Name: Earth Science Pd:
Wind Computer Activity
Go to the website and navigate the interactive diagrams to answer the questions below.
The Coriolis Effect Defined
- How does the earth’s rotation influence the speed the speed of land at the poles and equator?
- How does this phenomenon influence the motion of air surrounding the solid earth?
Warm Air Rises…
- What is a convection current? Explain the process of a convection current.
- According to the convection model, why would air rise at the equator?
- According to the convection model, what would happen to air at the poles?
- What two factors influence the global circulation of wind?
- However, the earth’s global system is NOT a perfect convection model. How does the earth’s rotation influence global winds?
Putting It All Together
- Explain the six cell circulation model.
- In looking at the arrows on each cell, which direction is wind deflected in the southern hemisphere? Which direction is wind deflected in the northern hemisphere?
- Where are Hadley Cells located and how does air move throughout these cells?
- Where are Ferrel Cells located and how does air move throughout these cells?
- Where are Polar Cells located and how does air move throughout these cells?
- Where are horse latitudes located? Describe the air movement at horse latitudes.
- Where are doldrums located? Describe the air movement at doldrums.
- What influence do global winds have on the surface currents of oceans?
Do You Get It?
Lastly, complete the quiz until you achieve a perfect 6 out of 6. Have your work checked for accuracy.
Local Winds
Directions: Use the interactive links to answer the questions below.
Sea Breezes and Land Breezes – Coastal Winds
- Why are breezes commonly found along shorelines?
- What type of breeze occurs during the daytime? Why does this breeze occur?
- What type of breeze occurs overnight? Why does this breeze occur?
- Which surface temperature tends to fluctuate greatly during the course of the day? Land or Ocean? Why do you think this is the case?
- Around what two times during the day will there be little wind as the sea breezes and land breezes switch?
Jet Streams
- What is the jet stream and where is it located in the atmosphere (click on underlined word jet stream)?
- What factor about the earth produces the jet stream?
- How does momentum influence the formation of the jet stream?
- What disrupts the flow of warm equatorial air to the polar regions?
- How are polar jet streams (the jet stream through the northern U.S.) created?