Bangor University

Transfer Abroad Undergraduate Programme

Module Implementation Plan (Draft 3)

MODULE: / HRM-211/212
Management I/ Management II / LECTURER: / Amos
INTAKE: / 2013 / SEMESTER: / 6
ACTIVITY TYPES: / Lectures, Tutorials, Daily News, Assignments & Examination

Start Date: Apr 15, 2013

End Date: May 10, 2013

Year / Semester / Academic weeks / Module Code / Module Name / Credits / Lecture Hrs/ week / Tutorial Hrs/ week / Weeks
III / Spring / Week 8-11
2013/04/15-2013/05/10 / HRM-211 / Management I / 10 / Mon-Thu
0830-1200 / Mon-Thu
Group I: 1430-1530
Group II: 1540-1640 / 4
HRM-212 / Management II / 10

Course Detail:

This module provides a study of general management and covers the major functions and processes. It introduces students to the planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling functions of management.


The aims of this module are to enable the student to:

1. Understand the purpose and ubiquity of management, and the role of management in all types of organizations.

2. Understand the core functional areas of management, including both theories and practical application.

3. Understand the management of change process within organization and the role of leadership.

4. Understand how management can affect organizational efficiency.

5. Apply management knowledge in the development of organizations.

Learning Outcomes:

1)  Knowledge: Understand theories relating to the broad managerial functions of planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling. Aware of competing theories and their strengths and weaknesses.

2)  Research: N.A

3)  Mentation: Can evaluate organizations in terms of core management functions.

4)  Argument: Can propose changes to core management mechanisms to respond to change and to meet corporate objectives.

5)  Communication: Aware of the effects on corporate culture and efficiency arising from different types of communication channels and mechanisms. Able to recognize pros and cons of different communication environments. Able to evaluate individual communications for quality and effectiveness.

6)  Contribution: Actively participates in group-discussions. Able to assume different leadership styles in group-discussions.

7)  Practical: Can make plans simple plans, which reflect objectives and include indications of time, resources, and milestones. Practice in controlling: can create Gantt & PERT charts.

About the Lecturer:

Amos Rao is the Managing Director of FBS International LLP, a cross-cultural immersion business for corporations, schools and individuals. Over the last 13 years, he worked in posturing and operationalizing ideas, where he strategized approaches to secure support for organizations. Amos has 8 years of lecturing experiences across Asia’s higher education institutions, where he had supervised 17 dissertations and adjunct taught 61 modules, including Finance, Marketing and Management modules. He holds an MBA from the University of Western Sydney and also has a BA (Merit) from the National University of Singapore. Amos is a doctoral student in Sustainable Development & Diplomacy at the Pôle Universitaire EUCLIDE.

Method of Assessment

Assessment Types / Date / Value
Individual Assignment / Friday, 26th April 2013: (0900 hours) / 100 %
Final Examination / Thursday, 9th May 2013 / 100 %

Late Submissions Penalties (Individual Assignment):

Ø  > 1 minute: 20% marks deduction

Ø  > 3 hours: 30% marks deduction

Ø  > 1 day: 50% marks deduction

Ø  > 2 days: 100% marks deduction

Week / Activity Type / Scheduled Contact Hours / Activity Details / Core Reading + Additional Reading + Practice Material / Learning Outcomes / Student Preparation for Tutorial
Week 01
Apr 15 / Lecture / 3 hr / Introduction to Module (20 Minutes)
Daily Business News on Management (20 Minutes)
Lecture 1: Foundations of Management & Organization (70 Mins)
Lecture 1a: Management History Module (70 Minutes) / Chapter 1
Chapter 1a / 1, 3, 4 / RQ 1 - 5
RQ 1 - 5
Tutorial / 1 hr
Apr 16 / Lecture / 3 hr / Daily Business News on Management (20 Minutes)
Lecture 2: Constraints & Challenges for the Global Manager (70 Mins)
Lecture 3: Global Management (70 Minutes)
China Perspectives (20 minutes) / Chapter 2
Chapter 3 / 1, 3, 4 / RQ 1 - 5
RQ 1 - 5
Tutorial / 1 hr
Apr 17 / Lecture / 3 hr / Daily Business News on Management (15 Minutes)
Lecture 4: The Diverse Workforce (70 Minutes)
Lecture 5: Social Responsibility & Ethics (70 Minutes)
Assignment Brief: Individual Assignment 1 (10 Minutes)
China Perspectives (15 minutes) / Chapter 4
Chapter 5 / 1, 3, 4
1, 3, 4, 5 / RQ 1 – 5
RQ 1 - 5
Tutorial / 1 hr
Apr 18 / HAUT Sports Day 2013
Apr 19 / HAUT Sports Day 2013
Week 02
Apr 22 / Lecture / 3.5 hr / Daily Business News on Management (20 Minutes)
Lecture 6: Change & Innovation (85 Minutes)
Lecture 7: Decision Making (85 Minutes)
China Perspectives (20 minutes) / Chapter 5
Chapter 7 / 1, 3, 4, 5
1, 3, 4, 5 / RQ 1 - 5
RQ 1 - 5
Tutorial / 1 hr
Apr 23 / Lecture / 3.5 hr / Daily Business News on Management (20 Minutes)
Lecture 8: Foundations of Planning (85 Minutes)
Lecture 9: Strategic Management (85 Minutes)
China Perspectives (20 minutes) / Chapter 8
Chapter 9 / 1, 3, 4, 5
1, 3, 4, 5 / RQ 1 - 5
RQ 1 - 5
Tutorial / 1 hr
Apr 24 / Lecture / 3.5 hr / Daily Business News on Management (20 Minutes)
Lecture 9a: Planning Tools & Techniques (85 Minutes)
Lecture 10: Foundations of Organization Design (85 Minutes)
China Perspectives (20 minutes) / Chapter 9a
Chapter 10 / 1, 3, 4, 5, 6
1, 3, 4, 5, 6 / RQ 1 - 5
RQ 1 - 5
Tutorial / 1 hr
Apr 25 / Lecture / 3.5 hr / Daily Business News on Management (20 Minutes)
Lecture 11: Contemporary Organization Design (85 Minutes)
Lecture 12: Human Resource Management (85 Minutes)
China Perspectives (20 minutes) / Chapter 11
Chapter 12 / 1, 3, 4, 5, 6
1, 3, 4, 5, 6 / RQ 1 - 5
RQ 1 - 5
Tutorial / 1 hr
Apr 26 / Weekly Lecture
Review / 1 hr / Week 1 Summary (15 Minutes)
Examination Brief 1: (30 Minutes)
Q & A (15 Minutes)
Paper Assignment Hand In Deadline
Week 03
Apr 29 / May Day Holidays 2013
Apr 30 / May Day Holidays 2013
May 01 / May Day Holidays 2013
May 02 / Lecture / 3.5 hr / Daily News on Management (15 Minutes)
Lecture 12c: Managing Your Career (85 Minutes)
Lecture 13: Groups & Teams (85 Minutes)
China Perspectives (15 minutes) / Chapter 12a
Chapter 13 / 1, 3, 4, 5, 6
1, 3, 4, 5, 6 / RQ 1 - 5
RQ 1 - 5
Tutorial / 1 hr
May 03 / Lecture / 1 hr / Daily News on Management (20 Minutes)
China Perspectives (20 Minutes)
Examination Brief II: (20 Minutes)
Tutorial / 1 hr
May 04 / Lecture / 2.5 hr / Daily News on Management (20 Minutes)
Lecture 14: Foundations of Individual Behavior (85 Mins)
China Perspectives (20 Minutes) / Chapter 14
Chapter 14a / 1, 3, 4, 5, 6
1, 3, 4, 5, 6 / RQ 1 - 5
RQ 1 - 5
Tutorial / 1 hr
Week 04
May 06 / Lecture / 3.5 hr / Daily News on Management (20 Minutes)
Lecture 15: Communication (85 Mins)
Lecture 16: Motivation (85 Mins)
China Perspectives (20 Minutes) / Chapter 15
Chapter 16 / 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 / RQ 1 - 5
RQ 1 - 5
Tutorial / 1 hr
May 07 / Lecture / 3.5 hr / Daily News on Management (15 Minutes)
Lecture 17: Leadership (85 Minutes)
Lecture 18: Foundations of Control (85 Minutes)
China Perspectives (20 Minutes) / Chapter 17
Chapter 18 / 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 / RQ 1 - 5
RQ 1 - 5
Tutorial / 1 hr
May 08 / Lecture / 3.5 hr / Daily News on Management (15 Minutes)
Lecture 19: Operations Management (85 Minutes)
Lecture 19a: Managing Entrepreneurship Ventures (85 Minutes)
Examination Brief 3 (15 Minutes) / Chapter 19
Chapter 19a / 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 / RQ 1 - 5
RQ 1 - 5
Tutorial / 1 hr
May 09 / Final Exam
May 10 / No Lesson: Sub-Examination Board for Lecturer & Tutors