University Rank, Salary, Tenure CommissionMeeting Agenda
Date:Monday, May 01, 2017
Time: 4:00 P.M.
Location:Mississippi Room Markee Pioneer Student Center
Officers: Susan Hansen (Convener), Kory Wein (Vice Chair), Beth Frieders (Secretary)
Present: Susan Hansen, Beth Frieders, Jeff Huebschman, Michael Momot, Phil Sealy, Soma Chattopadhyay, Laura Anderson, Joan Riedle, Kory Wein, Lisa Merkes-Kress
Absent: Chanaka Mendis
Guests:Andrew PawlI / Opening of the Meeting
Call the Meeting to Order 4:00 p.m.
It was moved by Huebschman, seconded by Momot, and carried to approve the minutes of Monday, April 03, 2017
II / Reports and Announcements– No announcements or reports
III / Unfinished Business
Post Tenure Reviews:
CSSE: It was moved by Huebschman, seconded by Frieders, and carried to approve CSSE contingent upon changes suggested by URSTPC.
School of Ag: It was moved by Momot, seconded by Chattopadhyay, and carried to approve School of Ag contingent upon changes suggested by URSTPC.
Digitizing the RST process: summer work
Hansen, Frieders, Wein, and Anderson volunteered to create a process for review and to present to Faculty Senate for approval.
IV / New Business:
Concerns about only chair/dean involvement in PTR process: some concerns have been raised about not having DSPC/RTRB/non-chair input in PTR process. While we have asked that departments not include these bodies (and the rationale for this) in the PTR process, at least one individual would like to discuss this with the URSTPC.
Clarification was provided regarding if faculty can be involved in the process. It was expressed that there was no opposition to the departments creating a “PTR” committee it just can not be the DSPC reviewing. There was also some concern with only the dean reviewing the department chair, concerns were that this seems to be taking review of tenured faculty out of the tenured faculty hands.
V / Close Meeting
Next Meeting next year!
The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
Submitted by Lisa Merkes-Kress (Recording Secretary) and Beth Frieders (Secretary)
TheUniversity Rank, Salary, Tenure Commission meets on the first and third Mondayof the month at 4:00 p.m. for location, please see the University Rank, Salary, Tenure Commissionwebsite. The agenda is composed of items from many sources and come from many resources, if you wish to have an item placed on the agenda, please submit it to a Senate officer no later than eight days prior to the Senate meeting. The meetings are open to the public academic staff are invited to attend.