Fudacz CV 1

Jamie Fudacz

516 N. Lucerne Blvd.

Los Angeles, California 90004

Phone: (323) 788-6108 ∙ E-Mail:

October 13, 2016


University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Department of Spanish and Portuguese

June 2012Ph.D., Hispanic Languages and Literatures

Dissertation: The Decadent City: Urban Space in Latin American Dirty Realist Fiction

Co-Chairs: Prof. Maarten Van Delden, Prof. Jorge Marturano

Areas of Specialization: Contemporary Latin American Fiction, Caribbean, Mexico, Colombia

2008M.A., Hispanic Languages and Literatures

UCLA TeachLA/California Commission on Teacher Credentialing

2004SB2024 Preliminary Single Subject Credential in English

Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut

2003B.A., Spanish and Latin American Studies

High Honors, Phi Beta Kappa Early Induction

Honors Thesis: Cuerpos Sucios: The Grotesque and Gender in Latin American Dirty Realism

Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales/Universidad de Buenos Aires

2001Semester Abroad, Center For International Educational Exchange

Buenos Aires, Argentina


University of Southern California, Department of Spanish and Portuguese


Courses: Spanish 150

Spanish 220

Spanish 260, Advanced Spanish Arts and Sciences

From NAFTA to Narcos: Globalization In Contemporary Latin American Literature and Film (accepted Fall 2016, to be taught Spring 2016)

University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Spanish and Portuguese

2013-2014Adjunct Assistant Professor

Courses: Trends in Contemporary Latin American Fiction: McOndo, El Crack, and Dirty Realism

Structure of Literary Work

Revolution, Resistance, and Ruins: Cuban literature, 1959-present

2012-2013Visiting Assistant Professor/Faculty Fellow

Courses: The Hispano-American City: Contemporary Literary Perspectives

Advanced Spanish Conversation and Composition

Structure of Literary Work

Summer 2012Lecturer

Intensive Spanish


University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Spanish and Portuguese

2009-2011Summer Teaching Associate

Spanish Language Instructor: Levels 2-3

2007-2009Teaching Associate

Spanish Language Instructor: Levels 1-5

Children Youth and Family Collaborative, Los Angeles, California

2005-2006Site Coordinator

Ran an afterschool educational enrichment program for at-risk youth in Compton, California.

Teach For America/Los Angeles Unified School District/LeConte Middle School

2003-2005Teacher, English as a Second Language (ESL)


Fall 2016Director, Spanish Brigades Service Learning Project

Aug. 2016American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Writing Proficiency Test Certification

4/21/16Participated in the Center for Excellence in Teaching’s Best Practices in Teaching Foreign Languages - Beyond the Interpretive Mode and Reading Mangaworkshop

3/8/16Taught an Advanced Placement Spanish seminar in conjunction with the Spanish Consulate

Spring 2016Faculty Advisor Alternative Spring Break Peru

Assisted in organizing and leading a group of student volunteers on a week-long service trip to Lima, Peru

11/12/15Participated in the Center for Excellence in Teaching’s Heritage Speakers in the Classroom workshop

Nov. 2015American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Oral Proficiency Interview Certification

10/9/15Attended BlackBoard Collaborate workshop presentation

2015-16 School yearStudent Learner Outcomes Assessment Committee member

Winter 2015-PresentLaborotorio de Escritura On-line (LEO) Writing Tutor

Spring 2015- Fall 2016Advisor for Los Feliz en Español student service learning project

Spring 2015 Participated in 4-day American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages teaching workshop

2014 - Present Hybrid High Advanced Placement Curriculum Project (HAPS) Founder

Assist Hybrid High AP Teacher in planning and curriculum development at weekly on-site meetings, organize volunteer-led writing workshops for students

2014- PresentCommittee Memberships: Basic Language Committee, Mentoring and Evaluation Committee

January 2015Film curriculum development partner with the Spanish Consulate in Los Angeles: Justin y la Espada de Valor

Spring 2014Organizing Committee Member. Coloquio internacional Espacios transnacionales en las literaturas y culturas hispánicas, Universidad de California, Los Ángeles (UCLA), 16 y 17 de mayo de 2014.

2011-2012Senior Editor, Mester, the literary journal published by the graduate students of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese of UCLA

2009Co-Coordinator of Graduate Student Conference: “Dislocated Writing,” UCLA


April 2016Distinguished Advising Award, USC Student Affairs Center for Service Programs

2011-2012Graduate Division Dissertation Year Fellowship, UCLA

Summer 2011 Latin American Institute Fawcett Field Research Grant, UCLA

(Research in Mexico City)

Spring 2011UC Cuba Travel Grant, University of California (Research in Havana)

Fall 2010Mellon Pre-Dissertation Fellowship, UCLA (Research in Medellín)

Spring 2010Ben and Rue Pine Travel Award, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, UCLA (Research in Havana and Mexico City)

2010-2011Dean’s Del Amo Fellowship, UCLA

2009-2010Graduate Division Graduate Research Mentorship Fellowship, UCLA

Summer 2009Graduate Division Summer Research Mentorship Fellowship, UCLA

2008-2009Department of Spanish and Portuguese T.A. of the Year Award of Excellence, UCLA

2006-2007Dean’s Del Amo Fellowship, UCLA

2003Juan Roura Parella Prize for Curiosity and General Learning,

Wesleyan University

2003Levy-Spira Prize for Excellence in Latin American Studies, Wesleyan University

2003Mann Prize for Distinction in Romance Languages, Wesleyan University

2003High Honors in Latin American Studies and Spanish, Wesleyan University

2002Phi Beta Kappa, Early Induction


“Heteronormative Bias in the Spanish Language Classroom.” Pending Review.

“The Local Tourist: A Study of Guillermi Fadanelli’s Hotel DF.” Accepted for conference publication of Coloquio internacional Espacios transnacionales en las literaturas y culturas hispánicas.

“Between Place and Non-place: The Fictions of Guillermo Fadanelli.”Interférences littéraires/Literaire

interferenties13 June 2014, Special issue on space and everyday life in contemporary fiction.

“Tratar de decir lo que la gente no quiere oír: Una entrevista a Pedro Juan Gutiérrez." Mester 41 (2012): 65-75.

“Una comunidad de voyeures: una nueva mirada a Trilogía sucia de la Habana.” Katatay:

Revista crítica de literatura latinoamericana 6.8 (2010): 107-114.

“The Nature of Homosexuality in Carlos Montenegro’s Hombres sin mujer.” Ciberletras 22

(December 2009): n. pag. May 2008.


“The Local Tourist: A Study of Guillermo Fadanelli’s Hotel DF.” Coloquio internacional Espacios transnacionales en las literaturas y culturas hispánicas, Universidad de California, Los Ángeles (UCLA), 16 y 17 de mayo de 2014.

“Travel and the ‘non-place’ in Guillermo Fadanelli’s Lodo.” Travel, XIX Annual Juan Bruce-Novoa Mexican Studies Conference, University of California, Irvine, April 2013.

“Neo-fascism or Nostalgia: The Case of Fernando Vallejo’s Medellín.” Writing the City Political, Latin American Studies Association Conference, San Francisco, May 2012.

“Ambiguous Progress: The Role of Technology in Las Iniciales de la Tierra,” Crisis and

Opportunity in Latin America, Latin American Studies Program, UCR, Riverside,

April 2010.

“Turismo Aconsejable and Visions of the Suffering of Others,” The Itinerant Word, Department

of Spanish and Portuguese Graduate Student Conference, UCLA, Los Angeles,


Modern Languages Association

Latin American Studies Association

American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese