Graduate Education and Research
University Programs / Last Updated Aug 7, 2017
President’s Research and Scholarship Fund
Request for Research Travel Support
Instructions and Information:
In 2015, in recognition of the vital role of faculty scholarship, President Michael T. Benson and Board of Regents Chair Craig Turner established the President’s Research and Scholarship Fund, which supports the University Fellows Program and the Travel Grant Program. Travel support is provided to tenure / tenure-track faculty for the purpose of disseminating results of their research and/or creative activities. Faculty may receive support for one-trip during the 2017-2018 fiscal year. Support is only granted for projects that result in the dissemination of research and creative activities or field/archival work Administrative functions at conferences such as panel chairs or respondents will not be supported. Funding for the program is limited so faculty are encouraged to submit requests as early as possible. All requests should include a notification of acceptance from the conference, meeting or exhibit. Because of funding limitations, we are unable to support multiple authors on a single paper/presentation.
Please enter all the appropriate data in the form. Do not enter things like “see attached” or other generic descriptors in the conference or title fields.
For the purpose of record keeping, the fiscal year is identified by the date of your return. As a result, any travel that occurs after July 1, 2017 will be counted in FY 2018, regardless of whether or not the request for funds occurred prior to that date.
PRSF Travel Grants (at least half of funds to be reserved for use in the Spring/Summer terms, total of 59 grants)
$500 travel grants for accepted peer-reviewed, invited, or juried presentations, performances, or exhibits at regional, national, or international conferences, field work, or archival work.
University Fellow awardees are ineligible to apply for PRSF Travel grants during their University Fellow award year
- All tenured or tenure-track faculty members with instructional responsibility are eligible to apply, including department chairs/directors/coordinators
- Library Faculty are eligible to apply
- Deans, Associate Deans and other faculty members in full-time administrative roles are ineligible to apply
- Lecturers, Clinical, and Visiting faculty members are ineligible to apply
- Eligible faculty may receive only one travel grant per academic year
Application Process:
Submit PRSF Travel Application form with documentation of acceptance attached to Jerry Pogatshnik, Dean of the Graduate School and AVP for Research, Whitlock 310. If field work or archival work, please attach a justification for the travel request (no one than one page). Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Per University policy, travel vouchers must be submitted within 60 days of travel and by the deadlines for the relevant fiscal year.
PSRF Travel Application Form
Must be received in the Graduate School at least 1 week prior to date of departure
Name: / EKU Email:Department: / Amount Requested:
Departure Date: / Return Date:
Name of Conference: (Attach brochure or other conference info)
Title of Presentation: (Attach a copy of the notification of acceptance)
Estimated Budget ($500 maximum request)
Transportation / NOTE: Awards will be made and administered according to Graduate School guidelines and applicable University regulations. Research funds are intended to be spent during the 2018 fiscal year. Funds for an award cannot be guaranteed unless they are spent promptly.Lodging
Conference Fees
Other Expenses
Signature: / Date:
Name / EmailDepartment Chair
Administrative Assistant
Approved____ Denied____ (letter attached) Need Additional Info_____
Amount Awarded $______
Graduate Education and ResearchDate
Certified in GE&R and sent to applicant:
Account Name and Number to be charged: PRSF
GE&R Use Only
Reimbursement Request Date: ______Reimbursement Amount: ______
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