BSW Field Education Learning Plan

SOWK 5835 Fall Semester



Outlined in the following pages are the practice competencies and their corresponding practice behaviors in generalist social work education that the Council on Social Work Education requires of all BSW programs. The School of Social Work has decided that students must attempt to accomplish successfully all of the practice behaviors in their field placement agency. The purpose of the learning plan is to identify tasks within the internship which provide opportunities for the intern to demonstrate accomplishment of the practice behaviors along with estimations of when the practice behavior will be demonstrated and actually achieved. This document will be used in the final evaluation of the student.

The end of semester evaluation of the intern will address practice behaviors that are emphasized for either fall or spring semester or emphasized equally for both semesters, depending upon the sequencing of course content in the BSW Program courses or upon fundamental ongoing skill development. Thus, at the end of each practice behavior on this learning plan are the words “Fall” and “Spring.” If opportunities arise to engage in practice behaviors during this fall semester that are also denoted with “Spring,” then write the tasks and plan to carry forward that additional practice opportunity to spring semester.

Field placements can vary in the precise timing of practice opportunities. If a practice behavior cannot be accomplished because of a lack of opportunity, then please give the rationale and consult with the faulty liaison.


This learning plan is to be completed collaboratively by the student, field instructor and, if needed by the faculty liaison as a consultant to the process. The student and field instructor are to sign the learning plan indicating agreement to the tasks and estimated dates of accomplishment. Specifically:

  1. Each practice behavior occurring in fall semester must have a task or activity which the intern may engage to demonstrate achievement the specific practice behavior.
  2. Write a target completion date.
  3. Write the date achieved.

Competency / Practice Behaviors / Specific Activities / Semester / Target Completion Date / Date Achieved
  1. Identify as a professional social worker and conduct oneself accordingly.
  1. advocate for client access to the services of social work
/ Fall
  1. practice personal reflection and self-correction to assure continual professional development
/ Fall
  1. attend to professional roles and boundaries
/ Fall
  1. demonstrate professional demeanor in behavior, appearance, and communication
/ Fall
  1. engage in career-long learning
/ Spring
  1. use supervision and consultation
/ Fall
Competency / Practice Behaviors / Specific Activities / Semester / Target Completion Date / Date Achieved
  1. Apply social work ethical principles to guide professional practice.
  1. recognize and manage personal values in a way that allows professional values to guide practice
/ Fall
  1. make ethical decisions by applying standards of the NASW Code of Ethics and, as applicable, of the International Federation of Social Workers/ International Association of Schools of Social Work Ethics in Social Work Statement of Principles
/ Fall
  1. tolerate ambiguity in resolving ethical conflicts
/ Fall
  1. apply strategies of ethical reasoning to arrive at principles decisions
/ Fall
Competency / Practice Behaviors / Specific Activities / Semester / Target Completion Date / Date Achieved
  1. Apply critical thinking to inform and communicate professional judgments.
  1. distinguish, appraise, and integrate multiple sources of knowledge, including research-based knowledge, and practice wisdom
/ Spring
  1. analyze models of assessment, prevention, intervention, and evaluation, and demonstrate effective oral and written communication in working with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities
/ Fall
  1. demonstrate effective oral and written communication in working with individuals, families, groups and communities
/ Fall
Competency / Practice Behaviors / Specific Activities / Semester / Target Completion Date / Date Achieved
  1. Engage diversity and difference in practice.
  1. recognize the extent to which a culture’s structures and values may oppose, marginalize, alienate, create or enhance privilege and power
/ Spring
  1. gain sufficient self-awareness to eliminate the influence of personal biases and values in working with diverse groups
/ Fall
  1. recognize and communicate their understanding of the importance of difference in shaping life experiences
/ Fall
  1. view themselves as learners and engage those with whom they work as informants
/ Fall
Competency / Practice Behaviors / Specific Activities / Semester / Target Completion Date / Date Achieved
  1. Advance human rights and social and economic justice.
  1. understand the forms and mechanisms of oppression and discrimination
/ Fall
  1. advocate for human rights and social and economic justice
/ Fall
  1. engage in practices that advance social and economic justice
/ Fall
Competency / Practice Behaviors / Specific Activities / Semester / Target Completion Date / Date Achieved
  1. Engage in research-informed practice and practice-informed research.
  1. use practice experiences to inform scientific inquiry
/ Spring
  1. use research evidence to inform practice
/ Spring
Competency / Practice Behaviors / Specific Activities / Semester / Target Completion Date / Date Achieved
  1. Apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment.
  1. utilize conceptual frameworks to guide the process of assessment, intervention, and evaluation
/ Spring
  1. critique and apply knowledge to understand person and environment
/ Spring
Competency / Practice Behaviors / Specific Activities / Semester / Target Completion Date / Date Achieved
  1. Engage in policy practice to advance social and economic well-being and to deliver effective social work services.
  1. analyze, formulate and advocate for policies that advance social well-being
/ Spring
  1. collaborate with colleagues and clients for effective policy action
/ Spring
Competency / Practice Behaviors / Specific Activities / Semester / Target Completion Date / Date Achieved
  1. Respond to contexts that shape practice.
  1. continuously discover, appraise, and attend to changing locales, populations, scientific technological developments, and emerging societal trends to provide relevant services
/ Fall
  1. provide leadership in promoting sustainable changes in service delivery and practice to improve the quality of social services
/ Spring
Competency / Practice Behaviors / Specific Activities / Semester / Target Completion Date / Date Achieved
  1. Engage, assess, intervene, and evaluate with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities
/ Engagement
  1. substantively and effectively prepare for action with individuals, families, groups
/ Fall
  1. use empathy and other interpersonal skills
/ Fall
  1. develop mutually agreed-upon focus of work and desired outcomes
/ Fall
  1. collect, organize, and interpret client data
/ Fall
  1. assess client strengths and limitations
/ Fall
  1. develop mutually agreed-upon intervention goals and objectives
/ Fall
  1. select appropriate intervention strategies
/ Fall
  1. initiate actions to achieve organizational goals
/ Fall
  1. implement prevention interventions that enhance client capacities
/ Fall
  1. help clients resolve problems
/ Fall
  1. negotiate, mediate and advocate for clients
/ Fall
  1. facilitate transitions and endings
/ Fall
  1. critically analyze, monitor, and evaluate interventions

We are in agreement with this learning plan.

Student: Date:

Field Instructor: Date:

BSW Field Learning Plan 12/09 1