1.Matter for Consideration

1.1To provide views from a local perspective on the proposed junction improvements at Richmond Road / Bournemouth Road, Station Road / Commercial Road, and Ashley Cross.


2.1It is recommended that the views of this Area Committee be forwarded to the Transportation Advisory Group for their consideration.


3.1The Government has developed and agreed with the Local Government Association four shared priorities for the delivery of transport strategy around which the Local Transport Plan (LTP) was structured. The four shared priorities are Congestion, Accessibility, Road Safety and Air Quality. Government funding is provided over the course of the LTP to implement schemes which deliver these objectives. It is a requirement to demonstrate ongoing progress in these areas if this continued Government funding is to be assured.

3.2The Strategy for delivery under the heading of congestion includes a number of strands, with one of the main features being the improvement of traffic movement along several Prime Transport Corridors (PTCs).

3.3The first of the Prime Transport Corridors to be considered is the main route between Poole and Bournemouth Town Centres. The corridor concept looks at improvements not only on the main A35 but also on the parallel alternative routes of:

  • Ashley Road ( Sea View - Redlands roundabout )
  • Station Road – Penn Hill Avenue – Leicester Road – Lindsay Road

This is on the basis that improvement to parallel routes will enable better traffic flow along the corridor as a whole.

3.4An improvement has already recently been implemented at Lindsay Road and Leicester Road by means of a traffic signal controlled junction, which has resulted in considerably reduced congestion at peak times

3.5Furthermore approval has been given to make improvements at the nearby Penn Hill signal junction, primarily by means of reducing the number of roads leading into the junction. This will result in increased capacity in the main Poole-Bournemouth direction. The works are planned for the early part of 2008.

3.6Proposals have now been drawn up for improvements at the following two junctions on this corridor:

  • Richmond Road / Bournemouth Road
  • Station Road / Commercial Road
  • Ashley Cross

Before being considered formally by the Transportation Advisory Group and Portfolio Holder, local views are being sought through this Area Committee.

3.7Richmond Road / Bournemouth Road – layout shown on Drawing No. JC0611/15 as Appendix A.

The main features of these proposals are:

(a)Creation of central pedestrian refuges on three approaches. This allows pedestrians to cross to the half way point of the road within the normal signal cycle times and hence avoids the current ‘all red’ pedestrian phase which is so inefficient in traffic terms.

(b)In accommodating an island for the Bournemouth Road leg by St Osmond’s Church, it will be necessary to ban the right turn here into Richmond Road. There is insufficient space here both for an approach lane and indeed within the junction itself. The amount of traffic right turning here is not significant – 12 per hour in the morning peak and 46 per hour in the evening peak. It is anticipated that this traffic will find other routes within the local road network.

(c)Controlled pedestrian phases, activated only when a demand is made, will be available on all but the St Osmond’s Road leg.

(d)These proposals will achieve an overall 10 -15% improvement in vehicle capacity through the junction at peak times.

3.8Station Road / Commercial Road - layout shown on Drawing

No. JC0609/22 as Appendix B.

Then main features of these proposals are:

(a)Signal control which will enable the relative traffic flows on the two main roads to be appropriately balanced.

(b)Controlled pedestrian crossing at Station Road.

(c)Operation will be linked to the existing pedestrian crossing further north along Commercial Road.

(d)Improvements in capacity at this junction requires the loss of approximately four existing parking spaces on Station Road. This will be offset where possible by additional approximately three spaces being created in the nearby laybys in Commercial Road and Station Road by Wessex Road.

(e)Creation of cycle link into Wessex Road from Station Road.

3.9Ashley Cross – layout shown on Drawing No. JC0609/22 as Appendix B.

The main features are :

(a)Creation of central pedestrian refuge on Commercial Road (Bournemouth direction) and removal of the existing pedestrian crossing in the Poole direction.

(b)A banned right turn (except for buses) from Commercial Road into Salterns Road.

(c)A banned right turn from Commercial Road into Parr Street.

(d)Two lanes straight through eastbound.

(e)Proposals will achieve an overall 15% improvement in vehicular capacity through the junction at peak times.

3.10By linking the operation of these individual signals between Ashley Cross and Church Road the combined improvements should have a real effect on the reliability of journeys along this stretch of the Commercial Road and Bournemouth Road.

3.11While TAG have ultimate responsibility for approving Strategic schemes within the Council’s Transportation Capital Programme, local views on the detail of these are extremely valuable and Area Committees are ideally positioned to provide this input. Forms will also be available for members of the public to take away from this meeting so they can give their considered view.

Julian McLaughlin

Head of Transportation Services

Appendix A- Drawing No. JC0611/15 - Richmond Road / Bournemouth Road

Appendix B - Drawing No. JC0609/22 - Station Road / Commercial Road

and Ashley Cross

Name and Telephone Number of Officer Contact:

Steve Tite (01202) 262020
