Fall 2016 CSC 557 – Introduction to Database Systems

Instructor: Dee Piziak Email: Phone: 414-581-4402

Course Description

·  This course presents theory, design, and implementation of database management systems. Students will learn what a database is, file organization, indexes, relational algebra theory, data models, conceptual modeling, SQL, and operational issues.

·  Class starts on Wednesday September 7, 2016. The first class will be on site in Lapham Hall 250. From there on out, the class is a combination of onsite and online. The onsite dates are 9/28, 10/19, 11/9, and 12/21. Please bring your laptops to the onsite classes. For the weeks that there is not an onsite class, there will be a chat session from 4:00 - 5:15 pm Central Time to answer questions and cover material.

·  I am available for any assistance you may need either by email () or cell phone (414-581-4402) Monday – Sunday from 9am to 9pm. I typically respond back to students within 24 hours.

·  Please check UWM email frequently while you are in this class. UWM email is how I communicate updates and answers to questions to students and you are responsible for reading all class communication. When you email me, please put “CSC 557 – “ in the Subject line of your email.

Course Objectives

·  The conceptual to physical data modeling process

·  Detailed ERD (entity relationship diagramming) techniques

·  How to document and implement business rules in the data model

·  Advanced Data Definition Language (DDL) and Data Manipulation Language (DML)

·  Database transaction management

·  Big Data Analytics, NoSQL, and Hadoop

Textbook (Required)

·  Database Systems Design, Implementation, & Management. Coronel, Carlos; Morris, Steven. 12th edition ISBN: 9781305627482 You must have the 12th edition. No International editions. This book is available for rent. on and the publisher web site.

Assignments, Submission Instructions, and Final Exam

·  You will be assigned weekly readings and Problems/Exercises to be done individually. Answers should demonstrate a thorough understanding of the topic and will be graded with that objective in mind. Answers to Review Questions should be 4-5 concise sentences. Answers that look like they were thrown together without proper analysis or understanding will receive zero points. Students should pay attention to correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Diagrams can be done in PowerPoint or Visio. Any evidence of copying or slightly modifying answers from another student will result in zero points.

·  Assignments are due in the D2L drop boxes on Tuesdays before 6:00 pm. Note the due dates and times carefully. Only 1 submission is allowed, then the drop box closes. You can submit multiple files in a single submission. Submit to the correct drop box as they are labeled very clearly. An empty drop box, or incorrect submission will automatically result in zero points. No late assignments or assignments submitted by email will be accepted. If you are unsure how to submit to D2L drop boxes, please contact the UWM Help Desk at 414-229-4040.

·  The Midterm and Final Exam will be on-campus. Both tests are multiple choice and not cumulative and closed book. If you have a conflict with the Final Exam date and time, please notify the instructor by email 30 days in advance of the exam date.

Academic Honesty

·  It is expected that the coursework submitted is the actual work of the student whose name appears on the material. Plagiarism and cheating are serious offences and may be punished according to University regulations.

·  Improper help also falls under this category.


Week / Date / Topic(s) / Due at 6:00 pm
1 / Sep 7 / Chapters 1, 2 / Sep 13 / Chapter 1 – Problems 1-5
Chapter 2 - Problems 1-7, 9, 10, 14
2 / Sep 14 / Chapters 3, 4 / Sep 20 / Chapter 3 – Problems 1-6
Chapter 4 - Problems 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9
3 / Sep 21 / Chapters 5, 6 / Sep 27 / Chapter 5 – Problem 4, Case 8
Chapter 6 – Problems 1, 2, 5
4 / Sep 28 / Create databases in Oracle Database
Oracle APEX hands-on SQL querying / None
5 / Oct 5 / Chapter 7 / Oct 11 / Problems to be assigned during Sep 28 class
6 / Oct 12 / Chapters 8, 9 / Oct 18 / Chapter 8 – to be assigned during Sep 28 class
Chapter 9 – 1, 3, 4, 6, 7
7 / Oct 19 / Midterm – in class / None
8 / Oct 26 / Chapters 10, 11 / Nov 1 / Chapter 10 – Problems 1, 6, 8, 9
Chapter 11 – Problems 1, 2, 4-6
9 / Nov 2 / Chapter 12 / Nov 8 / Problems 1-3
10 / Nov 9 / Chapter 13 / Nov 15 / Problems 2, 3a, 3b, 5, 6
11 / Nov 16 / Chapter 14 / Dec 6 / Review Questions 2-6, 9-15
12 / Nov 23 / BREAK
13 / Dec 7 / Chapter 15 / Dec 13 / Review Questions 2-9, 13-16, 19-24
14 / Dec 14 / Chapter 16 / Dec 20 / Review Questions 11-15
15 / Dec 21 / Final Exam


·  Weekly Assignments 11 @ 7 points each 77 points

·  Midterm 15 points

·  Final Exam 8 points

100 points

Grading System

A: 97-100 B-: 81-84

A-: 93-96 C+: 77-80

B+: 89-92 C: 73-76

B: 85-88 C-: 69-72

Academic Misconduct

This course is subject to the University's Academic Misconduct policy, which can be found on the web at . Please read it carefully.

Any evidence of plagiarism on the assignments or cheating on the examinations will be punished with a grade of 'F' for the entire course. This includes handing in work for which you have received credit or will receive credit in another course (even if it is your work), handing in someone else’s work or a portion of their work, copying material from real systems or web pages, or failing to acknowledge (cite) your sources.

Directly quoted material not placed within quotation marks or indented is also plagiarism, even if you do include a citation.

Complaint Procedures

Students may direct complaints to the head of the academic unit or department in which the complaint occurs. If the complaint allegedly violates a specific university policy, it may be directed to the head of the department or academic unit in which the complaint occurred or to the appropriate university office responsible for enforcing the policy.

Grade Appeal Procedures

A student may appeal a grade on the grounds that it is based on a capricious or arbitrary decision of the course instructor. Such an appeal shall follow the established procedures adopted by the department, college, or school in which the course resides. These procedures are available in writing from the respective department chairperson or the Academic Dean of the College/School. A more detailed description of the grade Appeal Policy may be found in UWM Selected Academic and Administrative Policies, Policy #S-28 and UWM Faculty Document #1243.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is reprehensible and will not be tolerated by the University. It subverts the mission of the University and threatens the careers, educational experience, and wellbeing of students, faculty, and staff.

The University will not tolerate behavior between or among members of the University community which creates an unacceptable working environment

Participation by Students with Disabilities

If you need special accommodations in order to meet any of the requirements of this course, please have your advisor contact me as soon as possible.

Financial Obligation

The submission on your registration form and your subsequent assignment to classes obligates you to pay the fee-tuition for those classes or to withdraw your registration in writing no later than the date specified in the schedule of classes. It is important to both you and the University that you make payment on time.

A complete description of UWM fee policies may be found in the Schedule of Classes.

Religious Observances

From time to time, students who are observing religious holidays or other days of special religious significance will find it necessary to be absent on a class day. While it is undoubtedly impossible to avoid the scheduling of tests and other major activities without conflicting with some religious observance, Wisconsin law (Chapter 36.43) and UWM Faculty Policy (Document 1918) require that we provide a reasonable accommodation of a student’s sincerely held religious beliefs with regard to all examinations and other academic requirements.

A copy of the policy is located on the web at .

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