Leadership Update
Date: / July2011
This is the latest in a series of regular briefings containing University-wide updates.
Briefing guidance: / This briefing contains a summary of high-level, key messages to support you with your face-to-face communications with your direct reports.
Ideally, it should be communicated face-to-face to your direct reports by the end of the month – not circulated by email - and should provide an opportunity for your colleagues to give you feedback on the content.
It need not be presented verbatim. Please summarise where appropriate and deliver in a way you are most comfortable with to ensure that messages are authentic.
Please add your own content, which is relevant to your support division, college, school, or area of expertise.
The briefing should enable your direct reports to brief their own people on some of the issues facing the University.
Please encourage your direct line reports to add more localised information which should still be delivered face-to-face at each stage of the cascade.
Allow at least an hour for the sharing of information and feedback.
Highlights this month: /
  1. University to become Smoke Less
  2. OFFA approves University’s fees
  3. Work begins on Chapman Building refurbishment
  4. Changes to USS pension scheme to be introduced in October
  5. Construction work entering final stages at MediaCityUK
  6. Our People- Our views: top level survey results presented
  7. New Strategic Plan published
  8. Transformation Programme update
  9. US magazine: July issue due out now



Our mission:
Our vision:
Our values: / Salford is an enterprising University which transforms individuals and communities through excellent teaching, research, innovation and engagement.
The University of Salford will be, by 2017, an outstanding University renowned for the quality of its engagement, humanity, global reach and leadership in research, innovation and education.
We espouse and promote the following values and behaviours:
  • The highest academic, professional and ethical standards
  • Service to our stakeholders, clients and partners and, in particular, putting our students first
  • Supporting our people and recognising and rewarding excellence and leadership
  • Working together for the advancement of the University
  • Innovation, creativity, enterprise, courage
  • Diversity, humanity, fairness and respect
  • Pride in our heritage and the distinctive difference we make to the world
  • Investing passion in all that we do.

Our six goals and owners: /
  • Goal 1 – Transforming learning and teaching: Huw Morris
  • Goal 2 – Transforming research and innovation: Ghassan Aouad
  • Goal 3 – Transforming engagement: Keith Barnes
  • Goal 4 – Our people: Keith Watkinson
  • Goal 5 – Transforming infrastructure and services: Adrian Graves
  • Goal 6 – Internationalising our University: Cynthia Pine

Our four themes and leads: /
  • Built and Human Environment: Mike Kagioglou
  • Energy: Sue Kilcoyne
  • Health and Wellbeing: Eileen Fairhurst
  • Media, Digital Technology and the Creative Economy: Brian Longhurst

Why we need these briefings / The University acknowledges the need to keep its people informed. Employees perform better when they are involved and when they have an open and honest dialogue with their leaders.
Involvement creates good will and employees are prepared to go the “extra mile”. One of the targets for our People Goal 4 is to increase the number of employees engaged to at least 45 per cent by 2012 – placing us in the top quartile of UK organisations.
This briefing will help support you in addressing the issues above and will supplement our USemployee magazine, as well as US Online and the Staff Channel.
Business updates / 1. University to become Smoke Less
For some time now the University has operated a policy where smoking has only been permitted in designated smoking areas but this has not always been observed completely by everyone. In response to a survey undertaken by people in two major locations, from September 2011 the University will become a ‘SMOKE LESS University’ which effectively means that the existing policy of smoking only being allowed in designated areas will be reinforced.
Last November all employees and students on the Frederick Road Campus and at University House, were given the chance to complete a survey on their opinions and attitudes to smoking on Campus. Following the survey, recommendations were made to the Executive for the introduction of a phased approach to the reduction of smoking on campus.
As a result, a new shelter is being built outside the Clifford Whitworth Building to accommodate the changes. It will be the third shelter on campus (there are already two on the Frederick Road Campus). A map of all the designated smoking areas across campus is being produced and people are asked to not smoke anywhere else. A briefing pack is being prepared for managers as well as a map which outlines all the designate smoking areas on campus.
Employees and students will therefore only be allowed to smoke in these designated areas.
2. OFFA approves University’s fees
The Office of Fair Access (OFFA) has approved the University’s plans to charge between £8,000 and £9,000 per year for 2012 fees for UK and EU undergraduates.
With the average fee across all undergraduate course of £8,329 the University’s approved fees package will be boosted by one of the most generous support packages in the sector.
The decision on Salford’s fees was not an easy one and fees have been set at levels that will enable us to secure the future of the University following extensive Government funding cuts, and continue to make significant investment in the quality of the student experience.
Students requiring any further information about the Government’s student finance package for 2012 entry, including costs, repayments and financial support, can be directed to the University’s Money Matters pages at
or the DirectGov website at
3.Work begins on Chapman Building refurbishment
The work to refurbish and extend the Chapman Building begins this summer with Wates Construction being awarded the £4.6 million contract which will bring the 1960s building fully up to date and create more space; enhancing the student experience through a modern, hi-tech learning environment.
Improvements will include additional learning areas on the first floor, a café breakout space on the ground floor and upgrades to the external structure.
The regeneration of the Chapman Building is the first phase of the University’s Campus Plan – an ambitious 20 year vision for our future which aims to revitalise the campus for the benefit of employees, students and the local community.
From the start of the 2012/13 sessions, students and employees from all three colleges will be able to enjoy more comfortable, more versatile and better equipped lecture theatres and learning spaces.
These improvements mean that the five Chapman lecture theatres will be taken out of commission and the lectures that normally take place in these areas will be rescheduled to other locations. In order to provide sufficient lecture space for the 2011/12 session, the University is refitting Peel Hall and Upper Maxwell Hall to accommodate lectures that will need to be delivered to larger groups of students.
This refit involves significantly upgrading the AV resources and temporarily installing suitable seating and desks/writing surfaces. Each space will be returned to its original purpose at the end of Semester 2 in June 2012.
Relocating lectures from Chapman to Peel and Upper Maxwell Hall or other suitable rooms will have an impact on students who may have attended lectures in Chapman last year. The University has informed students of the plans and apologised for the disruption and timetabling will be structured in such a way as to keep to a minimum the distance students will have to travel between lectures.
From this September, students will also be able to make use of newly refurbished space in University House. The International Life Centre, based within Student Life will be available for collaborative study, as a social space and as a centre for enhancing the international experience for students. This space will be of particular value during the Chapman refurbishment period.
4.Changes to USS pension scheme to be introduced in October
Changes to the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) will be introduced on 1 October, 2011, following the statutory consultation period regarding the proposed changes.
The two-month long period of consultation with USS members and those who are eligible to join USS ended in December 2010. Together with recognised employee representatives, the USS Trustee Board considered the responses received and agreed to put forward some suggested modifications to the USS Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) for further consideration.
Changes included the terms under which USS members are eligible to rejoin the final salary section after an interval in employments – this was extended from six to 30 months. In addition, during a two-year transitional period starting on 1 October, 2011, support staff who are promoted into USS eligible roles will now be permitted to join the final salary section of USS. This is subject to their having been a member of a comparable scheme – such as the Local Government Pension Scheme - since before 1 October, 2011.
The Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) agreed the proposed changes, including these suggested modifications and the new scheme will be effective from 1 October, 2011. For more information and links to the 10 June, 2011, USS Trustee Board Statement and a document highlighting the changes please visit:
If you have any queries please contact Rachel Nield at
5. Construction work entering final stages at MediaCityUK
With the official opening of MediaCityUK in the autumn drawing nearer, construction work is entering its final stage. Painting and installation of suspended ceilings had begun on the upper floors and the feature staircase which accesses all floors has been installed. In addition, the fitting out of the specialist technical studio areas is now underway.
Over the past months employees and students have enjoyed weekly tours organised by the MediaCityUK team – taking the opportunity to view the building as it has grown and get a “sneak preview” at the exciting new development.
The construction is going well and will soon reach a crucial stage and the work being carried out becomes more complex and intricate. As a result, the programme of tours that has been on offer over the last few months has been suspended whilst the final phase of building work takes place.
Once work has been finalised the building will be handed over to the University, ready for its opening in autumn.
The MediaCityUK bus service – which employees and students can use free of charge – was launched earlier this month. The number 9 service –also called the “Salford Quayslink” –will connect Salford Crescent rail station and Salford Shopping City with MediaCityUK and The Lowry at Salford Quays.The service is free to employees and students on production of a University ID card and runs approximately every 10 to 15 minutes between 7am and 11pm, Monday to Friday and between 8am and 6pm at the weekend.
Meanwhile, the University has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Entertainment Technology Centre (ETC) at Pittsburgh’s Carnegie Mellon University – which will include student exchanges, course development and the promotion of research collaboration in acoustics, media asset management and “edutainment”.
The University will collaborate with the arts and technology institution on a number of projects designed to share knowledge in digital, media and creative subjects.
And to create further involvement for employees, students and other interested parties, the University’s press office has launched a Facebook page dedicated to all things MediaCityUK.
It provides the opportunity to get involved and discuss the new facility and will feature photos as well as the latest news from MediaCityUK.
6. Our People- Our views: top level survey results presented
Employees had an opportunity to hear firsthand and ask questions about the top level survey results for Our People-Our Views at a series of face to face briefings this month.
Led by VC Martin Hall and DVC Adrian Graves, supported by Keith Watkinson, HR Director and Phil Hopwood, Director of Planning and Performance, employees heard that the results showed overall significant improvements since the last survey in 2008:
  • Overall satisfaction with current job up to 80 percentage points from 73
  • Overall satisfaction with the University as an employer up to 72 percentage points from 61
  • Overall satisfaction with the leadership and direction of the University up to 58 percentage points from 37 and
  • Employee engagement – a very challenging measure – is up to 49 per percentage points from 39 which placesus in the top quartile of UK organisations for engagement.
Areas where more needs to be done were also highlighted. Local survey results from College and Professional Services areas have been presented to the Executive and will soon be distributed to Heads of School and Directors of Professional Services.
A detailed breakdown of local results for each area will be presented in September, following the Executive Group’s two-day strategy conference at the beginning of that month, when the recommendations for priority areas for action will be discussed.
To see the presentation on the results go to:
7. New Strategic Plan published
The University’s new strategic plan has now been published, setting out the direction towards our 50th anniversary as a chartered University. Our six primary goals cover a range of initiatives with transformation at their core: teaching and learning, research and innovation, engagement, people, infrastructure and services and internationalisation.
Despite the challenges of increased international competition, an uncertain global economic environment and radical changes in higher education, the University has an ideal opportunity to reposition Salford competitively. Everyone in the organisation has a part to play in ensuring the University’s success.
You can view the Plan on the Staff Channel at or if you would like a hard copy please contact Amba Khaliq in Communications at
8. Transformation Programme update
Phase 1a of the 90-day Collective Consultation – which opened on 7 April and covers the implementation of the model College structures and associated changes in Finance, ITS and the transition of technical services to MediaCityUK – closed on 13 July and 30 day individual consultation is now taking place.
Phase 1b – which includes, SID, Communications, Research and Innovation, Development and Events directorates and the International Media Centre within MMP – opened on 25 May and the proposed closure date is 22 August.
The go live date for the model Colleges is scheduled for 5 September.
As part of ongoing engagement with employees on the Transformation Programme, Dr Adrian Graves, Deputy Vice-Chancellor will be holding college briefings on the following days for the three colleges:
  • College of Health and Social Care: 9am, 9 August, Allerton Building room A218
  • College of Science and Technology: 4pm, 9 August, Maxwell room 813
  • College of Arts and Social Sciences: 9am, 11 August, Lady Hale Lecture Theatre.
9. US magazine – July issue due out now
The next issue of US magazine is due outat the end of this month and is being delivered to every employee via the internal distribution process used for mail and payslips. This issue includes a raft of news articles and features including an update on MediaCityUK, our Learning and Teaching Strategy and our strategic partnerships as well as articles on our employee support programme, a new carer network and our careers and employability team.



College/Divisional communications
School/ Department/
Section communications / Include any relevant information relating to your College or Professional Services Division.
Include any relevant information relating to your School or Professional Services Unit/Section.
Record of notes and feedback from briefing session: