University of California SanDiego



Position:HealthSciencesAssociateClinical ProfessorDepartment OfMedicine


Sept 88-Sep 94University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara,Romania

Medicine doctorgraduate

Oct 94-Jan 95 National contest for residency admission, specialty and program selection

Feb 95 – Jan 01UniversityofMedicineandPharmacyTimisoara,CountyHospitalTimisoara,Romania

Residency inNeurology

June 02-June03Intern, St. John’s Episcopal Hospital, SUNY Brooklyn,NY

July 03-June05Resident, St. John’s Episcopal Hospital, SUNY Brooklyn,NY

July 07-June09Mayo Graduate School of Medicine, Rochester,MN

Fellowship in Hospital InternalMedicine

Sep 07-Oct08Mayo Graduate School of Medicine, Rochester,MN

Degree: Certificate in ClinicalResearch

Thecertificateprogramrequirescompletionof12didacticcreditsand asix-monthresearchproject

Feb 08-April08Mayo Quality Academy TEAMS Training- in-depth course forhealthcareprofessionals who plan to teach, implement and investigate qualityimprovement.Thecurriculumcoveredtopicsrelatedtoqualityimprovement,qualitymeasurement,

patientsafety,evidence-basedmedicineand healthpolicy.Theexpectationattheendof this 4 month course is that a QI project is completed bythe team.

Oct13Stanford Faculty Development Program in ClinicalTeachingMonth-longfacultydevelopmentcourseledbyKelleySkeff,MDandGeorgetteStratosPhD. AttheendoftheprogramIbecameacertifiedinstructorforthiscourseonimprovingfacultyclinicalteachingskills

April2015Quality and Safety EducatorsAcademy

The academy provides medical educators with the knowledge and tools to integrate QIandPatient Safety concepts in their local residency training programs. The curriculumprovidedinstructioninqualityandsafety,curriculumdevelopmentandassessment,changemanagementandprofessionaldevelopment.


Sep 01 ECMFGCertification

Oct00 Romanian Board of Neurology, certifiedneurologist

Aug05 Diplomate, American Board ofInternal Medicine.Medical License, Medical Board of California valid until06/30/2016


June 10 – present Core Faculty, UCSD Internal MedicineResidency

June 11 – present Chair for Medical Education, UCSD Division of HospitalMedicine

June 14-presentCo-DirectorJuniorFacultyDevelopmentprogram fortheDivisionofHospitalMedicine(aoneyearprogramthatprovidesmentoringinmedicaleducation,qualityimprovement and research forjunior faculty)


June14UCSD Internal Medicine Chief resident teaching award for academic year2013-2014,June14UCSDDepartmentofMedicineGraduatingHousestaffteachingawardclassof2014

June13Excellence in teaching award for the Medicine Clerkship (course401)UCSD School of Medicine SanDiego

June13Nominated:KaiserAwardsforExcellenceinTeaching,UCSDSchoolofMedicineJune 12 Nominated: Kaiser Awards for Excellence in Teaching, UCSD School of MedicineJan 12 Named Fellow in Hospital Medicine by the Society of HospitalMedicine

June11UCSD Internal Medicine Chief resident teaching award for academic year2010-2011,

June10Excellence in teaching award for the Medicine Clerkship(course401)UCSD School of Medicine SanDiego

Feb -May 99 Scholarship – Neurology Clinic, Sankt Katharinen Hospital, Frechen, Cologne,GermanyFeb –May 98 Scholarship – Neurology Clinic, Sankt Katharinen Hospital, Frechen, Cologne,Germany93-94 RomanianGovernmentscholarshipforoutstandingmedicalstudent



Medicaleducation,facultydevelopment,leadershipinMedicine,evidence-basedmedicine,qualityimprovement,patientcentered rounding.


July 09–presentMedicine Attending, University of California at SanDiego

Serving 23 weeks of inpatient ward attending as ahospitalist.

July 09 –presentMedicine Consult, University of California SanDiego

Serving 2 weeks of medicine consult as ahospitalist.

Sep 07 – July09Medicine attending, Austin Medical Center, Austin,MN

Served as part time hospitalist during fellowship,4-8shifts/month

July 05-June07Medicine Attending and associate teaching faculty, Luther Midelfort MayoHealthSystem,EauClaire,WIandUniversityofWisconsinFamilyMedicine

Hospitalist 1.0FTE

Feb 01-June02Neurology Attending, University of Medicine and Pharmacy TimisoaraandCity Hospital Timisoara,Romania

Full time neurologist, outpatientandinpatient



Jan12NamedFellowinHospitalMedicine(FHM)bytheSocietyofHospitalMedicine.Jan08-present Member, Society of Hospital Medicine(SHM)




Sept 09 –presentReviewer,JournalofHospitalMedicine(apublicationoftheSocietyofHospitalMedicine)



Sep 14 Grand Rounds, UCSD Department ofMedicine

“Teaching tools formedical educators”

Jun05 Medicine Grand Rounds St John’s Episcopal Hospital FarRockaway

Change in mental status secondary toprimary hyperparathyroidism

Feb 05 Medicine Grand Rounds St John’s Episcopal Hospital FarRockaway

Effectofantiviraltreatmentontheoutcomeofsecondary bacterialpneumoniaafterinfluenza

Other InvitedLectures

Feb 13 UCSDUpdatesinInternalMedicine-CMEactivityforprimarycarephysicians“Pain in patients with complex medicalconditions”


University/Department of MedicineService:

Curriculum Development

Apr 15- UCSD GME Committee’s patient safety and QIcurriculum

Developing this longitudinal curriculum in collaboration with UCSD QI experts, at requestof

DIO and CQO to address institutional patient safety and QI training needs for the 995 residents and fellows enrolledatUCSD

May 15 Patient safety curriculum for Internal Medicine Residency program, in collaboration with Archana LaxmisanMD

Oct 14- IPASS Handoff curriculum for InternalMedicine.

This curriculum helps the IM residency program fulfill the transitions of care ACGME requirements, one ofsixfocus areas for the CLER Site visit. Currently teaching this curriculum for interns, R2 and R3, both through lecturesandsimulation during resident orientation and academic halfdays.




This curriculum includes topics in medical education/ QI and patient safety andentails22totalhoursoflecturesaswellasmentoringforaQIprojectofnewhireschoice.


Feb 14- contributor to “Online module for resident orientation to High value costconscious

July 10-present Neurology curriculum for the UCSD Internal Medicine residencyprogram

Jan 11-Mar 11 Co-director for the UCSD Internal Medicine residency Procedure elective pilotWe establishedamedicalinpatientprocedureservice(MIPS)consistingofanattendingandresidentphysician,combinedwithastandardizeddidacticand simulator-basedtrainingprogram,toaddressdeficienciesinproceduretrainingandexperienceforInternalMedicineresidents.

Mar 09 Mayo Clinic Hospital Medicine Fellows E-curriculum- Health care associatedpneumonia

Department of MedicineActivities/service

March 15-presentMember of the UCSD GME Council of faculty experts on Qualityinitiatives

Jan15-presentUCSD Hospital Medicine reorganization project-amongst 6 members voted bypeersJuly14-presentProject leader-UCSD Institutional Handoff improvement project (I-PASS).This is a national multicenter study on implementation of a handoff curriculum for InternalMedicineresidents.

June14Internal Medicine resident orientation-facilitator for section on“Controlof teaching session “ -Designed to provide rising residents with the skills to lead effectiverounds

Mar14-presentUCSDPACEphysicianMentoringprogramRemediationprogramforphysiciansthathaddisciplinaryaction with the California MedicalBoard

May13-presentUCSD Hospital Medicine-IM Residency program WardsOrientation handout

Sep13-presentLeader“Bedsideroundinginitiative”-apatientcenteredapproachtorounding,whereallteammembersarepresentatbedsideonrounds, withresident presentingthecase.Initiativesupported byIMresidencyprograminanefforttoimprovecommunicationwithpatients

Nov 14-Jan 15 Intern selection committee Internal Medicine Residency program atUCSD

Nov 13-Jan 14 Intern selection committee Internal Medicine Residency program atUCSD

June 13- Member Clinical Competencies Committee for the UCSD Internal MedicineResidency program

Nov12-Jan13 InternselectioncommitteeInternalMedicineResidencyprogramatUCSD

Nov 11-Jan 12 Intern selection committee Internal Medicine Residency program atUCSD

Nov 10-Dec 11 Intern selection committee Internal Medicine Residency program at UCSD

Sep 10-June 11MedicalstudentRecruitmentCommitteefor UCSDSchoolofMedicine

Nov09-Jan10 InternselectioncommitteeInternalMedicineResidencyprogramatUCSD

UCSD Medical Center HospitalService:

July 15-present Member in the Patient safety Committee UCSD Health System

Jan13-presentProject Helix-a health system wide project for improved efficiency, monthly meetingwith residencyProgramleadership-InstitutionalinitiativetoimprovepatientflowanddecreasecostonIMresidencyServices

Oct10-presentUCSD PPI project to decrease overutilization of proton pump inhibitorsSep09-presentUCSD Painconsortium

Sep 09- Oct10UCSD Pain Management for Hepatic and RenalPatients workgroup

Mayo Clinic HospitalService

08-11Research Hospital Internal MedicineDivision Committee

08-09QualityImprovementHospitalInternalMedicineDivisionCommittee07-08Mayo Clinic Mortality Review Committee




StanfordFacultyDevelopmentCourse(SFDC-8x2hoursessionscovering7coreprinciplesof medicaleducation)

June15-SFDC “teach the teacher “course for Chief Medical Residents in InternalMedicine

Dec 13-Apr14SFDC “teach the teacher “course for Chief Medical Residents in InternalMedicine

May 14-Aug14SFDC “teach the teacher” course for Chief Medical Residents in Internal Medicine andhospitalists

Oct14SFDC “teach the teacher” course for HospitalistClinician-EducatorsInternal Medicine ResidentConferences:

Friday schoolpresentations(SinceJuly2013the“Fridayschool”hasbecomethemainvenuefordidacticlecturesat

theUCSDInternalMedicineresidencyprogram,inaddition toareducednumberofnoonconferences)

Oct 14 FACTS “How to deal with a difficultlearner?”

Sep 14 Communication of goals and Feedback in MedicaleducationAug 14 Communication of goals and Feedback in MedicaleducationJuly 14 Learning climate in Medicaleducation


May 13 Diagnosis and localization in neurological disease.Myelopathies

Noon conference and other conferences UCSD Internal Medicine residencyprogram

Dec14Introduction of I-PASS, a handofftool

Nov14Journal club NEJM article on I-PASS, ahandoff toolJuly142 conferences for interns onbedside rounding

May13NeurologyboardreviewforInternalMedicineresidents(2lectures)Jan13NeurologycurriculumforInternalMedicineresidents(2lectures)May12 Neurologycurriculumpresentations(5lectures)


Mayo Clinic Hospital Internal Medicine teachingconferences

Sep 07ProbioticLactobacillustopreventdiarrheaassociatedwithantibiotics

May08ProcalcitoninasadiagnostictestforsepsisincriticallyilladultsandaftersurgeryJuly08Predictors of ischemic stroke after hip surgery: a populationbased study



Apr-June 15 Stanford Faculty Development Course forUCSD

“Teach the teacher” course for UCSD teaching Faculty fromdifferentsubspecialties through the SOM’sMEDSseries


Nov 14 and April15TeachingfacultyfortheValueImprovesQualityblockfortheUCSDIMresidencyprogram-ahighvalue,costconsciouscarecurriculum

Feb 11UCSD SOM 410 course: ”From Principles to Practice” –Workshop to practice clinicalproblemsolving for fourth year medical studentsentering internship

Feb10UCSD SOM 410 course: ”From Principles to Practice” –Workshop to practice clinicalproblemsolving for fourth year medical studentsentering internship

July 09 –presentResident Report, UCSD Department ofMedicine

Attendmorningresidents’report1-2times/weekasaguest discussant

July 09 –presentBi-monthlyM&M,UCSDDepartmentofMedicine


Jan 11- March11Co-director and teaching faculty for the UCSD Internal Medicine ResidencyProcedureelectivecourse

Feb 08MayoGraduateSchoolofMedicineMedicalStudent“Bootcamptrainingforinternship”

Feb 09Mayo Graduate School of Medicine Medical Student “Boot camp trainingfor internship”

Workshopsforlastyearmedicalstudentsenteringinternship.Participatedinrevisingthecurriculumforthe “Stroke” and “Fever”sessions.

Sep 07Mayo Graduate School of Medicine: Medical Students aspatients project

A model of teachingempathy


Apr 15 -presentMKSAP /Board review curriculum project. Having completed the StanfordFacultyDevelopment Program that I teach here at UCSD, a group of hospitalist attendings both intheUCSD and VA hospital systems have developed a curriculum to improve teaching on wardteams,by using an MKSAP compendium of question as aframework.

Names of mentees can be provided uponrequest.

Mar14-presentUCSDPACEphysicianMentoring programThegoalofthisprogramistoremediatephysicianswho had disciplinary action with the California MedicalBoard.

June 14-presentCo-DirectorJuniorFacultyDevelopmentprogram fortheDivisionofHospitalMedicine(aoneyearprogramthatprovidesmentoringinmedicaleducation,quality


Mar11-presentMTSP Student Re-Immersion Project. Goal: Helps MTSP students to acclimate to clinicalmedicinebythestartoftheir3rdyear.I mentoredonestudenteachyear

Mentoring (Internal Medicine Residentsand faculty):

Sep 14 “Life after residency” –career workshop for Internal Medicine residents, SanDiego,

Sep13“Lifeafterresidency”–careerworkshopforInternalMedicineresidents UCSD

Dec 12 “Life after residency” –career workshop for Internal Medicineresidents,San Diego July 12- present Advisor/mentor for Internal Medicineinterns/residents/faculty



Apr15-MKSAP /Board review curriculum project. Having completed the StanfordFacultyDevelopment Program that I teach here at UCSD, a group of hospitalist attendings both intheUCSD and VA hospital systems have developed a curriculum to improve teaching on wardteams,by using an MKSAP compendium of question as aframework.

Names of mentees can be provided uponrequest.

July 14 –presentCo-DirectorJuniorFacultyDevelopmentprogram fortheDivisionofHospitalMedicine(aoneyearprogramthatprovidesmentoringinmedicaleducation,quality


May14Faculty Development session for UCSD Division ofHospital Medicine

“Control of teachingsession”

May13Faculty Development session for UCSD Division of Hospital Medicine

“The RIME framework in the evaluation ofmedical students”

April13Bedside rounding “refresher” for hospitalists and introduction of the Bedsiderounding


“How to diagnose thelearner”


June14Internal Medicine Chief resident teaching award for academic year2013-2014,University of California SanDiego


June13Excellence in teaching award for the Medicine Clerkship (course401)UCSD School of Medicine SanDiego

June13Nominated: Kaiser Awards for Excellence in Teaching, School ofMedicine

June12Nominated: Kaiser Awards for Excellence in Teaching, School ofMedicineJune11Internal Medicine Chief resident teaching award for academic year2010-2011,

University of California SanDiego

June10Excellence in teaching award for the Medicine Clerkship (course401)UCSD School of Medicine SanDiego


Nov 14-present Society of Hospital Medicine mentored implementation I-PASSprogram.

I-PASSStudywassupportedbya grantfromtheU.S.DepartmentofHealthandHumanServicesand wehave been accepted as one of the 16 sites for the I-PASS mentored implementation for the IMresidents.

June 08 Project Title: Hospital Internal Medicine Mentored Small Grant Research Award-Mayo Clinic forthe“Predictorsof30daysnon-electivehospitalreadmissionratesatSaintMary’sHospital,Rochester


PopaAS,RabinsteinA,LarsonD,GullerudR,HuddlestonJM.Predictorsofstrokeafterhipsurgery-apopulation based study JHM2009;4:298–303


Mycopathologia (2011)171:285–289

ZologA,BednarM,GeorgescuC,PopaA.Completesubangularalexiawithspontaneousresolution.Romanian Neurology Journal.1999;4:304.

Books, onlineresources

Clinicaldecisionsupport:HospitalMedicine(CarotidstenosisandGiant Cell arteritischapters

Research/InnovationsAbstractsat NationalMeetings

April 16 Sebasky M, Bordin-Wosk T, Popa R, DeKorte M, Popa RTailoring Ward-Based Teaching to Resident Needs UsingMKSAP Questions

APDIM meeting Las Vegas, NV April 2016

April 16 Bordin-Wosk T, Wood B, Popa A, Ries D, Patel S, Spector NResident satisfaction after implementation of the iPASS handoff bundle

APDIM meeting Las Vegas, NV April 2016

March14Lovetro B, Ha D, Jenkins I, Martin L, Clay B, Lane J, Bordin-Wosk T, PopaAS.Clinical predictors associated with Proton Pump Inhibitors adherence


April12Koppenbrink K, Clay B, Helmons P, Jenkins I, Popa AS. The impact of an electronicorderset in reducing overuse of proton pump inhibitors in theinpatient population

Society of Hospital Medicine Annual Meeting 2012, SanDiego,CAPublishedintheSupplementtotheJHospMed2012,5(suppl)

April10PopaAS,CaseyK,HuddlestonJ,BergstralhE,GullerudRPredictorsof30-dayNon-elective Hospital ReadmissionRates

SocietyofHospitalMedicine AnnualMeeting2010,Washinton,DCPublishedintheSupplementtotheJHospMed2010;5(3)(suppl2):60

April08PopaAS,RabinsteinA,LarsonD,GullerudD,HuddlestonJMIncidenceandpredictorsofstroke after hipsurgery

Society of Hospital Medicine Annual Meeting 2008,SanDiego,CAPublishedintheSupplementtotheJHospMedVol3.Supl1,2008:34

May05Buff D, PopaAS,BotezMI,Calmac R Adverse drug reactions as a cause of hospitaladmissionsin nursing homepatients

American Geriatrics Society 2005 Annual Meeting, Orlando,FLPublished in J Am Geriatr Soc. 2005 Apr;53(4Suppl):S1-217

May04Buff D, Popa AS Improving the quality ofDo-Not-Resuscitateorders American Geriatrics Society 2004 Annual Meeting,LasVegas, NV Published in J Am Geriatr Soc. 2004Apr;52(4Suppl):S1-246

May04BuffD,PopaASPreventinghypoglycemicepisodesinhospitalizedgeriatricpatients.Aperformance improvementproject

AmericanGeriatricsSociety2004AnnualMeeting,LasVegas,NVPublished in J Am Geriatr Soc. 2004 Apr;52(4Suppl):S1-246



99Simu M, PopaA Outcomes in patients withvascular dementia.


96Petrica M., Popa A The value of extra cranial Doppler in the study of occlusions of the cervicalportion of the internal carotidartery


96Marin, A, Lazarescu, M, Popa, A, Jernea M The transcultural studyofDepression. Preliminary results on aRomanian sample.

Abstracts of 17th DanubianPsychiatry Symposium

96Deheleanu, P, Hategan, M, Popa,A., Babos,D, Sabau,D Clinical and course peculiaritiesofrecurrent affectivepsychoses.

Abstracts of 17th DanubianPsychiatry Symposium


March 16 Kantor M A, Steinberg J, Popa A The tip of the iceberg: a rare cause of acute liver failure

Winner1st prize for case vignettes at the Society of Hospital Medicine national meeting, San Diego, CA March 2016

March15Jacobs M, Duong J, PopaAS More than meets the eye-a perplexing case ofconfusion

Society of Hospital Medicine Annual Meeting 2015, Washington,DC


SocietyofHospitalMedicine AnnualMeeting2014,LasVegas,NevadaPublishedin the Supplement to the J Hosp Med 2014,4(suppl)