University of Illinois Extension- Clark, Crawford and Edgar counties

Unit Council minutes

September 26, 2017

Members present: Angela Zellers, Vicky Bonelli, BJ Titus, Bev Goeckler, Cody Vaughn, Jessie Crews, Stacy Woodyard, and Tiffany Macke

Council chair Angela Zellers called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m.

Members introduced themselves as this was the first meeting of the new year.

BJ Titus made a motion to approve the minutes from the May 25, 2017 meeting. Vicky Bonelli seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Stacy provided a brief unit update, sharing the current fiscal status of the unit. She also announced that Kim Trine was hired over the summer to serve as the Unit Ag and Natural Resources Program Coordinator. Kim’s SNAP-Ed Community Worker position was advertised and will be filled as quickly as possible. The Commercial Ag Educator position is currently posted and has an application deadline of October 20. Stacy also shared that she is serving as an Interim County Director in Unit 25, which covers Edwards, Lawrence, Richland, Wabash and Wayne counties. This responsibility started July 9 and she hopes to be done with this responsibility before the holiday break.

Jessie Crews discussed the new system that staff will use for the plan of work. A summary of the unit needs assessment was shared, confirming several discussions council and staff members have had currently. There were no real surprises in the findings.

A slate of officers was presented:

Chair- BJ Titus

Vice-Chair- Cody Vaughn

Secretary- Meggan Cash

And Bank Account signatories shall be: Stacy Woodyard, Jessie Crews, Tiffany Macke, and Mary Liz Wright. We will no longer use volunteers in this role.

Vicky Bonelli made a motion to approve the officers and bank signatories. BJ Titus seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Stacy Woodyard shared information about an upcoming joint council meeting with Units 19 and 21. Those able to attend will be able to meet the Dean of the College of ACES, the Director of Extension, and participate in an abbreviated version of the Poverty Simulation educational program. The goal of this meeting is to share a program that could be beneficial to a variety of groups/organizations in the unit.

Tiffany Macke shared a United Way flyer with the members. It showed Indiana data but the information could be populated for our counties in Illinois.

No additional new business or sharing among members.

Future meeting dates will be November 30, January 30, and March 27 at 6:00 in the Clark office.

BJ Titus made a motion to adjourn. Bev Goeckler seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.