Unst Community Council

Laurence Robertson / Josie McMillan
Slantigarth / Rockfield
Baltasound / Haroldswick
Unst / Unst
Shetland / Shetland
Tel: 01957 711417 / Tel: / 01957 711554
Fax: / 01957 711211
Email: /

Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 27th February 2008

at 7 pm in the Baltasound School

Present: Laurence Robertson Bill Spence

Cheryl Jamieson Joan Ritch

Alan Clark Anna Niven

Gordon Thomson John Peterson

Apologies: Pat Burns Laura Baisley

Attending: Josie Simpson and Robert Henderson, SIC Councillors for the Isles Ward

Laurence asked everybody to be upstanding whilst he read the following statement:-

“Since our last meeting we have heard with great sadness the confirmation of the death of Sandy Macaulay after his disappearance in October 2006. Sandy was an enthusiastic member of Unst Community Council for a number of years and was Chairman when he resigned to become manager of the Unst Partnership following the initial drawdown of R.A.F. Saxavord. He subsequently reported regularly to us in his new capacity and his office became the hub for all issues involved in any aspect of the regeneration of our island. Those of us who were members here during the ensuing years could only admire the tenacity he displayed in tackling issues such as the Setters Hill houses and the ever more convoluted paths he had to travel to secure funding for the embryo concept of the wind to hydrogen energy project. The existence of the Pure Energy Company today is testimony to his conviction that this was a project ideally suited to his adopted island. Sandy was a very committed worker for any cause he supported and played an important and central part in the life of Unst throughout his time with us and is sadly missed. We extend our sincere sympathy to Jane and his entire family at this sad time.”


The minutes of the meeting held on 21st January 2008 were approved.

Matters Arising from last minutes


Robert had discussed the Banks Road with Ian Halcrow, from the Council Roads Department. Mr Halcrow needed to know when the road was brought up to SIC standards and tarred. After a discussion members thought it was in the late 50s and that the road has only ever been maintained by the Council, first being tarred and then in later years tar sprayed. Robert will take this information back to Ian Halcrow. The process of formally adopting the Heatherbrae Road will now be started by the SIC. Mr Hutcheson of the Roads Department will contact Ninian Johnson regarding the necessary paperwork; when this is complete, a notice of the Council’s intention will be published in the Shetland Times. The cat’s eye’s, which are missing from several stretches of road in Unst, should be replaced in August when the contractor comes to Shetland. Mr Hutcheson also said that the provision of Passing Places on the Hermaness Road should get underway shortly. The Shirva Waiting Area is on the Capital Rolling Programme and should be done in the 2009/2010 financial year. The Bus Shelter at the end of Westing Road will also have to be put on the Capital Rolling Programme if it has to be moved. Mr Hutcheson explained that to create a proper turning place at the Easting, the road will need to be extended, which will eat into the hard standing area, so the Council would need to acquire a bit of land to the south. He asked who owned this land. After a discussion members thought it was Dougal Fraser, or he would know who did. Mr Hutcheson had spoken to the bus operators who use the Westing Road and turning place. He was told that the bigger buses can’t turn and that there was nowhere to stop and park to take in the scenery/attraction. Mr Hutcheson also said that the SIC don’t provide parking for visitor attractions and suggested that the Community Council contact the Amenity Trust about funding for parking at Underhoul in the Westing. Josie Simpson also suggested contacting Vic Hawthorne who is the Service Manager for Development Plans for the SIC Planning Department. The road to the Uyeasound Kirk will be kept up by the Council, but the link road to the Muness road won’t be.

Carpark at the Doctor’s Surgery

Alan Stevenson replied to our letter saying that the Council was responsible for the road and the upper parking place only and would be repairing this within the next week or so. The parking area at the door of the surgery belongs to the house so wasn’t the Council’s responsibility. It was agreed that there isn’t enough parking space in the upper car park and that all the surgery staff have to park at the front of Mrs Karam’s house. Tavish Scott has also been contacted about the condition of the car park. He has written to the Chief Executive of NHS Shetland and will keep the Community Council updated on the Chief Executive’s response.

Black Plastic Bale Wraps

Bill had found addresses for two companies that recycle bale wraps, one in Orkney and one in Solway. Laurence will pass this on to the Amenity Trust.

SIC Ferries Department

As yet we haven’t received the management chart from the Ferries Department.

Dog Fouling – Baltasound, Unst

The Clerk is to contact Jonathan Emptage.

Bluemull Sound Ferry fares

Robert explained that there will be no decision made until the report on this comes to the next Ferry Board meeting. If the fares are reinstated on Bluemull Sound it would mean that there would have to be another crew member on the ferries.

Unst Partnership Update

UP is drawing up a three year leasing agreement with the Pure Energy Company. At the end of this period the Partnership’s debt should be cleared. Gordon said that there is a Director’s meeting tomorrow night. The Partnership’s lease on units 1 & 2 is up for renewal on the 1st April this year. There are several options which have to be explored further; these will be discussed further at the Partnership meeting tomorrow night. Josie has resigned from doing the administration for the Partnership.

Application for Planning

Erect 6kw wind turbine (9.664 metres ground to hub height), Westerpark, Baltasound, Unst by C D Sandison

There were no objections.

To modify an existing salmon farm by amending cages to ten 20m x 20m cages and changing the feed barge, South of Head of Mula, Uyeasound, Unst by Lakeland Unst Ltd

There were no objections.

Discuss application to build house at Mailland, Baltasound by K & C Priest which has been recommended for refusal of planning permission by the SIC

A letter was received from Claire and Kevin Priest to say that their application to build a house at Mailland “could not be recommended for approval by the SIC Planning Department.” Both Josie and Robert said that the Priest’s were to resubmit their plans for this month’s meeting as it had only been recommended for refusal by the Planning Department, mainly because it is in a zone 4 planning area. Members felt that this application was being refused because of a technicality. The zoning line is drawn through the park at Mailland, with one side of the line being a zone 2 (where building is usually permitted) and the other being a zone 4 (building normally only permitted if needed for agricultural purposes). The issue of the access road to the house has been sorted; it will now come from the existing Mailland road and not from the main road. It was decided that the Community Council will write to the Planning Department supporting the Priest’s application. The house site is within easy access of power, water, BT and the public sewer. The land is also owned by their family. Members agreed that they should support anyone who wants to build in Unst, especially young working folk.

Community Council Finances

The Community Council has a total budget left of just over £3000. This will need to be spent by 31st March 2008 or it can be reclaimed by the Council. Community Council budgets are to be cut for 08/09. The SIC has agreed to a reduction in various discretionary grants which was proposed by a Councillor led Finance Review Panel. The review will look in particular at the grants given for peat and unadopted roads. To this end the SIC are withholding 20% of each CC budget until the review is complete. It will depend on the outcome of the review whether or not we receive the 20%. This was discussed and members felt that Community Council’s funds are used in a very cost effective way to support local groups, without folk having to travel from Lerwick to assess each project. The Clerk is to write about this.

Application for Donations

It was agreed to give the following donations :- Unst Youth Centre £1000 towards the costs of buying new equipment; Unst Senior Leisure Club £800 towards the costs of transport and Leisure Centre hire; Unst Heritage Trust £600 towards the cost of display panels; Uyeasound Sheepdog Trials £300 towards staging the annual trials; 1st Unst Brownies £100 towards the costs of flowers, etc for the island at the Hamar bus shelter; Baltasound Mother and Toddler £100 towards the cost of outdoor toys and Uyeasound Under 5s £100 towards the cost of new craft material.

Application for Community Ferry

There has been an application for two community ferries for a wedding in April. It was agreed to approve both these ferries. The Clerk will book these with the Ferries Department.


SIC Ferries

Robert said that it is hoped that something will be done for folk using the ferries every day for commuting, maybe introducing a special discount ticket. There is no signage showing that you only pay on one ferry when travelling to and from the North Isles. Laurence is to discuss with Pat the proposed changes to the ferry timetable. The Hendra is undergoing an extended docking because of a problem with two small areas of steel plating which “has fallen below the minimum thickness threshold for this class and age of vessel.” As a result of this two ferries are out of service at the same time, the Filla and the Hendra. The Geira has been taken off Bluemull Sound and put on the Skerries run; it has been replaced by the Thora. Members decided to write to the Ferries Department and say that we aren’t happy with the Thora being put on Bluemull Sound because it is unable to carry the quantity of vehicles that the Geira or Fivla can.

STAG Appraisal

Josie Simpson explained that this was going through the system. Funding for big transport projects will now come externally so this process has to be gone through. There is a degree of urgency as it has to be complete by the end of the summer.

Before Robert and Josie left the meeting, they were asked for a suitable date for a public meeting, so that members of the community can come along and meet them and put their questions directly to the Councillors. It was agreed to try for a date in early to mid April

Unst Interpretive Panels

These were circulated to all members before the meeting. Everyone agreed that these signs looked really good and hoped that they would be in place for this tourist season. The panels are for Baltasound Herring Station; RAF Skaw; Hagdale Horse Mill; and for the archaeological sites at Belmont, Hamar and Sandwick.

Scottish Government – Fairer Scotland Fund: Improving Lives, Regenerating Communities

Bill took this away to read.

Highland and Islands Fire Board – Integrated Risk Management – Draft Action Plan 2008/2009

This was noted.

SIC – Shetland Marine Spatial Plan

Lorraine Gray, North Atlantic Fisheries College, wants to attend the meeting in April to give a presentation followed by a question and answer session on the above.

Unst Tourism Leaflet 2008 – Membership Fee

It was agreed to pay the annual £10 subscription for the Tourism Leaflet.

ASCC – Update regarding the provision of soft verges on roads

Verges will be cut in August or September, unless there are problem areas, which will have to be notified to the Council for cutting earlier than scheduled.

SIC New Local Development Plan – Briefing Sessions for Community Council Reps

Laurence is going to attend this meeting.

Waterwatch Scotland

This was noted.

Nordalea Care Centre

Members agreed to write again about increasing the number of beds at Nordalea. Nordalea is shown as being the most expensive Care Centre in Shetland because of the small number of beds. If it could accommodate more residents, it wouldn’t necessarily need more staff. With an ageing population in Shetland, especially in Unst, there needs to be extra provision made soon, so that Unst folk in need of residential care can be looked after on their own island.

Dental Services

The Clerk is to write to Lawson Bisset to ask if there has been any progress made in the discussions between Military Asset Management Ltd and NHS Shetland about the old dental suite at Saxa Vord.

The next meeting will be held on Monday 24th March 2008 at 7pm

in the Baltasound School English Room

Chairman: ______Date: ______

Clerk: ______