Universityof South Carolina at Columbia
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
CSCE 101-Z01 - Introduction to Computer Concepts
Online Course–Spring 2015
January 12th– March 3rd
Instructor: Orren Mckay
Office: Byrnes Building 607C
Office Hours: Monday 2pm-5pm. Other times by appointment.
Office Phone: callor text 803-450-0022.
Email: (If you email and don’t hear back in 24 hours, please text or call. Sometimes the SPAM filter catches student’s email)
Course website: (Check this site on a weekly basis, in addition to blackboard for class work and information)
Course Description [from Computer Science home page History, application, and social impact of computers; problem-solving, algorithm development, applications software, and programming in a procedural language. Open to all majors. Carolina Core ARP.
Prerequisite - There are no prerequisites. This course is open to all USC students.
Required Textbook: Dale & Lewis, Computer Science Illuminated. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2012. Fifth Edition. ISBN-10: 1449672841. ISBN-13: 978-1449672843.
Required Software: App Inventor (free download), Notepad++, SciTE, or for mac users TextWrangler(all available for free download) and Internet Explorer/Firefox/Chrome.
Useful Additional Materials– USB/flash drive
Learning outcomes – Specific outcomes of instruction are that students will be able to:
- Demonstrate the ability to find a solution and write an algorithm when given an English description of a task to be accomplished (that is, a problem statement)
- Demonstrate the ability write, execute, test, and debug computer programs in a high-level language
- Demonstrate the mastery and use of the concepts and proper terminology related to computer science
Grading: The grade is calculated using the standard curve: A: 90-100, B+: 87-89, B: 80-86, C+: 77-79, C: 70-76, D+: 67-69, D: 60-66, F: <60
Final Grades will be determined as follows:
Test 1 and 2 / 20% eachFinal Exam / 20%
Quizzes/Homework / 10%
Lab Assignments / 30%
*Important Note: You must have a passing grade on both the average for your lab asignementsand thecombined average of Test 1, Test 2 and the Final Exam to pass the class.
Tests/Final: There will be two on-site tests and an on-site final exam during the semester. The dates for these will be posted as soon as a room can be arranged. You must make arrangements to attend these sessions if you are local. If you are not in the Columbia area, please contact me and we can make arrangements for someone near you to proctor the test/final. Although I will help as much as possible, you will be responsible for making arrangements for a proctor if you are out of town.
Late Lab Assignments: Lab Assignments will be due each Sunday night at 11:59pm. This deadline is enforced by blackboard and no late labs will be accepted. If you are sick or have some other extenuating circumstances, please contact your instructor as soon as possible. Something can generally be worked out.
Quizzes/Homework: There will be a weekly quiz which must be taken on blackboard by 11:59pm Sunday night. There will also be some homework throughout the semester and it will be announced on blackboard. One quiz grade will be dropped. This is due to the fact that occasionally people lose connection to the Internet, and you are only allowed one attempt at a quiz, and a failed attempt counts as a zero.
Note: Please do not wait until the last minute to upload to blackboard or take the online quiz. Technical difficulties will not be an acceptable excuse for not completing assignments on time or getting them submitted on time. Also make sure you save backup copies of all your work.
If you have any questions or problems, please feel free to drop by during my office hours, or email. If you can't make it to my office hours, call, text or email and I will be happy to set up a time to meet with you. Also, I tend to be around more than just during my office hours; those are just the times I am definitely around.
If you have any comments or questions about 101 labs or lectures in general, or if it's a matter you don't feel comfortable bringing to me, you may email Catherine Matthews at cmatthew at or call 777-5622 or 777-2427.
You are expected to know and abide by the Rule of AcademicResponsibility found in the Academic Responsibility Honor Code. Students may work together to understand course concepts, but assignments are to be individual work. Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated. Anyone found guilty of cheating will receive a grade of F for the class and will have their case passed on to Office of Academic Integrity.
The University of South Carolina has a strong policy against computer abuse. Students are expected to act responsibly using computers. This includes obeying all applicable laws regarding copyright and harassment. See the Student Guidelines for Responsible Computing at
Blackboard Support: 803-777-1800.
Academic Coaching and Engagement: 803-777-1000.
Student Disability Services: 803-777-6142.
Counseling and Human Development Center: 803-777-3175.
Student Affairs and Academic Support: 803-777-4172.