7th Grade Health Syllabus

Instructor: Ms RendallOffice: Girls’ locker roomPhone: (262) 376-5852

E- mail address:

Instructor Webpage:

Course Description:

This course is designed to promote student learning with regard to health issues that affect their immediate and long-term health. Maintaining a healthy way of living requires a balance of physical, mental, emotional, and social well being. Health education provides students with knowledge and skills necessary to confront health related issues and make a smooth transition from puberty to adolescence.

The curriculum will emphasize development of decision making skills related to the essential areas of self esteem, peer pressure, physical wellness, nutrition, disease prevention, exercise, fitness, human growth and development, stress management, conflict resolution, substance abuse, group membership, goal setting, and mental and emotional wellness.

The 7th grade Health course is a semester class which meets every-other-day opposite of Physical Education. The course will cover the following Health related topics:

  • Wellness (10 days)
  • Physical Health (10 days)
  • Human Growth & Development (12 days)
  • Mental/Emotional Health (6 days)
  • Substance Use/Abuse (7 days)


  1. Tests40%
  2. Quizes25%
  3. Projects20%
  4. Assignments15%

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Small projects will be assigned during some of the units. When they are assigned these projects will have clear expectation and due dates given at the time they are assigned. Some class time may be given to work on selected projects, but likely not enough time to complete them in full so the remaining time must be spent at home or in AA completing them.


Most assignments will be completed in class, but some may require additional time to complete them at home. The assignments are never due until the following day so I encourage students to take their time. Students do not have their own copies of the textbook, but I have PowerPoints posted on my school webpage that contain all of the information required to complete any assignments. These assignments will be very short and conducive to the lesson that was covered that day in class. Homework will be graded on a 0-4 scale.

Late Work

If a student misses a day(s) of class, he/she is required to obtain and complete the work that was assigned for the missed day(s). If a student misses one day, he/she has one day to complete the work, two days missed- -two days to complete the work, and so on…. Failure to comply with this policy will result in complete loss of credit for the missed assignment(s).

Class Rules, Behavior Expectations and Consequences

Students are expected to follow all school policies and classroom procedures:

  1. Raise your hand to speak or be out of your seat.
  2. Come to class prepared – pencil, pen, paper, agenda book
  3. Be respectful of others
  4. Follow all rules in the JLMS Handbook

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Signature Page

  • By signing this syllabus, you are knowledgeable of the requirements outlined in the Health syllabus.
  • ______

Student Name

  • ______

Student Signature

  • ______

Parent/Guardian Signature

  • ______
