UNOFFICIAL COPY AS OF 02/09/98 1998 REG. SESS. 98 RS BR 2118

A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor of the Kentucky State Police and declaring February 11, 1998, as State Police Day.

WHEREAS, Governor Earle C. Clements drafted legislation to create a state law enforcement agency that would later be known as the Kentucky State Police; and

WHEREAS, on February 11, 1948, the bill to introduce the Kentucky State Police Act was introduced as House Bill 291 by Representative James P. Hanratty, a Democrat from Hopkinsville, Kentucky, and was given its first reading and later passed by a vote of 72-16; and

WHEREAS, on March 5, 1948, Governor Earle C. Clements signed the State Police Act into law; it became Chapter 80 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes (later revised to Chapter 16); and

WHEREAS, the Kentucky State Police have faithfully served the citizens of this Commonwealth for the past fifty years, fulfilling the original mission of providing quality, unbiased, and professional police service from the urban centers of Louisville and Lexington to the coal fields of Eastern and Western Kentucky; and

WHEREAS, the Kentucky State Police continue to remain true to their charter of promoting traffic safety, investigating crimes, apprehending lawbreakers, and creating a climate of safety for communities throughout the Commonwealth; and

WHEREAS, in recognition of the many dedicated women and men who serve the citizens of this great Commonwealth, the House of Representatives hereby declares February 11, 1998, as State Police Day;


Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

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UNOFFICIAL COPY AS OF 02/09/98 1998 REG. SESS. 98 RS BR 2118

Section 1. This honorable body proudly hails the Kentucky State Police, and in recognition of the many dedicated women and men who serve diligently the citizens of this great Commonwealth, we do hereby declare February 11, 1998, as State Police Day in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Section 2. When the House of Representatives adjourns this day, it does so in honor of the Kentucky State Police.

Section 3. The Clerk of the House of Representatives is hereby directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to the Kentucky State Police, 919 Versailles Road, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601.

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