University of Strathclyde, Estates Management


ID: ADM026

Procedure: Issue of Mobile Phones


Author: AMO

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones will only be issued to new or existing members of staff with the approval of the Line Manager concerned. The Assistant Director, Procurement and Commercial Services, as the budget holder for the telephones budget which will bear the cost, should also be notified before any new phones are issued to staff.

Phones will be issued to staff that fall into at least one of the following categories:

  • Staff who spend a significant percentage of their working day away from their main office base, e.g. outwith the building in which they are primarily based
  • Staff members who need to be contacted at short notice in emergency situations, such as Trade Supervisors and Chargehands, and who do not have any other means of being contacted while away from their base, e.g. they are not contactable via radio/pager etc.
  • Staff who are on call/on standby

Where a member of staff wishes to apply for a mobile phone, or an upgrade to a mobile phone, the attached Approval of Mobile Phone Request form should be completed and authorised by the Line Manager and by the Assistant Director. It will be at the discretion of the Line Manager as to whether or not the employee concerned meets the criteria set.

Mobile phones may be used for personal calls. At the end of each month bills will be sent to all those with mobile phones and all personal calls should be marked up on these. The sum owed should then be submitted to the Switchboard section within a week of receipt of the bill for onward transmission to the Cash section. Any new member of staff who has a mobile phone approved will need to complete the attached Personal Calls Declaration form prior to them being given the handset.

Approval of Mobile Phone Request

Employee Name: …………………………………………………………………………………..


Reason (s) for requesting a mobile phone






Handset Selection…………………………………………..Handset Cost……………………………

Line Manager Authorisation………………………………..Date …………………………..

Assistant Director (P&CS) Authorisation……………………………Date ……………………………

Personal Calls Declaration

Employee Name: …………………………………………………………………………………..


Estates Services staff will be permitted to use their phones for the purpase of making personal calls. However it is a condition of being granted a mobile phone that the holder of the phone agrees to reimburse on a monthly basis the cost of all such calls, including the cost of VAT. All staff will be issued with a monthly phone bill on which they must indicate any personal calls. The cost of these calls must then be reimbursed within the 4 week period following the issue of the bill.

Please indicateyour acceptance of these conditions by signing below:

Signature……………………………………………..Date ……………………………

Date: DD/MM/YYPage 1 of 3

Issue: A