Nandakumar Narayanan,MD PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Neurology
University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine
- List of institutions attended:
Stanford University9/96-8/00Human Biology BA 6/14/00
Yale University8/01-5/08MD 5/31/08
Yale University8/01-5/08NeurosciencePhD 5/31/08
Hospital of St. Raphael 7/08-6/09Internship, Medicine6/30/08
Yale Medical School7/09-6/12Residency, Neurology6/30/12
Licensure: Iowa Board of MedicineCertification: Neurology
- Professional and academic positions held:
Postdoctoral Fellow7/08-8/12DiLeone Lab, Yale Medical School
Chief Resident7/11-6/12Neurology, Yale Medical School
Instructor6/12-8/12Neurology, Yale Medical School
Assistant Professor8/12-Neurology, U Iowa Carver College of Medicine
- Honors, Awards, Recognitions, Outstanding Achievements:
2000Ruth Headley Award for achievement in the humanities, Stanford University
2000Shuer Award for excellence in undergrad neuroscience, Stanford University
2005American Society for Engineering Education Graduate Fellowship
2005Honorable mention, DOE High Performance computing fellowship
2008Farr Scholar for superior performance in medical school, Yale Medical School
2009Donald B. Lindsley Prize, Society for Neuroscience
Awarded for outstanding doctoral thesis in behavioral neuroscience
2008MD/PhD Award for best doctoral thesis, Yale Medical School
2010Bannister Award for fastest delivery of tPA, Yale-New Haven Hospital
2011Bannister Award for fastest delivery of tPA, Yale-New Haven Hospital
2012S. Weir Mitchell Award, American Academy of Neurology
Awarded for outstanding basic science research during residency
2012Resident of the Year, Department of Neurology, Yale Medical School
2015Daniel X. Freedman Award, Brain and Behavior Foundation (Hon. Mention)
2015 Corridor Business Journal 40 under 40
- Major teaching assignments:
1999-2000 Teaching Assistant, “Bioethics”, Stanford 2 hrs / wk
2000 Teaching Assistant, “Human Behavioral Biology” Stanford 10 hrs / wk
2005,2008 Instructor, “The human nervous system”, Yale Medical School 8 hrs / wk
2008-2011 Instructor, “Neurology Case Conferences” Yale Medical School, 4 hrs / wk
2013-Lectures in Neurobiology of disease, Neurochemistry, Fundamentals of
2013-Movement disorders seminar series
2015- Patient-based clinical reasoning, 28 hours / semester
2016- Responsible Conduct in Research, 4 hours / semester
Mentee / Role in lab / Years / Current Position / AwardsKrystal Parker / Postdoctoral fellow / 2013-2016 / Assistant Professor, University of Iowa
NARSAD award
Nellie Ball Award
NIMH K award
Dron Lamichhane, MBBS / Residency research / 2012-2014 / Neurologist, OSF St. Francis, Peoria, IL
Veronica Cerpa / Postdoctoral
fellow (with Dr. Richerson) / 2012-2013 / Faculty of Medicine
Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile
Youngcho Kim / Postdoctoral
Fellow / 2013- / NARSAD award
Nellie Ball award
Stephanie Alberico / PhD Advisor / 2012- / T32 trainee
Eric Emmons, NA / PhD Advisor / 2014- / Presidential Scholar
Ryan Kelley / PhD Advisor
MD-PhD Student / 2015- / MSTP Student
Ben Decorte / PhD Advisor / 2016- / Sloan scholar
NIH RO1 Supplement
Johnathan Kingyon / Undergrad research advisor / 2012- / Medical School – Iowa
SUMR Award
Honors Research
Sangwoo Han / Undergrad research advisor / 2013- / ICRU Award
Honors Research
Adam Miller, BSc / Supervisor – Post-grad research / 2012-2014 / Medical School - Iowa
Karun Kiani / Undergrad research advisor / 2013- / University of Pennsylvania MSTP
John Solder / High school Research / 2011-2012 / Seimens Finalist, Yale Undergraduate
Faheem Sheriff, MBBS / Post-doctoral research / 2011-2012 / OHSU Neurology Resident
Frank Jareczek / Thesis Committee / 2013- / Hammond lab, UIowa
Jessica Lee / Thesis Committee / 2012- / Nopolous Lab, UIowa
Kuan-Hua Chen / Thesis Committee / 2013-2016 / Anderson lab, UIowa
Postdoc: Barry Levinson
Bianca Mason / Thesis Committee / 2013- / Russo lab, UIowa
Tomas Lence / Undergrad research advisor / 2015- / ICRU Award
Honors Research
Atulya Iyengar / Thesis Committee / 2013-2016 / Fan Lab, UIowa
- Other contributions to institutional programs
Journal Service:
2008-Reviewer for Neuron, Journal of Neuroscience, Frontiers in Neuroscience, Neuropsychology, Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, Neuropsychology, Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, Molecular Therapy, Current Biology
2010-Review Editor, Frontiers in Neuroscience
University Committees:
2004-2005Coordinator, Student research talks, Neuroscience Program, Yale
2004-2007Founder and Coordinator, “Spikeclub” journal club, Yale
2012-Clinical Neuroscientist Training Program, Assistant Director
2013- Aging Mind and Brain Faculty Search
2013-Aging Mind and Brain Executive Committee
2013-Aging Mind and Brain Search Committee
2014-Associate Director, Neurology Residency
Medical School Committees:
2001-2002Editor, Medical student neuroscience curriculum.
2003-2005Student representative, Educational policy and curriculum committee.
2012-Neurology residency admissions committee, University of Iowa
Hospital Boards & Committees:
2009-2012, Neuroscience Operations Committee, Yale-New Haven Hospital
2009-2012, Founding Member, Clinical Neuroscientist Training Program, Department of Neurology at Yale Medical School
2010-2012, Graduate Medical Committee, Yale-New Haven Hospital
Other Affiliations:
2012-Gene Therapy Center at the University of Iowa: Affiliate
2012-Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program, University of Iowa
2012-Physiology, Secondary Appointment
- Publications or creative works:
Peer reviewed (~1900 citations; h-index 18; i-index 23)
- Prabhakaran V, Narayanan K, Zhao Z, Gabrieli JD. "Integration of diverse information in working memory within the frontal lobe." Nat Neurosci. 2000 Jan;3(1):85-90. (500+ citations)100% of the work was done at Stanford. I helped collect and analyze data and write the paper.
- Narayanan K. “Between Worlds: Guardian deities as agents of transformation.” Stanford Journal of East Asian Affairs. 2002 Vol 2(1):41-54. (Grand Jury Prize)100% of the work was done at Stanford. I helped collect and analyze data and write the paper.
- Narayanan NS, Prabhakaran V, Bunge SA, Christof K, Fine E., Gabrieli JD. “Parametric manipulation of the amount of information in working memory.” Neuropsychology. 2005 Mar;19(2):223-32. (100+ citations)(APA most downloaded)100% of the work was done at Stanford. I helped collect and analyze data and write the paper.
- Narayanan NS, Kimchi, EY, Laubach, M. "Redundancy and synergy of neuronal ensembles in motor cortex." J Neurosci. 2005 Apr 27;25(17):4207-16. (This week in the journal article)100% of the work was done at Yale. I helped analyze data and write the paper.
- Luczak, A, Narayanan NS. "Spectral representation – analyzing single-unit activity in extracellularly recorded neuronal data without spike sorting.” J Neurosci Methods. 2005 May 15;144(1):53-61.100% of the work was done at Yale. I helped analyze data and write the paper.
- Narayanan NS, Horst NK, Laubach, M. "Reversible inactivations of rat medial prefrontal cortex impair the ability to wait for a stimulus.” Neuroscience. 2006;139(3):865-76.100% of the work was done at Yale. I helped design the experiments, collect and analyze data and write the paper.
- Narayanan NS, Laubach M. “Top-down control of motor cortex ensembles by rodent dorsomedial prefrontal cortex.” Neuron. 2006 Dec 7;52(5):921-31. (100+ citations)100% of the work was done at Yale. I helped design the experiments, collect and analyze data and write the paper.
- Allen TA, Narayanan NS, Kholodar-Smith DB, Zhao Y, Laubach M, Brown TH. “Imaging the spread of reversible brain inactivations using fluorescent muscimol.” J Neurosci Methods. 2008 Jun 15;171(1):30-8. (100+ citations) 100% of the work was done at Yale. I helped design the experiments, collect and analyze data and write the paper.
- Narayanan NS, Laubach M. “Neuronal correlates of post-error slowing in the rat dorsomedial prefrontal cortex.” J Neurophysiol. 2008 Jul;100(1):520-5.100% of the work was done at Yale. I helped design the experiments, collect and analyze data and write the paper.
- Narayanan NS, Laubach M. “Methods for studying functional interactions among neuronal populations.” Methods Mol Biol. 2009;489:135-65.100% of the work was done at Yale. I help designed the experiments, collect and analyze data and write the paper.
- Narayanan NS, Laubach M. “Delay activity in rodent dorsomedial prefrontal cortex during simple reaction time performance.” J Neurophysiol. 2009 Jun;101(6):2859-71.100% of the work was done at Yale. I helped design the experiments, collect and analyze data and write the paper.
- Sears RM, Lui R, Narayanan NS, Sharf R, Yeckel MF, Laubach M, Aghajanian GK, DiLeone, RJ. “Regulation of nucleus accumbens activity by the hypothalamic neuropeptide MCH”. J Neurosci. 2010 Jun 16;30(24):8263-73.100% of the work was done at Yale. I helped design the experiments, collect and analyze data and write the paper.
- Narayanan NS, Guarnieri DJ, Dileone RJ. “Metabolic hormones, dopamine circuits, and feeding.” Front Neuroendocrinol. 2010 Jan 31(1):104:112.
- Prabhakaran V, Rypma B, Narayanan NS, Nair VA, Meier TB, Austin BP, Naing L, Thomas .LE "Capacity-Speed Relationships in Prefrontal Cortex." PLoS One. 2011;6(11):e27504. 100% of the work was done at Stanford. I helped analyze data.
- Salardini A, Narayanan NS, Arora J, Constable T, Jabbari B. “Ipsilateral synkinesia involves the supplementary motor area.”Neurosci Lett.2012 Aug 15;523(2):135-8100% of the work was done at Yale. I helped write the paper.
- Narayanan NS, Sheriff F. “Teaching Neuroimages: CNS actinomycosis in an immunocompetent patient.” Neurology.2012 Sep 4;79(10)100% of the work was done at Yale. I helped write the paper.
- Narayanan NS, Land BB, Deisseroth K, Solder, J & DiLeone, RJ.“Prefrontal D1 dopamine receptors are required for interval timing.”PNAS.2012 Dec 11;109(50):20726-315% of the work was done at Iowa; I helped design of experiments, data collection, analysis of data, and writing of the paper.
- Fattahi P, Sheriff F, Narayanan NS, Greer DM, Schindler J. “Thrombolysis for acute stroke in patients with vasculitis: Case report and literature discussion.” Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2013 Mar;115(3):351-3100% of the work was done at Yale. I helped write the paper.
- Narayanan NS*, Rodnitzky RL, Uc EY. Prefrontal dopamine and cognitive symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Reviews in Neuroscience. 2013;24(3):267-78..100% of the work was done at Iowa; I coordinated writing of the paper.
- Gummadaveli A, Motelow JA, Narayanan NS.* Clinical Reasoning: A 64 year-old female with quadriparesis. Neurology.2013.Sep 17;81(12)100% of the work was done at Yale. I helped write the paper.
- Narayanan NS, Cavanagh JF, Frank MJ, Laubach M. “Common medial frontal mechanisms of adaptive control in humans and rodents.” Nat Neurosci. 2013. Dec;16(12):1888-95(News and Views)15% of the work was done at Iowa; I helped design of experiments, data collection, analysis of data, and writing of the paper.
- Lamichhane D, Narayanan NS, Gonzalez-Alegre P. “Two cases of pregnancy in Parkinson’s disease.” Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2014 Feb;20(2):239-40.100% of the work was done at Iowa. I helped write the paper.
- Parker KL, Alberico SA, Miller AD, Narayanan NS*. “Prefrontal D1 dopamine signaling is necessary for temporal expectation during simple reaction time performance.” Neuroscience. 2013. Dec 26;255:246-54.100% of the work was done at Iowa; I coordinated the design of experiments, analysis of data, and writing of the paper.
- Parker KL, Lamicchane D, Caetano MS, Narayanan NS*. “Executive dysfunction in Parkinson's disease and timing deficits.” Front. Neurosci. 2013. Oct 31;7:75.100% of the work was done at Iowa; I coordinated writing of the paper.
- Land BB, Narayanan NS, Liu RJ, Gianessi CA, Brayton CE, M Grimaldi D, Sarhan M, Guarnieri DJ, Deisseroth K, Aghajanian GK, Dileone RJ. “Medial prefrontal D1 dopamine neurons control food intake.”Nat Neurosci. 2014 Feb;17(2):248-53.100% of the work was done at Yale; I helped design the experiments.
- van den Heuvel JK, Furman K, Gumbs MC, Eggels L, Opland DM, Land BB, Kolk SM, Narayanan NS, Fliers E, Kalsbeek A, DiLeone RJ, la Fleur SE. “Neuropeptide Y Activity in the Nucleus Accumbens Modulates Feeding Behavior and Neuronal Activity.” Biol Psychiatry.2014 Jun 18. 100% of the work was done at Yale; I helped analyze the data.
- Parker KL, Narayanan NS, Andreason, NC. “The therapeutic potential of the cerebellum in schizophrenia”. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. 2014 Sep 15;8:163.100% of the work was done at Iowa; I coordinated the design of experiments, analysis of data, and writing of the paper.
- Sherriff FG, Huttner AJ, Narayanan NS, Baehring JM. “Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome: a novel case and update on pathogenesis and CNS presentation”Neurology: Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation. 2014 Nov 20;1(4):e49.100% of the work was done at Yale. I helped write the paper.
- Parker KL, Chen KH, Kingyon JK, Cavanagh J, Narayanan NS*. “D1-dependent ramping activity and 4Hz oscillations in medial frontal cortex during interval timing”. J Neurosci. 2014 Dec 10;34(50):16774-83. 100% of the work was done at Iowa; I coordinated the design of experiments, analysis of data, and writing of the paper.
- Laubach M, Caetano MS, Narayanan NS. “Mistakes were made: Neural mechanisms for the adaptive control of action initiation by the medial prefrontal cortex.” J Phyioslogy Paris. 2015 Feb-Jun;109(1-3):104-117.100% of the work was done at Yale; I coordinated the design of experiments, analysis of data, and writing of the paper.
- van den Heuvel JK, Furman K, Gumbs MC, Eggels L, Opland DM, Land BB, Kolk SM, S Narayanan N, Fliers E, Kalsbeek A, DiLeone RJ, la Fleur SE. “Neuropeptide Y activity in the nucleus accumbens modulates feeding behavior and neuronal activity.” Biol Psychiatry. 2015 Apr 1;77(7):633-41.100% of the work was done at Yale; I helped analyze the data.
- Kingyon J, Behroozmand R, Kelley R, Oya H, Kawasaki H, Narayanan NS*, Greenlee JD. High-gamma band fronto-temporal coherence as a measure of functional connectivity in speech motor control. Neuroscience. 2015 Jul 29.100% of the work was done at Iowa; along with Dr. Greenlee, I coordinated the design of experiments, analysis of data, and writing of the paper.
- Parker KL, Chen KH, Kingyon JR, Cavanagh JF, Narayanan NS*. Medial frontal ~4 Hz activity in humans and rodents is attenuated in PD patients and in rodents with cortical dopamine depletion. J Neurophysiol. 2015 Jul 1100% of the work was done at Iowa; I coordinated the design of experiments, analysis of data, and writing of the paper.
- De Jesús-Cortés H, Miller AD, Britt JK, DeMarco AJ, De Jesús-Cortés M, Stuebing E, Naidoo J, Vázquez-Rosa E, Morlock L, Williams NS, Ready JM, Narayanan NS*, Pieper AA. Protective efficacy of P7C3-S243 in the 6-hydroxydopamine model of Parkinson's disease. NPJ Parkinsons Dis. 2015;1100% of the work was done at Iowa; along with Dr. Pieper, I coordinated the design of experiments, analysis of data, and writing of the paper.
- Zhang Q, Kim YC, Narayanan NS*. Disease-modifying therapeutic directions for Lewy-Body Dementias. Front. Neurosci.Aug 20;9:293.100% of the work was done at Iowa; I coordinated writing of the paper.
- Kim YC, Alberico SA, Emmons EB, Narayanan NS*. New therapeutic strategies targeting D1-type dopamine receptors for neuropsychiatric disease. Front. Biology. 100% of the work was done at Iowa; I coordinated the design of experiments, analysis of data, and writing of the paper.
- Alberico SL, Cassell MD, Narayanan NS*. The Vulnerable Ventral Tegmental Area in Parkinson's Disease. Basal Ganglia. 2015 Aug 1;5(2-3):51-55.100% of the work was done at Iowa; I coordinated the design of experiments, analysis of data, and writing of the paper.
- Parker KL, Ruggiero RN, Narayanan NS*. Infusion of D1 Dopamine Receptor Agonist into Medial Frontal Cortex Disrupts Neural Correlates of Interval Timing. Front Behav Neurosci. 2015 Nov 10;9:294.100% of the work was done at Iowa; I coordinated the design of experiments, analysis of data, and writing of the paper.
- Huff ML, Emmons EB, Narayanan NS, LaLumiere RT. Basolateral amygdala projections to ventral hippocampus modulate the consolidation of footshock, but not contextual, learning in rats.Learn Mem.2016 Jan 15;23(2):51-60. 100% of the work was done at Iowa; I helped in the analysis of data, and writing of the paper.
- Emmons EB, Ruggiero RN, Kelley RM, Parker KL, Narayanan NS*. Corticostriatal Field Potentials Are Modulated at Delta and Theta Frequencies during Interval-Timing Task in Rodents.Frontiers in Psychol.2016 Apr 5;7:459. 100% of the work was done at Iowa; I coordinated the design of experiments, analysis of data, and writing of the paper.
- Parker KL, Kim Y, Alberico SL, Emmons EB, Narayanan NS. Optogenetic approaches to evaluate striatal function in animal models of Parkinson disease.Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2016 Mar;18(1):99-107.100% of the work was done at Iowa; I helped write the paper.
- Messingham KA, Aust S, Helfenberger J, Parker KL, Schultz S, McKillip J, Narayanan NS, Fairley JA.Autoantibodies to Collagen XVII Are Present in Parkinson's Disease and Localize to Tyrosine-Hydroxylase Positive Neurons. J Invest Dermatol. 2016 Mar;136(3):721-3100% of the work was done at Iowa; I helped in the analysis of data, and writing of the paper.
- Optogenetic approaches to evaluate striatal function in animal models of Parkinson disease. Parker KL, Kim Y, Alberico SL, Emmons EB, Narayanan NS. Dialogues Clin Neurosci.2016 Mar;18(1):99-107.100% of the work was done at Iowa; I helped write the paper.
- Ramping activity is a cortical mechanism of temporal control of action. Narayanan NS*. Curr Opin Behav Sci. 2016 Apr;8:226-230. 100% of the work was done at Iowa; I wrote the paper.
- Corticostriatal Field Potentials Are Modulated at Delta and Theta Frequencies during Interval-Timing Task in Rodents. Emmons EB, Ruggiero RN, Kelley RM, Parker KL, Narayanan NS*. Front Psychol. 2016 Apr 5;7:459. 100% of the work was done at Iowa; I coordinated the design of experiments, analysis of data, and writing of the paper.
- A Basal Forebrain Site Coordinates the Modulation of Endocrine and Behavioral Stress Responses via Divergent Neural Pathways.Johnson SB, Emmons EB, Anderson RM, Glanz RM, Romig-Martin SA, Narayanan NS, LaLumiere RT, Radley JJ.J Neurosci. Aug 17;36(33):8687-99.100% of the work was done at Iowa; I helped in the analysis of data, and writing of the paper.
- Startle Habituation and Midfrontal Theta Activity in Parkinson's Disease.Chen KH, Okerstrom KL, Kingyon JR, Anderson SW, Cavanagh JF, Narayanan NS*.J Cogn Neurosci. 2016 Jul 15:1-11. 100% of the work was done at Iowa; I coordinated the design of experiments, analysis of data, and writing of the paper.
* - corresponding author
Book Chapters:
- Laubach M, Narayanan NS, Kimchi EY. “Methods for analyzing ensemble interactions among simultaneously recorded neurons.” in Population Coding, Christian Holscher, ed, 2008.
- Dileone RJ, Narayanan NS, and Guarnieri DJ. “Feeding as a Reward Mechanism”. in Sleep Loss and Obesity: Intersecting Epidemics, PJ Shiromani, Horvath T., Redline S., and van Cauter, E, eds. 2012
- Emmons EB and Narayanan NS*. “Animal models of aging”. In Aging Mind and Brain, Rizzo and Anderson eds 2015. Wiley: In press.
Conference Proceedings or Commentary:
- Smith, NJ. Narayanan NS, Laubach M. “Past performance is indicative of future returns.” Neuron. 2009 Jul 30;63(2):146-8.
- Greenlee J, Behroozmand R, Narayanan N, Kingyon JR, Larson C, Oya H, Kawasaki H, Howard MA. Sensorimotor integration during human self-vocalization: Insights from invasive electrophysiology. 2013 J Acoust Soc Am. 2013 May;133(5):3520.
- Rodntizky RL and Narayanan NS. “Amantadine’s role in the treatment of dyskinesia” Neurology. 2013. Jan 28;82(4):288-9
- Areas of Research Interest and Current Projects:
1) The role of the prefrontal cortex in cognitive symptoms of Parkinson’s disease
2) Brain stimulation for cognitive symptoms of neuropsychiatric disease
3) Novel neuroprotective therapies for Parkinson’s disease
4) Circuitry of levodopa-induced dyskinesias in Parkinson’s disease.
- Grants received
Agency: NINDS
ID: R01 NS089470
Title: Prefrontal D1 circuitry and cognitive symptoms of Parkinson’s disease
Costs: $1,395,000
Project period: 9/1/15-8/30/19
PI: Narayanan, 25%
Agency: NINDS
ID: NS078100 K08
Title: Prefrontal dopamine and cognitive symptoms of Parkinson’s disease
Costs: $870,000
Project period: 07/01/12-07/01/17
PI: Narayanan, 50%
Agency: OVPR, UIowa
Title: Adaptive brain stimulation for cognitive symptoms of human disease
Costs: $43,000
Project period: 1/1/16-1/1/17
PI: Narayanan, 50%
Agency: CCOM, UIHC
Title: Adaptive brain stimulation for cognitive symptoms of human disease
Costs: $100,000
Project period: 1/1/16-1/1/18
Agency: Eli Lilly
Title: Novel treatments targeting D1 dopamine receptors in animal models of PD
Costs: $30,360
Project period: 6/30/2016-6/30/2018
Agency: Aging Mind and Brain, UIOWA
Title: Bullous pemphigoid and Parkinson’s disease
Costs: $25,000
Project period: 01/15/15-01/15/16
Agency: Brain and Behavioral Research Foundation
Title: Prefrontal dopamine and schizophrenia
Costs: $60,000
Project period: 01/15/13-01/15/15
PI: Narayanan, 10%
Agency: Carver Medical Trust
Title: Virally-mediated RNAi of a-synuclein
Costs: $30,000
Project period: 03/15/13-03/15/15
PI: Narayanan
Agency: University of Iowa Department of Neurology