3rd Sem. B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)
Sub Code Subject Name L T P C
ME 2301Mechanics of Solids-I 3 1 0 4
Course Objective
To provide the basic concepts and principles of strength of materials, to give an ability to calculate stresses and deformations of objects under external loadings and to give an ability to apply the knowledge of Strength of Materials on engineering applications and design problems.
Unit I(7 Hours)
Simple stresses & strains : Concept & types of Stresses and strains, Poisson’s ratio, stresses and strain in simple and compound bars under axial loading, stress strain diagrams, Hooks law, elastic constants & their relationships, temperature stress & strain in simple & compound bars under axial loading.
Compound stresses & strains: Concept of surface and volumetric strains, two dimensional stress system, conjugate shear stress at a point on a plane, principle stresses & strains and principal- planes, Mohr’s circle of stresses.
Unit II(7 Hours)
Shear Force (SF)& Bending Moment (BM) Diagrams : Definitions, SF & BM diagrams for cantilevers, simply supported beams with or without over-hang and calculation of maximum BM & SF and the point of contra-flexure under (i) concentrated loads, (ii) uniformly distributed loads over whole span or a part of it, (iii)combination of concentrated loads and uniformly distributed loads, (iv) uniformly varying loads and (v) application of moments, relation between the rate of loading, the shear force and the bending moments, Problems.
Unit III(5 Hours)
Bending Stresses in Beams: Bending stresses in beams with derivation & application to beams of circular, rectangular, I, Tand channel sections, composite beams, combined bending torsion & axial loading of beams.
Unit IV(5 Hours)
Torsion of circular Members: Torsion of thin circular tube, solid and hollow circular shafts, combined bending and torsion, equivalent torque.
Unit V(6 Hours)
Columns & Struts: Column under axial load, concept of instability and buckling, slenderness ratio, derivation of Euler’s formulae for the elastic buckling load, Rankine-Gordon’s formula, Johnson’s empirical formula for axial loading columns and their applications.
Unit VI(4 Hours)
Thin cylinders and spheres: Calculation of Hoop stress, longitudinal stress in a cylinder, effects of joints, change in diameter, length and internal volume. Principal stresses in sphere, change in diameter and internal volume.
Unit VII(8 Hours)
Slope & Deflection : Relationship between bending moment, slope & deflection, Mohr’s theorem, moment area method, method of integration, Macaulay’s method, calculations for slope and deflection of (i) cantilevers and (ii) simply supported beams with or without overhang under concentrated load, Uniformly distributed loads or combination of concentrated and uniformly distributed loads.
Note: To enhance computer programming skills, the students must write the program for any three problems.
Learning Outcomes
Student is expected to analyze different stresses, strains and deflection for designing a simple Mechanical element under various loading conditions.
Text Book
- A Text Book of Strength of Materials by Dr. R.K. Bansal. Laxmi Publications.
Reference Books
- Elements of Strength of Materials by Timoshenko and Young, East West Press.
- Strength of Materials by DS Bedi, Khanna book Publishing Company, New Delhi.
- Strength of Materials by R.S Lehri and A.S. Lehri, S.K Kataria and Sons.
3rd Sem. B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)
Sub Code Subject Name L T P C
ME 2302 Applied Thermodynamics-I 3 1 0 4
Course Objective
To make students understandabout combustion and thermal aspects in internal combustion engines, steam power plants and its allied components. This will also enable the students to understand combustion phenomenon and thermal analysis of steam power plant components
Unit I (5 Hours)
Properties of Steam:Pure substance, Steam and its formation at constant pressure: wet, dry, saturated and super-heated steam, Sensible heat (enthalpy), latent heat and total heat (enthalpy) of steam, dryness fraction, Entropy and internal energy of steam, Use of Steam Tables and Mollier Chart, Basic thermodynamic processes with steam (isochoric,isobaric, isothermal, isentropic and adiabatic process) and their representation on T-S Chart and MollierCharts (h-s diagrams).
Unit II (7 Hours)
Steam Generators:Definition:Classification and Applications of Steam Generators, Working and constructional details of fire-tube and water-tube boilers: (Cochran, Lancashire, Babcock and Wilcox boilers), Merits and demerits of fire-tube and water-tube boilers, Modern high pressure boilers(Benson boiler, La Mont boiler), Description of boiler mountings and accessories, Boiler performance: equivalent evaporation, boiler efficiency, boiler trial and heat balance, Types of draught and Calculation of chimney height.
Unit III(6 Hours)
Vapour Power Cycle:Carnot Cycle and its limitations, Rankine steam power cycle, Ideal and actual, Effect of pressure, temperature and vacuum on Rankine Efficiency, Rankine Cycle Efficiency and methods of improving Rankine efficiency: Reheat cycle, Regenerative Cycle, Combined reheat-regenerative cycle, Binary vapour cycle, Combined power and heating cycles.
Unit IV(6 Hours)
Steam Nozzles: Definition, types and utility of nozzles, Flow of steam through nozzles, Condition for maximum discharge through nozzle, Area of throat and at exitfor maximum discharge, Nozzle efficiency, Convergent and convergent-divergent nozzles, Calculation of Nozzle dimensions (length and diameters of throat and exit), Supersaturated or metastable flow through nozzle.
Unit V (6 Hours)
Simple impulseturbine:Introduction, Classification, pressure and velocity variation, Compounding of impulse turbines: purpose, types and pressure and velocity variation, velocity diagrams/triangles, combined velocity diagram/triangle and calculations for force, axial thrust, work, power, blade efficiency, stage efficiency, overall efficiency and relativeefficiency, effect of blade friction on velocity diagram,effect of speed ratio on blade efficiency, condition for axial discharge.
Unit VI(6 Hours)
Impulse-Reaction Turbine: Pressure and velocity variation, velocity diagrams/triangles, Degreeof reaction, combined velocity diagram/triangle and calculations for force, axial thrust, work, power, blade efficiency, stage efficiency, overall efficiency and relative efficiency, maximum work and maximum efficiency, Calculations of blade height,Multistaging: Overall efficiency and relative efficiency, Reheating, Reheat factor and condition curve, Losses in steam turbines, Governing of steam turbines.
Unit VII(6 Hours)
Steam Condensers Function, Elements of condensing unit, Types of condensers, Dalton’s law of partial pressures applied to the condenser problems, Condenser and vacuum efficiencies, Cooling water calculations, Effect of air leakage, Method to check and prevent air infiltration, Description of air pump and calculation of its capacity,Cooling towers: function, types and their operation.
Note: To enhance computer programming skills, the students must write the program for any three problems.
Learning Outcomes
Thestudents will be able to identify,track and solve various combustion problems and evaluate theoretically the performance of various components involved in steam power plants and internal combustion engines.
Text Book
- Basic and Applied Thermodynamics by P.K. Na,. Tata McGraw Hills.
Reference Books
- Applied Thermodynamics by R. Yadav, Sanjay and Rajay, Central Publishing House.
- Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering by J.S. Rajadurai, New Age International (P) Ltd. Publishers.
- Heat Engineering by D.S. Kumar and V.P. Vasandani, Metropolitan Book Co. Pvt. Ltd.
3rd Sem. B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)
Sub Code Subject Name L T P C
ME 2303Kinematics of Machines 3 1 0 4
Course Objective
To make students understand the basic concepts of machines and able to understand constructional and working features of important machine elements, understand various parts involved in kinematics for different applications.
Unit I(7 Hours)
Basic Concept of Machines: Link, Mechanism, Kinematic Pair and Kinematic Chain, Principles of Inversion, Inversion of a Four Bar Chain, Slider-Crank-Chain and Double Slider-Crank-Chain. Graphical and Analytical methods for finding: Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration of mechanisms (including Corliolis Components).
Unit II (6 Hours)
Lower and higher Pairs: Universal Joint, Calculation of maximum Torque, Steering Mechanisms including Ackerman and Davis approximate steering mechanism, Engine Indicator, Pentograph, Straight Line Mechanisms, Introduction to Higher Pairs With Examples.
Unit III(5 Hours)
Belts, Ropes and Chains: Material & Types of belt, Flat and V-belts, Rope & Chain Drives, IdlePulley, Intermediate or Counter Shaft Pulley, Angle and Right Angle Drive, Quarter Turn Drive, Velocity Ratio, Crowning of Pulley, Loose and fast pulley, stepped or cone pulleys, ratio of tensionon tight and slack side of belts, Length of belt, Power transmitted by belts including considerationof Creep and Slip, Centrifugal Tensions and its effect on power transmission.
Unit IV(6 Hours)
Cams: Types of cams and followers, definitions of terms connected with cams. Displacement, velocity and acceleration diagrams for cam followers. Analytical and Graphical design of camprofiles with various motions (SHM, uniform velocity, uniform acceleration and retardation,cycloidal Motion). Analysis of follower motion for circular, convex and tangent cam profiles.
Unit V (6 Hours)
Friction Devices: Concepts of friction and wear related to bearing and clutches. Types of brakesfunction of brakes. Braking of front and rear tyres of a vehicle. Determination of braking capacity,Types of dynamometers, (absorption, and transmission).
Unit VI(6 Hours)
Flywheels: Turning moment and crank effort diagrams for reciprocating machines, Fluctuations ofspeed, coefficient of fluctuation of speed and energy, Determination of mass and dimensions offlywheel used for engines and punching machines.
Unit VII(6 Hours)
Governors: Function, types and characteristics of Governors. Watt, Porter and Proell Governors.Hartnell and Willson-Hartnell spring loaded Governors. Numerical problems related to thesegovernors. Sensitivity, Stability, isochronisms and hunting of Governors. Governor effort and power, controlling force curve, effect of sleeve friction.
Note: To enhance computer programming skills, the students must write the program for any three problems.
Learning Outcomes
Student should be able to draw inversions and determine velocity and acceleration of different mechanisms, Construct different types of cam profile for a given data, calculate loss of power due to friction in various machine elements and do understand functions and working of flywheel and Governors.
Text Book
1.Theory of Machines by V.P. Singh, DhanpatRai& Co.
Reference Books
1. Theory of Machines by S. S. Rattan, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
2. Theory of Machines by Thomas Beven, Longman’s Green & Co., London
3. Theory of Machines by Shigley, Mcgraw Hill , New York
3rd Sem. B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)
Sub Code Subject Name L T P C
ME 2304Manufacturing Processes 3 0 0 3
Course Objective
To provide students with an overview of a wide variety of Manufacturing Processes for processing of engineering materials. The students will learn principles, operations and capabilities of various metal casting and metal joining processes. They will also learn about the defects, their causes and remedies in these processes.
Unit I(6 Hours)
Introduction: Classification of Manufacturing Processes, Selection Criteria for Manufacturing Processes, General Trends in Manufacturing.
Unit II(6 Hours)
Metal casting processes: Sand Mould, Type of Patterns, Pattern Materials, Pattern Allowances, MouldingSand properties and testing, Cores, types and applications, Moulding Machines, types and applications, Melting Furnaces, Blast and Cupola Furnaces,Principle of Special Casting Processes,Shell, Investment, Ceramic Mould, Pressure Die Casting, Centrifugal Casting, CO2Process and Stir Casting.
Unit III(6 Hours)
Joining processes: Operating Principle, Basic equipment, Merits and applications of Fusion Welding Processes, Gas Welding, Types, Flame Characteristics, Manual Metal Arc Welding, Gas Tungsten Arc Welding, Gas Metal Arc Welding, Submerged Arc Welding, Electro Slag Welding, Operating principle and applications of Resistance Welding, Plasma Arc Welding, Thermit Welding, Electron Beam Welding, Friction Welding and Friction Stir Welding, Brazing and Soldering.
Unit IV (6 Hours)
Inspection and Testing: Casting Defects, their causes and remedies, Welding Defects, their causes and remedies. Destructive and Non Destructive testing: Visual Inspection, X-Ray Radiography, Magnetic Particle Inspection, Dye Penetrate Test, Ultrasonic Inspection, Eddy Current Testing, Hardness Testing, And Micro Hardness Testing.
Unit V(6 Hours)
Metal forming processes: Hot working and cold working of metals, Forging Processes, Open Impression and Closed Die Forging, Forging Operations, Rolling of metals, Types of Rolling, Flat Strip Rolling, Shape Rolling Operations, Defects in Rolled Parts, Principle of Rod And Wire Drawing, Tube Drawing, Principles Of Extrusion, types, Hot and Cold Extrusion.
UnitVI (6 Hours)
Sheet metal processes: Sheet Metal Characteristics, Shearing, Bending And Drawing Operations, Stretch Forming Operations, Formability Of Sheet Metal, Test Methods, Special Forming Processes, Working principle and applications, Hydro Forming, Rubber Pad Forming, Metal Spinning, Introduction of Explosive Forming, Magnetic Pulse Forming, Peen Forming, Super Plastic Forming and Micro Forming
Unit VII(6 Hours)
Manufacture of plastic components: Types and characteristics of Plastics, Mouldingof Thermoplastics, Working principles and typical applications, Injection Moulding, Plunger and Screw Machines, Compression Moulding, TransferMoulding, Typical industrial applications, Introduction to Blow Moulding, Rotational Moulding, Film Blowing, Extrusion, Thermoforming and Bonding Of Thermoplastics.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, the students should have the ability to understand the importance of the manufacturing processes and to select a suitable metal casting and metal joining processes to fabricate an engineering product.
Text Book
- Production Technology by Dr. P.C. Sharma, S. Chand Publications.
Reference Books
1. Elements of Workshop Technology by HajraChouldhary S.K and HajraChoudhury. A K., Volume I and II, Media promoters and Publishers Private Limited, Mumbai.
2. Manufacturing Engineering and Technology by Kalpakjian. S, Pearson Education India Edition.
3. Principles of Metal Casting by R.W Heine, C.R. Loper and P.C. Rosenthal, McGraw Hill New York.
3rd Sem. B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)
Sub Code Subject Name L T P C
ME 2305Machine Drawing 1 0 6 4
Course Objective
To make students understand the principles and requirements of production drawings and learning how to assemble and disassemble important parts used in major Mechanical Engineering application.
Unit I(12 Hours)
Introduction: Sheet sizes, planning of drawings, symbols of standard tolerances, machining symbols, study of drawings with reference to manufacturing processes assembly etc. Surface finish and welding symbols, sectioning representation, types of section planes, dimensioning principals.
Unit II (12 Hours)
Fasteners: Forms of screw threads, conventional representation of single and multiple start threads, left hand and right hand threads, sketching of square and hexagonal nuts, types of nuts, sketching of square headed and hexagonal headed bolts, types of bolts, studs, sets screws, types of locking arrangements, types of foundation bolts.
Rivets and Riveted Joints: Standard rivets and riveted joints, shapes of rivet heads, lap and butt joints, single and multiple riveted joints, straight and zigzag riveting, caulking and fullering, thickness of cover plates.
UnitIII(12 Hours)
Keys, Cotters and Joints: Shafts, splined shafts, keys, keyways, types of keys, light and heavy duty keys, comparison between keys and cotters, cotter joints and knuckle joints.
Unit IV(12 Hours)
Pipe and Pipe Joints: Pipe and pipe fittings, materials and applications, pipe joints, screwed joints, welded connections, cementing, flange joints, spigot-socket & expansion joints.
Unit V(12 Hours)
Shaft Couplings: Couplings, classifications & materials, Rigid flange couplings and muff couplings, flexible pin type coupling, Oldham’s coupling, Universal Coupling.
Unit VI(12 Hours)
Bearings:Swivel bearing, thrust bearing, Plummer block, angular plumber block.
Unit VII(12 Hours)
Miscellaneous Assembly Drawings: Screw Jack, Drill Press Vice, Crane hook, Tool Post, Tail Stock.
Learning Outcomes
The student shall be able to understand the drawings of Mechanical components and their assemblies along with their utility for design of components.
Text Book
- Machine Drawing by PS Gill, BD Kataria and Sons, Ludhiana .
Reference Books
- Machine Drawing by V Lakshmi Narayanan and Mathur.
- Machine Drawing by ND Bhatt, Charotar publications.
- Machine Drawing by N Sidheshwar, Tata McGraw Hills.
3rd Sem. B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)
Sub Code Subject Name L T P C
ME 2306Mechanics of Solids-I Lab. 0 0 2 1
- To perform tensile test in ductile and brittle materials and to draw stress-strain curve and todetermine various Mechanical properties.
- To perform Compression Test on Cast Iron.
- To perform hardness test on metal through Rockwell/ Brinell tester.
- To perform impact test to determine impact strength.
- To perform torsion test and to determine various Mechanical properties.
- To perform Fatigue test on circular test piece.
- To evaluate the stiffness and modulus of rigidity of helical coil spring.
3rd Sem. B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)
Sub Code Subject Name L T P C
ME 2307 Applied Thermodynamics-I Lab. 0 0 2 1
- Study of construction and operation of 2 stroke and 4 stroke Petrol and Diesel engines using actual engines or models.
- To plot actual valve timing diagram of a 4 stroke petrol and diesel engines and study its impact on the performance of engine.
- Study of working, construction, mountings and accessories of various types of boilers.
- Determine the brake power, indicated power, friction power and Mechanical efficiency of a multi cylinder petrol engine running at constant speed (Morse Test).
- Performance testing of a diesel engine from no load to full load (at constant speed) for a single cylinder in terms of brake power indicated power, Mechanical efficiency and specific fuel consumption. Draw/obtain power consumption.
- Performance testing of a petrol engine from no load to full load (at constant speed) for multi-cylinder engine in terms of brake power indicated power, mechanical efficiency and specific fuel consumption.
- Study of construction and operation of various types of steam condensers and cooling towers.
3rd Sem. B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)
Sub Code Subject Name L T P C