University of Edinburgh

Grading Appeal Form

This form is for appeals against a grading decision. An appeal cannot be made against the award of title. This form relates to the Grading and Re-Grading Processes and Principles document, which is available at:

or from your local HR team. Please read the procedure before completing this form.

This form should be submitted within four weeks of receiving your letter advising you of the grading decision.

Name: / Title (e.g. Mr, Mrs, Dr, Professor):
Employee No (on your Staff Card or Payslip): / College/Support Group:
Job Title (as on your Job Description): / School/Support Department:
Office Address:
Current Grade: / Report to (name and job title of line manager):
Telephone: / Email:

Grounds for appeal

The grounds for appeal are a belief that one or both of the following applies. Please place a cross in the appropriate box above to indicate whether your appeal is on ground A and/or ground B.

A. There was a procedural defect which had a detrimental effect on the grading decision (describe the defect in the statement below), or
B.  There is clear evidence that the job matches better to a different grade than the one allocated (provide evidence in the statement below).

Statement by Appellant

I believe the correct grade for the job is grade ….. (please specify)

A short statement outlining the reason for the appeal

Please complete this section. It should normally be no more than 10 lines.

A short statement providing additional information for the Appeals Panel to consider

If you wish, you may provide additional information here, or attach it (please list here items attached). This information should only relate to the job/role as it was at the time of submission for grading and should not refer to market-related factors, for which separate arrangements have been developed. You may expand this form as required, but this section should be no more than one page in length.


This section should be completed for all appeals.

I confirm that the information above (or attached) is accurate in relation to my job.

Signature of appellant: Date:

Please pass to your line manager for endorsement

To the appellant’s line manager:

Please complete the section below as soon as possible and within no more than a week of receipt of this form, then pass to the Head of School/Support Group Department for endorsement. If you do not believe that the information provided by the appellant regarding their job is factually accurate then meet with the appellant and seek to reach agreement. If this is not possible, please refer this to your HR advisor.

Line manager’s name:

Signature: Date:

To the Head of School/Support Group Department:

Please complete the section below as soon as possible and within no more than a week of receipt of this form, and forward the form to Grading Appeals, Reward Team, University HR Services, University of Edinburgh, Charles Stewart House, 9-16 Chambers Street, Edinburgh EH1 1HT.

I am satisfied that the factual accuracy of the information contained in this appeal has been given due consideration within the area concerned.

Head of School/Support Group Department’s name:

Signature: Date: