Call for Proposals for Children’s Literature Festival 2018
We invite you to submit a proposal to present at the 22ndannual Charlotte S. Huck Children’s Literature Festival on
March 2 & 3,2018.The mission of the festival is to carry on Charlotte Huck’s life work of getting good materials into the hands of teachers and students—bringing children and books together in order to developreaders who will find a lifetime of pleasure in reading good books. We are looking for descriptions of classroom activities such asan author, illustrator or genre studies, children writing and creating their own books, using literature in this time of test driven education; family literacy programs; multicultural literature; library programs for babies through middle school, historical perspectives, current trends and writing for children. You may also apply to bring a class of students to meet one of the festival authors.The festival focuses on children’s literature grades K-8.
Please submit your proposal by October 5, 2017.You will be notified by November 17, 2017 if we are able to schedule your session.Decisions will be made based on creating a balanced and diverse program for the festival.As a presenter, your conference fees will be reduced to $75. If there is more than one presenter, only one is eligible for reduced fees.You will receive a confirmation when we receive your proposal.
Please print or type
Phone: Email:
Biography indicating your expertise in your presentation topic, your employer, your current work title, and your professional background and experiences. (25 words or less)
Title and description of presentation as you wish it to appear in the program.
Intended Audience: (all that are appropriate – for example, teachers K-2 and librarians). ______
Audio visual equipment needs: This request MUST be included in your proposal
____VCR ___LCD projector ___Other (be specific) ______
Other needs such as additional tables or room set-up requirements: ______
Book titles and authors for the Book Market (not more than 5): These are books you will include in your presentation and wish to give attendees the opportunity to purchase. These must be in print and recently published.
All sessions are based on Children’s Literature, but if yours has an emphasis, please indicate:
Please e-mail to
attention Marjorie Arnett
Call for Proposals for Children’s Literature Festival 2018
___ The Art of Children’s Books
___ Author or Illustrator Study
___ Current Trends
___ Drama
___ Family Literacy
___ Folklore
___ Genre Study
___ Historical Perspectives
___ Library Programs
___ Multicultural
___ Nonfiction Books
___ Picture Books
___ Poetry
___ Storytelling
___ Writing for Children
___ Writing with Children
___Bringing children to meet an author
___ Other ______(be specific)
Please e-mail to
attention Marjorie Arnett