ABCs of DNA:
Unraveling the Mystery of Genetics Information for Consumers
Information Resources
Resource URL / Resource DescriptionMedlinePlus
/ Includes several health topic pages on genetic related information such as genetic conditions, genetic testing. Also text word search includes a variety of genetic/genomic information.
Genetics Home Reference
/ This is a consumer resource to find information about health conditions with a genetic component as well as learning more about genetics.
National Human Genome Research Institute
/ This is one of the NIH institutes. Lots of information for both professionals and the public including education, ethics, and research.
All of Us Research Program
/ NIH provides information about the All of Us Research Program addressing the goals and the concerns regarding the public’s participation and the role it plays in the Precision Medicine Initiative.
Talking Glossary of Genetic Terms: NHGRI
/ From the National Human Genome Research Institute, this site provides help to those without scientific backgrounds to understand terms and concepts used in genetic research.
GTR: Genetic Testing Registry
/ Tests for clinical use and genetic research. Individual genes and gene panels. Information submitted by test providers.
My Family Health Portrait
/ The family health history tool provided by the Surgeon General.
Does it Run In the Family?
/ A toolkit from the Genetic Alliance to help gather information regarding family health history.
Choosing Wisely / The American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics and Choosing Wisely campaign collaborated to encourage the general public to dialogue with their doctors regarding genetic testing.
GINA Help (privacy)
/ For information about the Genetic Information Non-discrimination Act.
Personal Genetics Education Project
Unlocking Life’s Code
Genetic Literacy Project
Genetic Alliance
Center for Genetics and Society
Council for Responsible Genetics
Genes in Life
/ A sampling of websites to learn more about genetics regarding health, societal issues, research, and ethics.
/ Developed and maintained by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and the National Human Genome Institute (NHGRI), this resource is for students and teachers in grades 9 - 12 to learn genetics.
CDC Public Health Genomics
/ The CDC provides a whole section on genomics for both the public and professionals.
Carolyn Martin, Consumer Health Coordinator,
NN/LM/Pacific Northwest Region-