University Undergraduate Programs Committee (UUPC) Minutes – January 29, 2018
Members present: Bruce Arneklev, CDSI; Mark Harvey, AL; Ethlyn Williams, BA; Angela Rhone, ED; Dan Meeroff, EG; Miguel Ángel Vázquez, HC; Sunghae Ress, Library; Katherine Chadwell, NU; Jerry Haky, SC; Edward Pratt, Undergraduate Studies; Brian Hodge, Maria Jennings and Elissa Rudolph, Registrar’s Office.
Guests: Mary Ann Gosser, University Honors Council.
The meeting was called to order at 10 a.m. by Chair Jerry Haky.
I. Minutes and Announcements/Discussion
The minutes from the December 11, 2017, meeting were discussed, and the UUPC approved the minutes as written.
Chair Jerry Haky mentioned that the UFS would be meeting that afternoon. Because there are UUPC items on the UFS agenda, representatives should appear at the meeting to answer questions, if any.
Chair Haky announced that the meeting’s order of business would follow the posted agenda as there were no guests in attendance to provide background for agenda items.
1. University-Wide
A. Civic Literacy
Dean Edward Pratt shared that the Board of Governors (BOG) just approved the Civic Literacy requirement for all state schools effective fall 2018. Arts and Letters’ proposal to meet the requirement was tabled at the December UUPC meeting awaiting the BOG’s final ruling on the requirement. The BOG revised the original proposal to (a) eliminate the option of developing a new course in addition to the two existing courses to fulfill the Civic Literary requirement; and (b) add a number of ways to satisfy the requirement by utilizing various assessment tools, such as the U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services Naturalization test. Arts and Letters will update the course syllabi for the two courses that will meet this requirement, AMH 2020 and POS 2041. They will be submitted at the next meeting.
The state-mandated Civic Literacy requirement will go forward to the Steering Committee and the University Faculty Senate as an informational item.
New State Requirement / Civic LiteracyB. Request to Change Deadline for Last Day to Withdraw without an F – Tabled once again
This proposal involves moving the deadline for the last day to withdraw without an F to the end of the 10th week of classes, right before registration begins for the next term. This would give advisors a clearer picture when they are advising students for the next term. Right now the deadline falls at the end of the 13th week of classes. Dean Pratt would like the Advisors Council to discuss this proposal before any decision is made. He offered to forward it to them. BA Rep Ethlyn Williams mentioned that her college had a positive view of the proposal. Chair Haky said that his college must weigh in on the proposal. He asked the other representatives to share with their colleges as well and provide feedback at the next meeting. The proposal remains tabled until other entities have had a chance to review it.
1. College of Arts and Letters
AL Rep Mark Harvey said that his college wished to table the new Honors Program in Sociology until the University Honors Council had a chance to review it. Then he went on to present one new course, an elective, and three course changes. Two of the changes are to course titles to bring the courses in line with changing times. The UUPC approved these items.
SYA 4310 FormSyllabus / Sociological Analysis: Qualitative and/or Historical Comparative Methods
(New title: Qualitative Research Methods) / 3 / Change title
SYD 4800
(SYD 3800) Form
Syllabus / Gender and Society / 3 / Change number to 3800
SYO 4370 Form
Syllabus / Men, Women and Work
(New title:Gender and Work) / 3 / Change title
SYP 4112 Form
Syllabus / Microsociology / 3 / New
2. College of Business
BA Rep Williams presented one new course, which will be part of the Hospitality program in her college. The new course will provide more training to students for the growing casino and gaming industry. The UUPC approved the new course.
HFT 3785 FormSyllabus
Explanation / Casinos and the Gaming Industry / 3 / New
3. College of Engineering and Computer Science
EG Rep Dan Meeroff explained that a change in the Bachelor of Science in Geomatics Engineering program and eight course changes should be tabled because the program’s curriculum had not been finalized, and the course changes depend on the program’s acceptance. The program change was initiated to meet the demand for more skilled surveyors in the workplace, he said. The other items of business for the College – three new courses and three course changes – were then considered. After discussion, the UUPC approved the new courses and course changes.
CEG 4124 FormSyllabus / Ground Improvement Design / 3 / New
CES 4711 Form
Syllabus / Prestressed Concrete Design / 3 / New
TTE 4810 Form
Syllabus / Highway Engineering / 3 / New
SUR 2101
(SUR 3103) Form
Syllabus / Fundamentals of Surveying
(New title: Geomatics) / 2 / Change number, title, prereqs., coreqs., desc.
SUR 2101L
(SUR 3103L) Form
Syllabus / Fundamentals of Surveying Lab
(New title: Geomatics Lab) / 1 / Change number, title, prereqs., coreqs., registration control, desc.
TTE 3004CForm
Syllabus / Intro. To Transportation Engineering / 3 / Change prereqs.
4. Honors College
HC Rep Miguel Ángel Vázquez presented three new courses, all of which had been approved by the University Honors Council. The UUPC approved the new courses.
ART 3654C FormSyllabus
UHC approval / Honors Introduction to Programming for Visual Art / 4 / New
ART 4645C Form
UHC approval / Honors Electronics and Electronic Objects for Art / 4 / New
IDS 3187 Form
UHC approval / Honors Law in the Real World / 1 / New
5. Library
Library Rep Sunghae Ress outlined news from her area:
1) The Serenity Room is now open at FAU Library Boca Raton Campus, Room 347
· Serenity room is for stillness and silence, meditation and prayer
· All gender identities always have same access to this room
· The Serenity room is without its own expression of specific religious beliefs, but visitors are welcome to bring what they need for their time spent in the room.
2) Textbook affordability initiative – faculty can help build library reserve collection to reduce cost to students:
In Boca, there is an online form available for books and an online form available for articles, chapters, and lecture notes The forms may also be filled out in paper at the Wimberly Library. Materials should be delivered to the Service Desk in the Wimberly Library with the completed forms.
In Jupiter, please use the online form and bring materials to the Circulation Desk in the MacArthur Library with the completed forms.
6. College of Science
Chair Haky presented a new course from the Department of Mathematics. The UUPC approved the new course.
MAD 2470 FormSyllabus
Support / Introduction to Cryptography
and its Applications / 3 / New
Design and Social Inquiry, Education and Nursing had no reports.
1. UUPC meetings for academic year 2017-2018 will take place on Mondays from 10 am to noon on the following dates as approved by the Committee in the spring:
Dates for AY 17-18 (Mondays): SPRING: Feb. 26, April 2, April 30
2. Program revisions approved at this meeting will be considered by the Steering Committee and the UFS on the dates below. Please have a college representative present at those meetings in case questions arise about the program changes.
Steering: Feb. 15, from 2 to 4 pm in AD 305 UFS: Feb. 26, from 1 to 3 pm in EE 106
3. Chair Haky adjourned the meeting at 11:44 a.m.
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