Division of Human Resources
Professional services (non-teaching/non-research) staff: Grades 1-9
Name: / Employee Number:Job Title: / Department:
Is the post externally funded?
(Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/No
If the post is externally funded, has the funding body agreed to finance the award if it is approved? (Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/No
- If the funding body have agreed to finance the merit award, please attach the letter/statement of support.
- If the funding body have not agreed to finance the award, please contact them as soon as possible to clarify whether they would be willing to cover this cost.
Date of appointment: / Date appointed to current post:
Current grade and spine point: / Current salary:
FTE: / Date employee reached top of grade (if relevant):
Has the employee received a merit award in the last 3 years? (List dates if relevant): / Date of last Performance Development Discussion:
Please delete as appropriate:
- This is a departmental submission
- This submission is for the award of:
- Names of senior staff consulted in connection with this submission:
This section should be completed by:
- The Head of Division or nominee for professional services staff in Corporate Services divisions
- The Director of Operations or nominee for professional services staff in colleges
- The Head of Department or nominee for staff based in academic departments and not reporting to the Director of Operations
For self-initiated cases, the Director of Operations/Head of Division/Department (or nominee) must add a statement at the end of the candidate’s assessment, indicating whether or not they are supportive of the case.
- Brief summary of employee’s key responsibilities:
- Additional hours and acting up payment:
(a)If the submission refers to additional hours worked, how was this work rewarded at the time?
Time off in lieu/overtime payment/unpaid (please delete as appropriate)
(b)Has the employee received any acting up payment(s) in the relevant period? Yes/No
Please give details of any additional payments made to the employee.- Please give details of the employee’s achievements and how they match the criteria for an award in no more than 350 words.
- For self-initiated submissions: statement from Director of Operations/Head of Division/Department (or nominee), indicating whether they support the case:
- SIGNATURES (electronic/typed signatures are acceptable for electronic submissions)
Employee’s signature: / Date:
Director of Operations/Head of Department/Division’s signature: / Date:
Print name:
Self-initiated submissions:
Please note that there is no separate deadline for self-initiated submissions. If you are nominating yourself for a merit award, you must submit your application to the Director of Operations/Head of Department/Division at least two weeks prior to the submission deadline. You are advised to discuss this with your Director of Operations/Head of Department/Division in advance.
Please return this form electronically to by 5.00 pm on the deadline date indicated below:
Grades 1-5 / 19 January 2018
Late submissions, and submissions without appropriate signatures, will not be accepted.
Version Number: 002Page 1 of 3Date of Issue: 20/11/2017