at 410-888-8800 or ES, MS, HS