FUNDING - For Fiscal Year 2015 – 2016,colleges, schools and divisions (CSD) will not receive a campus allocation to cover merit increases. However, CSD will be expected to provide merit increases to faculty and staff to the extent they are able bygenerating funds through new revenues or reallocations within theCSD. The campus will continue to provide funding for ranked faculty promotions and is embarking this year on a multi-year process to improve competitiveness of its pay for promotion. For 2015-16, the campus will provide $3,500 for promotion to Associate Professor and $4,500 for promotion to Full Professor. The flat rate benefits charge for FY16 will remain the same.
FACTORS TO CONSIDER - Priority should be given to increases for benefit eligible employees. Factors that should be considered in the decision making process include:
- Campus and CSD strategic priorities;
- Availability of funds;
- Employee performance;
- Grant and contract regulations, where applicable;
- Internal equity;
- Increases mandated by University policy, such as service/maintenance longevity (step) increases;
- Market data. For tenured and tenure track faculty, peer salary data can be found at
ANNUAL INCREASES - Theeffectivedateforpayandratechangeswillbe August 30, 2015 for biweekly paid employees and September 1, 2015 formonthly paid employees. Annual increases of less than 0.5% are not permitted except as follows:
- Where the annual increase is determined through the annual meet and confer process for service-maintenance titles; or
- Where the annual increase is limited to less than 0.5% by the GGS pay matrix maximum. (An annual increase may not take a staff employee over the range maximum.)
Exceptional Annual Increases – Any proposed annual salary increases for benefit eligible employees that are greater than or equal to 10% must be approved by the Chancellor or the Chancellor’s designee. All exceptional increases should be submitted to the Vice Chancellor for Finance, who will coordinate the review and approval process. Requests should be submitted using the Justification for Increase in Pay form ( Forms are due no later than July 31, 2015.
LUMP SUM AWARDS – A lump sum award is a one-time non-base building payment which (if approved) is provided as part of the employee’s compensation package for the upcoming year. Lump sum awards do not count toward retirement and other benefits where base salary is used to calculate value, and are subject to applicable taxes and withholding. To be eligible, employees must have successfully completed the probationary period (if applicable) and continue to be employed by the awarding department at the time the lump sum award is scheduled to be distributed. Lump sum awards may be provided to benefit eligible employees for exceptional performance or to benefit eligible staff employees with salaries that equal or exceed the GGS range maximum as follows:
For Exceptional Performance - In conjunction with base-building annual increases,departments may provide one-time non-base buildinglump sum awards to benefit eligible faculty and staff to recognize meritorious performance that exceeds expectations. A lump sum award for exceptional performance may be provided only in situations where the employee also receives an annual increase of at least 2%. Lump sum awards for exceptional performance are subject to the following additional terms and conditions:
- The award is contingent upon documented exceptional performance.
- For awards of less than $10,000, the relevant Chancellor’s direct report must approve, then forward to the Vice Chancellor for Finance (CFO) for overall campus approval. For awards of $10,000 or more, in addition to relevant Chancellor’s direct report and CFO approval, the Chancellor must approve. Requests are due no later than July 31, 2015.
- Approved lump sum awards for exceptional performance will be distributed in November 2015.
For staff employees with salaries that equal or exceed the range maximum: Staff with salaries that equal or exceed the GGS range maximum are not eligible for annual, base-building increases. These employees are eligible for a non-base building lump sum award subject to the following additional terms and conditions:
- For awards of less than $10,000, the relevant Chancellor’s direct report must approve, then forward to the Vice Chancellor for Finance (CFO) for overall campus approval. For awards of $10,000 or more, in addition to relevant Chancellor’s direct report and CFO approval, the Chancellor must approve. Requests are due no later than July 31, 2015.
- Approved lump sum awards for staff employees with salaries that equal or exceed the GGS range maximum will be distributed in mid-September.
See MU Processing Instructions for additional instructions regarding how to submit Lump Sum Award requests.
Administrative, Service & Support Staff: Adjustments may be made to the GGS pay matrices based on market. All staff employees must maintain a salary that is no less than the GGS range minimum unless specific authorization has been received from the campus HR Officer.
Service/Maintenance(union-eligible):The service/maintenance pay ranges may be adjusted as determined through the annual meet and confer process. Specificservice/maintenance jobtitlesmaybereassignedtohigherpaygradesrequiring payadjustments. Service/Maintenancelongevity(step)increasesshouldbe processedaccordingtopolicy.
MUGRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIPS-Minimumstipendlevelsfor FY 2015-2016for Doctoral and Masters GraduateAssistantshipsin coveredtitles have increased for this academic year. The minimums listed below for full-time(100%FTE*)9-monthappointments,and full-time(100%FTE*)12-monthappointments are forcalculationpurposesonly. No assistantship should exceed .5 FTE. A listofcoveredtitlesis availableat:
MU Graduate Assistantship: Stipend Levels
Minimum stipend level forAY2015-2016FTE / Duration(months) / Masters / Doctoral
0.25 / 9 / $5,508.00 / $6,058.80
0.25 / 12 / $7,344.00 / $8,078.40
0.50 / 9 / $11,017.08 / $12,118.68
0.50 / 12 / $14,689.08 / $16,157.88
0.25 / summer / $1,836.00 / $2,019.60
0.50 / summer / $3,672.00 / $4,039.20
>=0.25 / hourly / $14.13 / $15.55
0.25 / monthly,9months / $612.36 / $672.84
0.50 / monthly,9months / $1,223.64 / $1,345.68
0.25 / monthly,fallsemester,pd.over4months / $689.04 / $757.08
0.50 / monthly,fallsemester,pd.over4months / $1,377.00 / $1,515.24
0.25 / monthly,springsemester,pd.over5months / $550.80 / $605.88
0.50 / monthly,springsemester,pd.over5months / $1,101.60 / $1,211.76
1.00* / 9 / $5,508.00 / $6,058.80
1.00* / 12 / $7,344.00 / $8,078.40
1.00* / 3 / $11,017.08 / $12,118.68
COMMUNICATING WITH EMPLOYEES - Employees should not be notified about their annual increases or lump sum awards until after the necessary approvals have been obtained.
MID-YEARSALARY ADJUSTMENTS - Mid-yearincreasesforbenefiteligibleemployeesrequiretheapprovaloftherelevantChancellor's directreport. See Justification for Increase in Pay form at