Information for candidates

About the Portman Group

The Portman Group is the dedicated social responsibility organisation for UK drinks producers[1]. Our role is:

·  To encourage and challenge the industry to promote its products responsibly, mainly through the operation of the Code of Practice on the Naming, Packaging and Promotion of Alcoholic Drinks[2];

·  Bring together drinks producers, leading sports, music and venue organisations to promote responsible drinking through sponsorships under the new UK-wide Portman Group Alcohol Sponsorship Code[3];

·  To demonstrate leadership on best practice on alcohol social responsibility through the actions of member companies;

·  To speak on behalf of members on these issues to inform public opinion and policy.

As the alcohol industry watchdog, we regulate the promotion and packaging of alcohol through a respected Code of Practice. The Portman Group also operates the first ever UK-wide Alcohol Sponsorship Code.

The Portman Group’s Code of Practice on the Naming, Packaging and Promotion of Alcoholic Drinks

The Portman Group’s Code of Practice on the Naming, Packaging and Promotion of Alcoholic Drinks has been in operation since 1996. The fifth edition of the Code came into effect on 31 May 2013 following a wide-ranging review and extensive consultation period.

The Portman Group is one of three regulatory bodies that control the standards of alcohol marketing in the UK[4]. These three bodies effectively cover all alcohol marketing. The Code applies to the naming, packaging, marketing and promotional activity undertaken by a drinks producer for an alcoholic drink which is marketed for sale and consumption in the UK, and is not already subject to regulation through the ASA or Ofcom. This ensures consistent and seamless self-regulation across alcohol marketing.

The alcoholic drinks industry is committed to promoting its products in a socially responsible manner and only to those over 18. The Code is supported by the industry, including producers, importers, wholesalers, retailers and trade associations.

The Code prohibits the marketing of alcoholic drinks to under-18s; the alcohol content of a drink must be communicated with absolute clarity; a products higher alcoholic strength must not be given undue emphasis; must not encourage irresponsible or immoderate consumption; must not encourage rapid or down-in-one drinking; there must be no association with illegal drugs, bravado, aggression or anti-social behavior; must not suggest any association with sexual activity or sexual success.

The Portman Group’s Code of Practice Alcohol Sponsorship

In January 2014, The Portman Group launched the first ever UK-wide Sponsorship Code which commits producers to promote responsible drinking and/or support diversionary activities as part of their sponsorship agreement. This can be in the form of bar staff training and investment in grassroots sport.

The Independent Complaints Panel

The Portman Group operates an open and accessible complaints system allowing anyone to make a complaint against any product, promotion or alcohol sponsorship that they consider is in breach of the Code. It is not the role of the Portman Group to decide whether a product/promotion/sponsorship agreement is in breach of the Code. All complaints are considered by an Independent Complaints Panel (Panel), currently chaired by Jenny Watson CBE. Members of the Panel represent a diverse range of backgrounds and experience in order to provide perspectives across society. The Panel’s role is to weigh up the arguments put forward by the complainant and the drinks producer; to evaluate these against the rules of the Code; and to decide whether the Code rules have been breached. All Panel decisions are published and effective sanctions are in place to ensure that these decisions are enforced. The Panel is a company limited by guarantee.

Position vacant

We are seeking one new Panel member to replace a member whose term of appointment is ending shortly.

In order to keep a balance of expertise and experience, we require someone with a legal knowledge and/or licensing background (the applicant does not need to be a qualified barrister or solicitor). We would also be interested in applicants who have gained licensing experience in a local authority environment.

Commitment required

The Independent Complaints Panel meets a minimum of six times per year. The dates are agreed before the beginning of the calendar year. The meetings take place at the Portman Group’s offices in central London. Meetings usually fall on a Thursday and run from 12:00 – 14:00. A sandwich lunch is provided. Prior permission for absenteeism from Panel meetings must be gained from the Chair.

As a member of the Independent Complaints Panel you also agree to be a Director of the limited company; and, your directorship will be notified to Companies House.

Duration of term

The successful candidate will be appointed to serve a three year term from July 2018. Panel members may be re-appointed for an additional term at the discretion of the Chair. No Panel member shall serve more than six years in total.


There is initial induction training for new Panel members.


Panel members are paid an honorarium of £4k per annum plus the reimbursement of reasonable expenses.


Panel membership represents a diversity of background and experience. We welcome candidates of any gender, race, religion and people with disabilities and those who live or work in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. Indeed, we welcome well qualified candidates of any age who are able to devote the necessary time to the work.

Power of appointment

Appointments to the Panel are made by the Chair following an open recruitment process. In choosing Panel members, the Chair aims to achieve a complement of skills and background. All members of the Panel are different and bring differing experience, knowledge and abilities.

The Chair’s decision on appointments is final and no correspondence will be entered into once the decision is made.


Analytical skills and judgement

Candidates should be able to demonstrate experience in analysing arguments and exercising sound judgement.

Communication and listening skills

Candidates should be able to put a case persuasively in a small meeting, while taking on board the perspective of others.

Awareness of alcohol issues

Candidates should be able to demonstrate reasonable awareness and understanding of current issues of concern about alcohol.

Balanced viewpoint

Candidates should have a balanced view of alcohol’s role in society and should not have any strong leaning or vested interest that might be perceived to prejudice their decision-making.

Independent thinking

Candidates should be genuinely independent and objective in their thought and approach.

Subject background

Candidates should demonstrate how they have the relevant legal and/or licensing background experience.

How to apply

Candidates should enclose a CV along with a covering letter explaining clearly how they meet the requirements of this role (above) and send this by e-mail to or by post to:

Kay Perry

Programme and Regulatory Affairs Director

The Portman Group

20 Conduit Street



Applications should be marked ‘ICP recruitment – Ref ICP2’ and must be received by 5pm Friday 16 March 2018.

Interviews with shortlisted candidates are scheduled for Wednesday 2 May.


[1] Current member companies are AB InBev UK; Bacardi Brown-Forman Brands UK; Carlsberg UK; Diageo GB; Heineken UK; Molson Coors Brewing Company UK; Pernod Ricard UK and Jägermeister UK.

[2] The Code of Practice on the Naming, Packaging and Promotion of Alcoholic Drinks is available to download: http://www.portmangroup.org.uk/assets/documents/Code%20of%20practice%204th%20Edition.pdf

[3] The Portman Group Alcohol Sponsorship Code is available to download: http://www.portmangroup.org.uk/codes/sponsorship-code

[4] The other bodies are the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) and The Office of Communications (Ofcom)