University of Notre Dame Music Department
2016-17 Concerto Competition
Guidelines1. Eligibility- Participants must be currently registered as a full-time student at the University of Notre Dame in one of the following categories: 1) Undergraduate Music Major, or2) member of the Symphony Orchestra.Full-time students at St. Mary's College who are current members of the symphony are eligible. Freshmen, non-ND/SMC student symphony members, or previouswinners are not eligible.Participants will be accepted from any of the following disciplines: Strings, Woodwinds, Brass, Percussion, Piano, Harpsichord, and Voice. Each participant in the String, Woodwind, Brass and Percussion areas must be a current member of the Symphony.
2. Repertoire- Repertoire chosen must be suitable for performance with the University Orchestra in terms of both instrumental requirements and the difficulty of the orchestral accompaniment. All repertoire selections are subject to the approval of the student's applied performance instructor and orchestra conductor Dan Stowe, (1-9457/). Customarily contestants present a single concerto movement if the concerto is a multi-movement work; winning multi-movement entries have been rare. For the winners, only the material performed in the competition itself will be performed with the orchestra.
3. Application-A Concerto Competition Application Form, available at the Music Department office and at must be submitted to the Music Department Office or (the preferred option) e-mailed to Dan Stowe () by 5:00 PM Wednesday, October 26, 2016in order to be eligible to compete.Each contestant will be required to receive their studio teacher’s permission to participateif that teacher is a Notre Dame regular or adjunct faculty member.
A copy of the solo/accompaniment partmustalso be submitted to our accompanist Paivi Ekroth (see below) byFriday, October 14, and to the orchestra director by Friday, October 28.
4. Audition- Concerto Competition Auditions will be held on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER4, 2016,at Leighton Concert Hall, DeBartolo PAC starting at 9:00 AM. Audition times and places will be distributed by November 2. Memorization is not required.
5. Accompaniment- Accompaniment is required. An accompanist will be provided.
A copy of the solo/accompaniment partMUST be submitted to accompanist Paivi Ekroth by 5:00 PM FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2016 to ensure that Ms. Ekroth will be available to accompany you; otherwise, you will be required to provide your own accompanist.
You are responsible for making your own rehearsal arrangements with Ms. Ekroth. Please contact her directly--272-2682/. (There will be an alternate accompanist as well if the number of entries require it.) There will be scheduled rehearsal time for all contestants with their assigned accompanistsin the Leighton Concert Hall.
Contestants may also arrange for their own accompanist if desired.
6. Judges-Nicolas Orbovich (principal second violin, South Bend Symphony); Jennet Ingle (principal oboe, South Bend Symphony); Ketevan Badridze (Lecturer in Piano, IU South Bend).
7. Selection- The judges reserve the right not to select a Concerto Competition winner, or to select more than one winner. The winner(s) will perform with the orchestra on one of their concerts in the Spring 2017 term.
For more information please contact Dan Stowe at 631-9457 or .