Missing Legislators:

Arizona: Jarrett, Pierce, Norris

Colorado: None

California: Chu, Leja, Romero, Bogh

Florida: Feeney, Evers, Jeff Miller

Illinois: Madigan, Daniels, Colvin, Stroger, Persico, Andrea Moore, Jefferson, Scott, Turner, Wright, Ryder, Watson

Maryland: Kittleman, Gaines, Palumbo, Crouse, Guns, Dewberry, Melissa Kelly, James Kelly, Finifter, Kopp, Barve, Dereck Davis,

Michigan: Palmer, Sanborn, Drolet, Kukuk, Garcia, Hummel, Rick Johnson

South Carolina: none

Texas: Laney



1. Appropriations

2. Commerce & Economic Development

3. Counties and Municipalities

4. Environment

5. Education

6. Energy, Utilities & Technology

7. Financial Institutions and Insurance

8. Health

9. Human Services

10. Judiciary

11. Military, Veteran Affairs, and Aviation

12. Native American Affairs

13. Natural Resources and Agriculture

14. Public Institutions and Rural Affairs

15. Retirement and Government Operations

16. Rules

17. Transportation

18. Ways and Means


1. Aging and Long-Term Care

2. Agriculture

3. Appropriations

4. Banking & Finance

5. Budget

6. Business & Professions

7. Education

8. Elections

9. Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials

10. Governmental Organization

11. Health

12. Higher Education

13. Housing and Community Development

14. Human Services

15. Insurance

16. Jobs, Economic Development, Economy

17. Judiciary

18. Labor & Employment

19. Local Government

20. Natural Resources

21. Public Employees

22. Public Safety

23. Revenue & Taxation

24. Transportation

25. Utilities & Commerce

26. Water, Parks & Wildlife


1. Agriculture

2. Appropriatinos

3. Business

4. Civil Justice

5. Criminal Justice

6. Education

7. Finance

8. Health, Environment, Welfare & Institutions

9. Information & Technology

10. Local Government

11. State

12. Transportation


1. Agriculture

2. Banking

3. Business Regulation

4. Child & Family Security

5. Claims

6. Colleges & Universities

7. Crime Prevention, Corrections, & Safety

8. Criminal Justice Appropriations

9. Economic Development & International Trade

10. Education Appropriations

11. Education Innovation

12. Elder & Long-Term Care

13. Fiscal Policy

14. General Education

15. General Government Appropriations

16. Health & Human Services Appropriations

17. Health Regulation

18. Health Promotions

19. Information Technology

20. Insurance

21. Judicial Oversight

22. Juvenile Justice

23. Local Government & Veterans Affairs

24. Natural Resources

25. Rules, Ethics, & Elections

26. State Administration

27. Tourism

28. Transportation

29. Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations

30. Utilities & Telecommunications

31. Workforce & Technical Skills


1. Aging

2. Agriculture

3. Appropriations (Elementary and Secondary Education)

4. Appropriations (General Services)

5. Appropriations (Higher Education)

6. Appropriations (Human Services)

7. Appropriations (Public Sfaety)

8. Aviation

9. Child Support Enforcement

10. Children and Youth

11. Cities and Villages

12. Commerce and Business Development

13. Computer Technology

14. Constitutional Officers

15. Conservation and Land Use

16. Consumer Protection

17. Counties and Townships

18. Elections and Campaign Reform

19. Elementary and Secondary Education

20. Environment and Energy

21. Executive

22. Financial Institutions

23. Health Care Availability and Access

24. Higher Education

25. Human Services

26. Insurance

7. Judiciary I (Civil)

28. Judiciary II (Criminal)

29. Labor

30. Mental Health and Patient Abuse

31. Personnel and Pensions

32. Property Tax Reform and School Funding

33. Public Utilities

34. Registration and Regulation

35. Revenue

36. State Government Administration

37. Tourism

38. Transportation and Motor Vehicles

39. Urban Revitalization

40. Veterans Affairs

41. The Disabled Community


1. Appropriations

2. Commerce & Government Matters

3. Economic Matters

4. Environmental Matters

5. Judiciary

6. Ways & Means

7. Rules & Executive Nominations


1. Agriculture and Resource Management

2. Appropriations

3. Civil Law and the Judiciary

4. Commerce

5. Conservation and Outdoor Recreation

6. Criminal Justice

7. Education

8. Employment Relations, Training and Safety

9. Energy and Technology

10. Family and Children Services

11. Gaming and Casino Oversight

12. Health Policy

13. House Oversight and Operations

14. House Television and Oversight

15. Insurance and Financial Services

16. Land Use and Environment

17. Local Government and Urban Policy

18. Redistricting and Elections

19. Regulatory Reform

20. Senior Health, Security and Retirement

21. Tax Policy

22. Transportation

23. Veterans Affairs

South Carolina:

1. Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Environmental Affairs

2. Education and Public Works

3. Ethics

4. Interstate Cooperation

5. Invitations and Memorial Resolutions

6. Judiciary

7. Labor, Commerce and Industry

8. Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs

9. Operations and Management

10. Rules

11. Ways and Means


1. Agriculture and Livestock

2. Appropriations

3. Business and Industry

4. Calendars

5. Civil Practices

6. Corrections

7. County Affairs

8. Criminal Jurisprudence

9. Economic Development

10. Elections

11. Energy Resources

12. Environmental Regulation

13. Financial Institutions

14. General Investigating

15. Higher Education

16. House Administration

17. Human Services

18. Insurance

19. Judicial Affairs

20. Juvenile Justice and Family Issues

21. Land and Resource Management

22. Licensing and Administrative Procedures

23. Local and Consent Calendars

24. Natural Resources

25. Pensions and Investments

26. Public Education

27. Public Health

28. Public Safety

29. Redistricting

30. Rules and Resolutions

31. State Affairs

32. State, Federal, and International Relations

33. State Recreational Resources

34. Transportation

35. Urban Affairs

36. Ways and Means

Note: Maryland Chairs were based on the 7 committees, not the subcommittees. Actual committee chairs are: Wood, Rawlings, Busch, Guns, Hurson (Guns chaired Environmental Matters until June 2001, Hurson afterward), Vallario, Hixson, Harrison

Note that in the coding for committee membership for Maryland, however, just the main 7 committees were used.

In Florida, the committees were used, not the councils.

Notes on substance

Note that you can defend cosponsorship as a measure of interests--that is much more specific and self-identified than roll call voting. (And bills passed doesn't work as a measure of roll call voting....)

Also--if you want to figure out whether the committee service variable matters because it's shared service versus shared interests, rank them by how often they met, or by how many bills they considered (i.e., workload) You could also control for how many bills they each introduced that went to a particular committee.

Note that the best feedback from the brownbag came from the question of whether bipartisan behavior invited a primary challenge.

Could also incorporate "emergence theory"

Siena Notes

For directed graphs, need alternative transitive k-triangles and alternating independent 2-paths; density; reciprocity; alternating out k-star, alternating in k-star

Cosponsored, sponsored, number, college, conservativism, commchr, diverse, extremism, income, margin, leader, senior, majparty, democrat, republican

Also totcosp alter, totcount ego, conservative similar, diversity similar, income similar, senior ego, senior similar, bothfemale, bothmale, bothwhite, bothlatino, bothblack, commshr, proximity, commchr ego, leader ego, leader alter

Data check:

Check vote for Gloria Haskins--I think this must be a special election (?)

Check whether Jefferson Miller should be deleted from "legislators" file--he came in late

Check whether Guns should be deleted from the "legislators" file--he left early (June 2001, appointed to Public Service Commission)

Need to figure out which states have resolutions....

These are legislators from California who were primary sponsors of some b ills, all of which had no cosponsors: Lynne Leach (#42), David Kelley (#39), Maldonado (#50), McLeod (#52)-->they did not cosponsor with anyone.

These are legislators who needed to be added to either primary or cosponsorship file, who had entries in one but not in the other--filled in 9999 or 8888 for bill--130008, 130004, 132006, 150022, 150035, 150043, 150046, 150047, 150066, 150068, 150079, 150084, 150087, 150100, 150106, 150115, 150116