University Risk Management and Insurance Association

Annual Business Meeting~ Meeting Minutes

October 13, 2015 MeetingMinneapolis, MN

Attending Officers:

Marje Lemmon, Yale University

Mike Gansor, West Virginia University

Tish Gade-Jones, Nebraska Wesleyan University

Kathy Hargis, Lipscomb University

Anita Ingram, University of Cincinnati

URMIA President Marje Lemmon led the meeting.


  1. Call to order, Board meeting schedule update
  2. 2016 Spring meeting in San Diego on 4/9/16 before RIMS. 2018 Annual Conference will be held in Salt Lake City.
  3. Parliamentarian report
  4. In late October 2014, we successfully made some changes to the bylaws including increasing our number of membership categories to eight. No changes are being voted on this year.
  5. Secretary’s report
  6. 2014 Minutes sent to membership electronically and available online; minutes are accepted
  7. Treasurer’s report
  8. Totalassetsincreased 16%, investments almost doubled from two years ago
  9. Revenue decreased by 8% due to the change in earnings on investments
  10. Total expenses decreased by 12% due to the difference in expenses from Phoenix to Louisville
  11. Overall the financial statement at year end 2014 remain very healthy
  12. President’s report
  13. Annual report on each table, highlights included in state of association on 10/12/16
  14. Scholarship task force report by chair, Joyce Fred
  15. Task force created two years ago and want to give back to community and think of succession planning, we researched best way to accomplish scholarship program
  16. Will award three $2500 educational scholarships in 2015, this will be our soft launch year. More info to come out after the conference.
  17. Government & regulatory affairs committee (Grac) by chair, Sally Alexander
  18. Purpose is to monitor federal legislation to see what is in the pipeline and keep the members informed.
  19. Activities included membership survey, media monitoring service, issued several Grac blasts and articles for Insights and attending RIMS legislative summit.
  20. Upcoming activities include webinars and brief reports. If interested in joining the committee, we are always accepting new members. Thanks to the committee & home office.
  21. Knowledge center topic: Risk inventory & attendee roundtable discussion , Glenn Klinksiek
  22. Glenn is the URMIA Knowledge Center Administrator, please continue to ask questions and send resources to include in our library.
  23. Risk inventory includes 23 groupings of risks, shared today also in library. Asked group to look for gaps and clarity. Send any changes to Glenn.
  24. Annual Conference Committee reports
  25. 2016 San Diego team “Fulfilling our Mission”
  26. 2017 Orlando team introducing
  27. Recognition of outgoing board and chairs
  28. Thanks to Leta Finch and Sam Florio, Kim Miller (re-elected for second term) for their service on the board, thanks as well to all the chairs for their service
  29. Ten year service award to Jenny Whittington
  30. Formal Farewell from President Marje Lemmon
  31. Passing of Gavel from Marje Lemmon to Donna McMahon
  32. Swearing in of new officers and board members
  33. Announcements regarding Annual Conference
  34. Meeting Adjourned

Annual Conference Business Meeting 10/13/2015Page 1of 2