Doc SHE-12-22
October 2012
Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 20 June 2012
Present: / Paul Morris (PM) / Christine Edwards (CE)Peter Beare (PB) / Mike Donnellon (MD)
Anne Wallbank (AW) / Nigel Garratt (NG)
Peter Gray (PG) / Phil Wroe (PW)
Jacky Joseph (JJ) / Catherine Pennington (CP)
Diane Pearson (DP) / Tracie McCrudden (TMc)
Sharon Doherty (SD) / John Broadhurst (JB)
Clair Challen (CC) / Steve Whittle (SW)
Nichola Swift (NS) / Hazel Lund (HL)
Apologies: / Dave Phoenix / Stuart Ascroft
Peter Hill / Deborah Bamber
Jez Buffin / Kevin Butt
David Orr / Steve Beeton
Judith Smith / Andrew Churchill
Tim Steele / Steve Cooke
Lisa Banks / Aisha Malik
Peter Shilton-Godwin / Michael McKrell
In attendance: / Karen Herd (KH) (Committee Administrator)
1. / ApologiesApologies were given as above.
The following members were absent from the committee:
Jim Thompson, Jane Pearson, Carol Main, Hazel Lund, Carol Singleton, Gerry McLoughlin, Susan Conduit, Gill Bruce, Michael Palmer and Janet Lee.
2. / Minutes of the previous meeting held on 8 February 2012
Peter Beare confirmed that he did attend the last SHE Committee meeting but had not signed the attendance sheet, otherwise the minutes were agreed as a true record.
Sustainable Champions
Information was circulated to committee members. The first meeting of the group was held in April.
Smoking Issue
Proposals for campus wide exclusion zones were recently submitted to Directorate, Unions and the Student Union. FM will implement these proposals in August. A briefing report will be submitted to SMT in July and will form part of the key communications briefing rolled out to all staff.
Student Mental Health Issues
SD and TMc met with Alison Blackburn and Pam Aspden to discuss. SD provided additional information and a report. A further meeting will be held in July.
University SHE Strategy 2012-2015
No comments were received from committee members. A draft of the new strategy is in progress and will be presented at the next meeting. / CE
3. / Urgent matters arising not elsewhere on the Agenda
4 / Health
JB / JJ / Occupational Health Update
Occupational Health are currently busy with management referrals and are typically seeing around 50-60 employees per month.
The Health Surveillance programme is continuing. The majority of staff checks in LIS have been completed and FM staff checks will also be completed in the near future.
The Occupational Health Adviser has provided advice regarding Lone Working following a number of queries.
JB highlighted a concern that senior management staff are still not attending mandatory training. CE confirmed that the mandatory training for managers is made up of four modules and this is currently being looked at with a view to rolling out this training to staff at less senior levels but who also have line management/supervisory responsibilities.
The new proposals are to be submitted to SMT with a deadline for completion of the mandatory training within six months from the date of approval.
SD / HU Update
The next Healthy University Action Plan 2012-15 is currently being developed, if any members of the SHE committee would like to comment on the action plan please contact SD directly (draft plan to be enclosed with the minutes from this meeting). This plan will be agreed at the next SHE Committee meeting in October.
UCLan hosted a National Healthy Universities Conference on 19 June, part of a HEFCE funded project, the funding has now ended but the School of Health are supporting the continuation of the national Healthy Universities network.
Student projects on relaxation and exam stress were piloted in Semester 2 and plans for them to continue are being made.
Grub Club SU Student Society ran two cooking demos this semester. Mike Gregory, SU Catering Manager has made a commitment for the SU to run two cooking demos a month to support the continuing development of the society.
Activities for Bike to Work Week are taking place in June. SD has been working with the University Travel Plan Assistant and BUG to offer activities including bike training, bike maintenance, bike rides, Guild Wheel ride and a ‘bike to work’ breakfast. / ALL
JJ / Wellbeing
Human Resources recently held an open day during which health checks were offered to staff, resulting in staff booking appointments over five days. JJ and JB reported that the results from these checks will be analysed to see what can be gained from this.
JJ/CE/SD met to discuss application for the Silver and Gold Award in the Health Works Awards Scheme next year. Information in respect of the awards is being collated for submission. / JJ/JB
CE / Safety
Fire Safety Update
Six fire safety inspections have been completed since February 2012, plus two inspections completed in conjunction with Lancashire Fire & Rescue Service.
The next batch of fire risk assessments are scheduled for 3 and 4 July 2012. A number of FRAs have also been reviewed by DJB and in general, the number of remedial actions identified is showing a decrease.
Practical fire extinguisher training will take place on Wednesday 4 July 2012. Places are still available on all four sessions and staff should contact Karen Herd in the SHE Section to book a place.
Fire Marshal coverage across campus is constantly being reviewed. In areas of mainly teaching space, signs have been posted instructing academic staff on what to do in the event of an evacuation.
CE / Accident/Incident/Near Miss/Dangerous Occurrences Reporting
The RIDDOR Regulations were amended in April 2012.
Previously, any accident resulting in more than three consecutive days of incapacity had to be reported to the HSE. This has now been increased to seven days incapacity not including the day of the accident. The Accident Report Form has been amended to reflect this, the amended version is available on the web site and new hard copy forms have been ordered.
CE / Annual Report 2010/2011
The final draft of the Annual Report was circulated to the committee members.
All approved the draft, report to be submitted to the University Board.
PG queried why the number of student accidents was 0 for the month of August but considerably higher for staff members. It was suggested that this could be due to more instances of staff lone working, office moves etc. CE agreed to review and report back to the committee. / CE
CE / Training Update
There has been a general improvement in the number of staff from Schools and Services attending mandatory training courses.
CE confirmed the SHE Section are putting on extra courses to cope with the demand and are able to deliver bespoke courses where this is required.
From September, further training courses will be available online – Fire Safety, Health & Safety Induction and Display Screen Equipment.
Environmental Management Training – 82% of staff in services completed, 40% of staff in schools completed. There is a target date of July for all staff to have completed this training.
Two further classroom sessions have been arranged in July and the training is also available on line.
PM/CE to discuss with Alison Blackburn how health and safety induction is delivered to students / PM/CE
5.5 / SHE Metrics
The following SHE Metrics were received by the committee for information:-
· First Aid Administered
· Accidents
· Training
6. / Environment
6.1 / Environment & Sustainability Update
CC / CC reported that UCLan had moved up two places to sixth position in the Green League Awards.
The Energy Dashboard is to be entered into the THE Awards.
Environmental Management System update – the third surveillance audit was passed in May, the next surveillance audit to take place in October.
Re-certification of the EMS is due in October 2013. CC confirmed the EMS was still effective and working well.
7 / General
7.1 / SHE Legislation Update
The legislation update was received by the committee for information.
Points to note:
As a result of the HSE announcing a second set of health and safety regulations to be removed as part of the Government’s plans to either scrap or improve 84% of health and safety regulations, the SHE Section is reviewing and streamlining UCLan’s own policies and procedures.
8. / Miscellaneous
8.1 / Any Other Business
JJ to confirm at the next SHE Committee when the next staff survey will take place. / JJ
8.2 / Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on 3 October 2012 at 1.00 pm in Adelphi Conference Room.