JULY9, 2014


President Valerie Folkema called the regular meetingto order at 7:00 p.m. at the port office.

Commissioners present: Paul Daniels, Bob Browning, Valerie Folkema, John Luquette, Kelly Barnett.

Staff present:Michael Saindon, David OlsonJessi Coon, Claudia Maciel.

Visitors:Paul Heydenreich, Diana Walker, Eddie Ebel, Scott Keillor.



Eddie Ebel introduced himself to the commission and shared that his family moved to Tillamook County about 2 years ago to build a missionary barge. Ebel noted that the family has been contacted by networks hoping to take on their project and film the rebuilding of the barge, noting the networks really like Garibaldi as a location. Saindon noted that the family is looking for privately owned land to build on. Browning asked what Ebel needed from port. Ebel noted that right now just an informational visit with the commission, but that there are lots of projects and work that could be done in the community. Ebel noted that any time filming is done permission is needed. Barnett thanked Ebel for giving advanced notice. Luquette noted good concept, just unsure of what the port can do. Ebel noted mostly just informational visit. Folkema noted her caution about doing anything near or in the water, but encouraged Ebel to stay involved and keep the port in the loop. Daniels asked if a naval architect is involved in the rebuild, Ebel noted professional boat builders involved. Folkema thanked Ebel for his time.


Motion by Browning, second by Barnett, to approve minutes of June 11 regular meeting. Motion carried5 - 0.

Motion by Luquette, second by Browning,to approve the Junefinancial reports and payment of bills.Motion carried5 - 0.


None at this time.



Keillor shared the process of the vision plan and sketches that were drawn of for future plans. Reviewed the land use matrix map; Harborview was changed back to a missed use site, future RV park was taken out of the dredge spoil site, discussion regarding future Lumberman's Park plans. Keillor asked about potentially having an interpretive section at the park to keep the area history prominent. Keillor also pointed out test changes; including changing the sign types to include tasteful neon signs. Keillor shared that examples were taken from Port of Hood River and Port of Toledo. Keillor encouraged commission to adopt a set of design standards instead of design guidelines. Luquette noted that if standards were adopted they would be able to amend them. Folkema noted that standards set ahead of time would be more professional, and not left up to interpretation. Commission asked about Pier's End being included in the vision plan, Keillor noted it was an easy fix to mention in the vision plan. Folkema mentioned using the words job creation within the vision statement. Browning noted land on the land use matrix map that is currently private property. Keillor noted that the owners of the private property felt it was an important piece of property in the waterfront development. Browning noted discomfort having private property in the port's vision plan. Folkema noted she may be comfortable having the property labeled as a potential future partnership, supported by the vision plan. Saindon noted a perception issue and shared that the final draft will be up for adoption in the August meeting.


Saindon noted that model lease was sent to Bouchard and also found correspondence in the file with a previous lease extension request. Saindon noted that he was very impressed with the amount of work that has been done on the motel. Tabled until later meeting.



Saindon noted that this resolution repeals Resolution 2009-05 naming Kevin Greenwood as the registered agent. Coon noted that the authorized person need to also be changed at the banks, and this would help staff be able to add Michael Saindon on to the accounts.

Motion by Browning, second by Luquette to adopt Resolution 2014-07Naming Michael Saindon the registered agent for Port of Garibaldi. Motion carried 5 - 0.


Saindon shared an inspection report for the port owned apartment, noting it is still collateral for a loan and cannot be taken down yet. Saindon noted not thrilled about losing any income. Olson noted windows need replaced and most likely will find rot under the siding. Olson stated that he felt like the repairs would end up being around $25,000. Saindon shared concerns about the livability and would be scheduling a time to walk through the apartment, giving the tenant at least 72 hours notice. Saindon noted that the TIGER grant plans will affect the building. Browning noted the building at least needs a coat of paint. Saindon noted no decision needed at this time.


Finished rock placement, received change order proposal for $62 credit. Finished rebar and topping slab in phase 1. Valentine from HHPR was out at the site and mentioned ordering 3 4" drains for high water usage businesses. panels in phase 2 area have been installed. Risk register was re-reviewed, one was taken off and now four items remain. Next month will be focusing on phase two area. Bergerson is taking next week off. Luquette asked about four remaining risks; inclement weather, blowouts during pour, rebair repair, and equipment breakdowns. Ladder changes were mis-engineered and the fabricator caught the mistake. Daniels asked Walker if she had a dollar value on the risk register to the Port, no dollar value. Daniels asked about the exposure of the risk register items. Walker noted that most items would be a schedule exposure, Heydenreich noted not necessarily a dollar value. Walker also shared that Bergerson may allow temporary tie ups for commercial vessels waiting for unloading. Browning noted that fishermen may walk through the construction zone. Olson noted no ladders will be installed, no access during construction. Daniels asked how underbudget HMM would be, Walker noted that about $20,000 underbudget.


Olson noted that the 4th of July weekend was a busy weekend. After the break-in the crew is working on getting all of the locks replaced. Crew is painting on S. 7th Street and Piers End rail while Dakota is doing the rounds. Next week the crew will be back to prepping for Garibaldi Days. Port and City crews are prepping for painting with the new street sweeper. For Garibaldi Days on the port property there will be the fish tank, TEP interpretive booth, waterball fight on Biak Ave and bands on Saturday night before fireworks. Barnett asked about Piers End being closed and how long it is closed. Olson noted it will be closed most of July 7th through 18th, but open on the weekends.

Coon introduced Maciel, the temporary replacement for maternity leaves. Lots of moorage payments are coming in. Coon is working on OSMB MAPS expenditure reporting and Workers Comp reporting so that it can be turned in before maternity leave. Coon noted concern about getting ready for moorage upgrades and will continue with PERS reporting, payroll and grant administration while out on maternity leave. Coon also noted that the paperwork is going through on F/V Ptarmigan and F/V 3-C's and a notice for sealed bids for the F/V Ptarmigan will go out for the paper tomorrow. Browning asked about the owner making payment. Coon confirmed that the owner of Ptarmigan did call about payment, but no payment was received so staff is moving forward.


Saindon received a notice to proceed from OSMB and will be soliciting bids for the fabrication of the boarding floats. Giving 120 days for fabrication instead of 90 days, this will still allow for installation from January through February 15th.

Ambulance Quarters lease, did find minutes in October 2009 showing that the commission allowed text change in the lease allowing TCGH to keep quarters if they move.

Dredging/shoaling issues - looking at ways to solve undermining of seawall and significant shoaling by Garibaldi Marina and The Spot. Will be attending a meeting in Florence regarding the dredge permitting on July 17.

Waiting for RV Park engineering and designs before soliciting for loans or bids.

Website and phones are being worked on, the phone tree initially put in cannot be changed to reflect current staff.

Break-in Update: Saindon noted that security issues are being addressed, temporarily relocated files until safe is in. Staff is wanting to limit cash payments. Will be adding security cameras. Keys and cash were taken. Barnett asked if anything was covered by insurance. Saindon noted that yes, covered by insurance, but long term would bump our premiums up and might not be worth the claim. Saindon noted that SDAO may be willing to help out with security cameras starting in August.

Saindon also noted that he will be talking to OCSR regarding getting volunteers to check in on the restroom maintenance with so many riders.


Daniels asked about the completion of the concrete slabs, and if financing may be obtained to finish pour, noting it is the cheapest time to address the pour. Folkema asked about the utilities, Daniels noted that would be addressed in the TIGER grant. Walker noted $160K was a number given for finishing/capping pilings and it would push the project out for 2-3 months. Browning asked how much ground is available for potential tenants, possibly two lots are available. Saindon noted not very comfortable putting two loans/financing on top of each other without the promise of revenue. Folkema noted she would be more at ease if tenants were lined up. Daniels asked if commission wanted to postpone or take a risk. Folkema noted that numbers were just not available. Daniels asked if figures could be obtained. Daniels asked if RV park was going to be funded out of current assets or financing.

Daniels also noted no financial plan, wanting to see intermediate and long term financial goals and plans. Currently a 2-3Mil business and will soon be a 8-9Mil business, okay with taking on that debt. Folkema noted this was more of a private sector thought. Luquette asked if a workshop was needed, commission agreed to look at scheduling a workshop.

Browning asked about the engineering of the ladders. Luquette and Barnett noted they felt it was an insignificant amount to go after.

Barnett noted that part of his concern, security cameras had been addressed. Barnett also asked about the arrows that belong under the gateway sign and if they can be mounted. Olson noted that he could mount them, but would like to meet with Lettenmaier about the engineering to make sure they were stamped plans. Luquette asked if the arrows were helpful. Barnett noted that the arrows direct toward port.

Folkema noted a fishing bills that had been passed, one regarding ground fish and a Salmon Recovery bill that had passed. Delegates will be coming to the port in August. Jetties will be receiving funding over the next three years. Folkema also noted a derelict crab gear plan from ODFW, Browning noted that yes ODFW has that plan in place, but so far has yet to fill out paperwork so that fishermen can actually participate in this plan. Shawn Robbins will be coming in on August 5th. Folkema also noted the article in Tillamook Headlight Herald regarding Irish's Mooring, stated it was a good article shared information on the port. Folkema also thanked the crew for their work on the 4th of July weekend. Saindon thanked Olson also for his work over the 4th of July.


The meeting adjourned at 9:20p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,


Valerie S. Folkema, President



John Luquette, Secretary/Treasurer

Page 1: Minutes of 7/9/2014, Port of Garibaldi