University of Indianapolis

AQIP Committee Meeting


May 26, 2005

In Attendance: C. Wilson, K. Amano, B. Catchings, G. Weimer, B. Dynes, A. Cutler, R. McCracken, H. Carl, C. Clasemann

Meeting was called to order by Connie Wilson

The action project updates were reviewed and discussed.

·  Student Employee Subcommittee

This action project is completed and is being retired. The update notes that this is happening so that the reviewers know this when the review is being conducted.

·  Desktop Support Subcommittee

The original goals for this project include writing portions of the Systems Portfolio. These goals will be removed. Two major areas to address next year are the improving of communication lines and the implementation of a satisfaction survey. There was a suggestion to report to Cabinet & Council to disseminate the work of the subcommittee on a larger scale. It was also suggested that the subcommittee may gain more traction if it continues to work collaboratively with the Learning Resources Committee.

·  Student Learning Subcommittee

The subcommittee is still facing problems reaching agreement on the learning goals. This has caused a delay in determining both how the goals will be measured and how they will be used for improvement. Some progress on the Year 2 goals was gained at the May 2005 workshop.

·  Stakeholder Feedback

The subcommittee is continuing its work of gathering information on what is currently happening across campus. This has proved to be a monumental task and consumed most of the subcommittee’s time during the past year.

The committee roster for 2005-2006 was disseminated. Kyoko Amano will be joining the committee. Billy and Heidi have agreed to serve another 3-year term. A new representative from Cabinet & Council and a new student representative are needed. Michael Cartwright will serve as an ex-officio representative from Dean’s Council.

The agenda for 2005-2006 meetings was discussed. Frequent subcommittee and portfolio updates are scheduled to keep the AQIP Committee up-to-date. We will need to start planning the October AQIP meeting for staff when the committee resumes its meetings in September.

Connie discussed the process for selecting a new action project to replace the one on student employment that is being retired. Connie and Cory will go through the Walker Survey results to find possible topics. Faculty Senate will also be asked for ideas. There was a suggestion to send out an email to the general campus soliciting ideas/themes. There was also a suggestion to ask for staff ideas at the July 21 staff event. The campus will be asked to vote for the new action project in the fall from a list of 3-5 topics.

Cory discussed a new AQIP survey that is being conducted by a doctoral student at Northcentral University in Arizona examining campus organizational climate. It is endorsed by AQIP. We as an institution have agreed to participate. We will receive an institutional report at the conclusion of the study.

Connie has received a $50,000 grant to start a Learning Office for the campus. However, this is not enough money to open and sustain the office. She raised the possibility of using part of the Capital Campaign overages for this purpose with Mike Ferin. She suggested this as a possible next action project as well.