Upcoming 2nd Grade 30 Day Summer Challenge!


Directions: Complete this challenge sheet if you will be entering 2nd grade in the fall. For each activity listed below, you must have a beginning, middle and an end for your entry. Use as many descriptive words as you can in your writing. You may include pictures that go along with your writing! Include the activity number and date at the top of each journal entry in your notebook.

Activity # / Date / Standard / Task / Parent Initials
ELA CC1W3 / Summertime is great for the outdoors. Go for a walk. Write a story about your walk.
ELA CC1W2 / What is your favorite thing to do when you play outdoors in the summer?
ELA CC1W2 / What is your favorite thing to do when you play inside? Why do you play inside in the summertime?
ELA CC1W2 / If you could go on a summer vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?
ELA CC1W2 / Using a Tree Map, categorize the different things you love about summer and why you love them.
ELA CC1W2 / Tell about an animal you would like to have for a pet.
ELA CC1W2 / What would you do if there was a dragon stuck under your bed?
ELA CC1W3 / What is the funniest thing that you have ever seen?
ELACC1W1 / What is something you would like to learn more about?
ELA CC1W3 / Using a FLOW MAP, tell the story of what happened on one great day this summer.
ELA CC1W3 / What is the best movie you have ever seen?
ELA CC1W2 / Tell about your favorite book.
ELA CC1W2 / Tell about your favorite holiday. Explain why it is your favorite.
ELA CC1W2 / Tell about your favorite restaurant. Why is it your favorite?
ELA CC1W2 / Using a CIRCLE MAP, describe all of the things you like best about summer.
ELA CC1W1 / What is something you love about yourself and why?
ELA CC1W1 / Using old newspapers and magazines create a collage and write about it!
ELA CC1W2 / Make a list of the things you are most thankful for in your life.
ELACC1W1 / Which season do you think is the best? Why?
ELA CC1W2 / Explain why you think summer vacation should last longer.
ELA CC1W2 / You just won $1,000,000. Explain what you would do with all of this money!
ELA CC1W2 / Tell about a time when you were kind to someone.
ELA CC1W2 / Using a BUBBLE MAP, describe the characteristics of your favorite fruit.
ELA CC1W3 / Write a story about the mysterious box that you just found in your bathtub.
ELA CC1W2 / What is something that makes you ANGRY!!!!! why?
ELA CC1W1 / Tell about your favorite sport. Why is it your favorite sport?
ELACC1W2 / Write a letter to your teacher last year. Tell them about your favorite day in their class.
ELACC1W2 / Write a letter to your teacher last year telling him/her what you will remember about them?
ELACC1W2 / You found a magic wand! What would you do with it?
ELACC1W2 / Compare and contrast your Dad's driving verses your Mom's driving? What is the same and what is different about the way they drive?
ELACC1W2 / Use a BRACE MAP to illustrate the parts of your favorite toy.
ELACC1W1 / What is your favorite cereal? Write a letter convincing your mom to buy you your favorite cereal.
ELACC1W3 / Pretend that your backyard has become a mysterious island. Write a story about what happened on your first day on the island?
ELACC1W3 / Pretend that you went into your closet and were suddenly transported to another world! Write about your adventurous day in this other world.
ELACC1W2 / Write a review for your friends of a movie you saw this summer.
ELACC1W2 / Write directions on how to make one of your favorite summer dishes!
ELACC1W2 / Are you going to any camps this summer? Choose a summer camp and write about what you did in the camp.
ELACC1W2 / Use a FLOW MAP to illustrate the events in your favorite story.
ELACC1W2 / Write about your day at the pool!
ELACC1W3 / Are you nervous about the first day of school? Write a letter to your new teacher.


Directions:Listed below are 40 different math challenges that you can choose from. For 30 days throughout the summer, you should choose one challenge a day. To complete each challenge you must do what the challenge states, but also explain your thinking in a math journal. As we return to school, the students that complete the Math 30-Day challenge and the Writing 30-Day challenge will get to attend the first Mt. Carmel Party of the year!

Activity # / Date / Standard / Task / Parent Initials
CCGPS.1.MD.1 / Can you find two objects that are bigger than a chair? Draw a picture of the chair and the other two items in order from biggest to smallest.
CCGPS.1.NBT.1 / Count to 120 to an adult. Can you count higher? What patterns do you notice? Explain.
CCGPS.1.NBT.4 / Create a base ten model to solve this problem:
Kelly has 26 dolls. For her birthday, she got 10 more dolls. How many dolls does Kelly have now?
CCGPS.1.NBT.3 / Create a number sentence using the equal symbol, >.
CCGPS.1.G.3 / Draw a circle and half of it blue and half of it pink. Is there more than one way to do this? Explain.
CCGPS.1.NBT.2 / Draw a picture of 13 flowers. Circle a bundle of ten. How many are left over?
CCGPS.1.G.1 / Draw a picture of something outside that is in the shape of a triangle. How do you know it’s a triangle?
CCGPS.1.G.1 / Draw a shape with 4 angles. Describe your shape by discussing the number of sides and length of sides.
CCGPS.1.OA.7 / Find at least three numbers or number sentences that can go onto the line to make this equation true:
3+5= ______
CCGPS.1.NBT.1 / How long can you stand on one foot? While standing on you right foot, count as high as you can. Then, try it on your left foot. Which foot could you stand on longer?
CCGPS.1.NBT.2 / How many bundles of ten are there in 70? Explain using pictures, numbers and words.
CCGPS.1.NBT.1 / How many dishes does your family use at dinner? Help an adult clean the table after the meal and count how many dishes you use.
CCGPS.1.NBT.1 / Is there anything in your house that there a 100 of? Find something, count to make sure and draw a picture of the item.
CCGPS.1.OA.7 / List all the ways that you can make the number ten. Make sure to include you equal sign.
CCGPS.1.MD.2 / Measure a wall in your house using a stuff animal, how many stuffed animals long is that wall? If you used a larger stuffed animal, would this number go up or down? Create a model and explain.
CCGPS.1.MD.2 / Using your hand to measure, how long in your kitchen table? Find a piece of furniture that is more “hands” long. Create a model of this, label how many “hands” each item is.
CCGPS.1.MD.2 / What could you use to measure the length of your bedroom? (Besides using a ruler or other standard measuring tool) Use this item and measure how long your bedroom is. Create a model of your room and label the length of you room.
CCGPS.1.G.1 / What is the difference in a square and a rectangle? Draw a model and explain.
CCGPS.1.MD.4 / What is your favorite ice cream? Survey at least 10 people and organize your results in a table.
CCGPS.1.MD.3 / What time is it? Draw an analog clock to show the time to the nearest ½ hour.
CCGPS.1.NBT.3 / When comparing two numbers, how do you know which number is bigger? Explain using by filling in the blank with one symbol: <, >, or =. Explain how you know which symbol to use.
48 ___ 52
CCGPS.1.MD.3 / When the hour hand is between two numbers, how do you know what time it is? Explain.
CCGPS.1.NBT.1 / Write all the numbers starting at 108 and go up to 120. How many numbers did you write?
CCGPS.1.NBT.1 / Write all the numbers starting with 97 and going down to 78. How many numbers did you write?
CCGPS.1.G.3 / You and three friends want to split a cake. What would that look like? Draw a picture to illustrate. Describe your piece of the cake.
CCGPS.1.MD.1 / Can you find two objects that are bigger than a dollar bill? Draw a picture of the dollar bill and the other two items in order from biggest to smallest.
CCGPS.1.NBT.6 / Create a base ten model to solve this problem:
There are 80 books in the classroom library. 30 books get checked out to students. How many books are left in the classroom library?
CCGPS.1.G.1 / Draw and label everything you know about a rectangle.
CCGPS.1.OA.7 / Find at least three numbers or number sentences that can go onto the line to make this equation true:
5+6= ______
CCGPS.1.NBT.2 / Draw a picture of 18 cars. Circle a bundle of ten. How many are left over?
CCGPS.1.NBT.3 / Create a number sentence using the greater than symbol, >.
CCGPS.1.NBT.4 / Create a number line to solve this problem:
Luke has 51 pieces of candy in his candy jar. He adds 20 pieces to his candy jar. How many pieces does Luke have now?
CCGPS.1.G.3 / You and a friend want to split a cake. What would that look like? Draw a picture to illustrate. Describe your piece of the cake.
CCGPS.1.MD.2 / How long is your foot? Using pennies, measure your foot. Draw and label a picture of your foot being measured.
CCGPS.1.MD.3 / What time did you go to bed last night? Draw an analog clock to show the time to the nearest ½ hour.
CCGPS.1.MD.2 / How long is your hand? Using dimes measure your hand. Draw and label a picture of your hand being measured.
CCGPS.1.NBT.6 / Create a number line to solve this problem:
Bill has 20 marbles; he gave some away to his brother. He now has 10 marbles. How many marbles did Bill give to his brother?
CCGPS.1.G.3 / Draw a rectangle and color a quarter of it red. Is there more than one way to do this? Explain.
CCGPS.1.G.1 / Draw and label everything you know about a trapezoid.
CCGPS.1.NBT.3 / Create a number sentence using the less than symbol, <.