UNIVERSITY OF BRADFORDSchool of Life SciencesDivision of Chemical and Forensic SciencesProgramme/course title: Forensic and Medical Sciences

Awarding and teaching institution: / University of Bradford
Final award: / MSci; [QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications Level M]
BSc (Honours); [QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications Level H]
Programme title: / Forensic and Medical Sciences
Duration: / MSci (4 yr, full time);
BSc (3 yr, full time and 4 yr, sandwich)
UCAS code: / MSci [FBL9 MsCI/FMS4]
3 yr BSc [FB49 BSc/FMS]
4 yr BSc [FBK9 BSc/FMS4]
Subject benchmark statement: / Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences
Date produced: / Original – July 2002
Last updated : / July 2010


The Division of Chemical and Forensic Sciences in the School of Life Sciences is a UK pioneer in the development of education and training in the forensic sciences in undergraduate courses. Our courses have acquired a strong reputation and they derive benefit from the successes of contributing departments including the Department of Biomedical Sciences, and the Department of Archaeological Sciences. Forensic investigation draws on virtually every branch of science including all of the disciplines of chemistry, biology, physics andmathematics, and those derived from them, such as medicine, computing, engineering and archaeology. The discipline also encompasses subjects which are better defined within the humanities and arts including for example psychology, ethics and law, and a great many vocational subjects such as profiling, photography, nursing and reconstruction. By far the greatest requirement of the professional forensic and police scientific sectors in addressing crimes against a person (serious crime) and identifying individuals are skills in the biosciences, and for crimes against property (volume crime), the skills of the chemical scientist. The Bradford course in Forensic and Medical Sciences has been designed to deliver education and training in the essential core biomedical and forensic sciences to meet these requirements, especially the former, to integrate forensic investigation within each year of the course, to deliver a wide range of transferable skills, many of which are embedded within the scientific programme as well as being acquired through modules in professional development, and to provide you with opportunities to focus on topics of particular interest in your final year of study. Degrees based on the biosciences prepare graduates for a wide range of careers including those in the professional medical and forensic sectors because of their broad basis and application.

Programme Aims

The programme is intended:

A1 To provide you with a comprehensive knowledge and systematic understanding of aspects of the Biomedical Sciences and Forensic Investigation and Interpretation, and enable you to apply these to forensic examination and analysis;

A2 To provide you with a supportive and structured environment in which you are encouraged to develop the independent study skills required for lifelong learning;

A3 To develop your abilities for both team-working and autonomous learning, through directed study, through dissertative and practical forensic investigation and project work, and prepare you for life-long learning;

A4 To provide you with opportunities to develop and demonstrate critical thinking and interpretative skills through independent investigation of a forensic topic and the underlying biomedical sciences;

A5 To enable you to develop skills in a range of analytical techniques essential in analytical, biomedical and forensic investigation;

A6 To provide you with the opportunity to enhance your learning and professional and scientific skills by applying your knowledge and understanding in employment through a sandwich placement year;

A7 To provide you with opportunities to develop a wide range of transferable skills of value in medical and non- medical employment, and to prepare you for careers to meet the needs of the professional forensic and police sector employers;

A8 To provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to proceed to further studies in specialised areas of forensic investigation or multi-disciplinary areas involving the chemical and/or biomedical sciences, and to provide you with the opportunity to study beyond Masters level.

Programme Learning Outcomes

When you have completed the programme you will be able to:

B1 Subject Knowledge and Skills

B1.1 Integrate and appraise core principles underlying biomedical sciences, including cell biology, physiology, microbiology, immunology, human genetics, biochemistry, and pathology, and forensic investigation and Interpretation (including examination and analysis of physical evidence and interpretation and presentation of forensic evidence) and apply them to forensic casework. Optionally, describe and explain the molecular and genetic basis of disease, the fundamentals of gene expression, biotechnology, and genomics, and apply archaeological and anthropological principles to forensic investigation;

B1.2 Explain the principles and procedures used in the analysis and the characterisation of biological substances. Interpret analytical data;

B1.3 Plan, coordinate and carry out forensic search, recovery, comparison, analysis and interpretation with due regard to the issues of contamination, health and safety, continuity, quality assurance and professional practices and procedures, and to explain the scientific principles underpinning forensic investigation to a lay audience; apply forensic and biological principles and skills to a variety of physical evidence types in forensic investigation;

B1.4 Plan and undertake independent practical investigation of an unfamiliar nature with due regard to personal, and laboratory safety in handling bio-hazardous materials, in maintaining integrity of sample and in addressing issues of contamination and quality assurance; design and implement research strategies for practical biomedical and/or forensic investigation and analysis.

B1.5 Carry out appropriate statistical evaluation and interpretation of data; critically analyse scientific data and interpret context-based information;

B1.6 Analyse and assess errors and their sources, and formulate strategies to minimise errors and bias in practical biological and forensic investigation and in the manipulation of numerical data.

B1.7 Present scientific information and sustain arguments clearly and correctly, in writing and orally, to a range of audiences.

B1.8 Present and defend expert testimony, in writing through expert witness statements and orally in evidence-in-chief and under cross-examination.

B2 Core Academic Skills

B2.1 Demonstrate critical thinking in the interpretation of scientific and forensic evidence, using it to support conclusions/recommendations, and review the reliability, validity and significance of evidence.

B2.2 Identify and define complex problems and apply appropriate knowledge and skills to their solution.

B2.3 Analyse new data and situations using a range of techniques appropriate to the subject.

B2.4 Integrate data and concepts for a given purpose and formulate solutions to problems, which recognise the uncertainty, ambiguity and limits of knowledge.

B3 Personal & Key Skills

B3.1 In accordance with the Benchmark Statements for Biomedical Sciences, you will be able to demonstrate skills in: numeracy; information-retrieval (in relation to primary and secondary information sources); independent learning and research; team working; IT; written and oral communication, time management; problem-solving; study skills (needed for continuing professional development).

B4 Placement Learning

B4.1 These will depend to a large extent on the particular activity undertaken whilst on placement but could include the ability to use state-of-the-art analytical equipment, to acquire and interpret data, to evaluate biomedical processes and trouble-shoot problems in a technical environment.

B4.2 Demonstrate communication skills through ability to present results both in reports and orally to laboratory and senior managers.

B4.3 Work independently and as part of a team and work to tight deadlines.

B5 MSci (Master in Science)

On successful completion of the MSci you should also be able to:

B5.1 Explain and critically evaluate areas of advanced biological or forensic investigation and pursue an independent, practical investigation in considerable depth in one of these disciplines.

B5.2 Plan, design and execute practical investigations, from the problem-recognition stage through to the evaluation and appraisal of results and findings.

B5.3 Select appropriate techniques and procedures, independently interpret conflicting and uncertain results generated both in your experimental project and by others.

B5.4 Critically appraise published work.


The curriculum is designed to provide for a core programme in the biomedical sciences and forensic sciences through core modules and options. Professional skills are embedded in the curriculum. Irrespective of option choices in prescribed topics, the final year provides you with an opportunity to investigate a forensic topic or topics of your own choice through dissertative and practical research activities. Development of a broad range of professional and transferable skills is designed to assist your progression from the university to your chosen career or further study, and to provide a basis for continuing lifelong learning. Except for those acquired through placement experience, the attributes of knowledge and understanding, discipline skills and personal transferable skills outlined above are acquired through study of the core components of the course.

On the BSc course, you may undertake a year of industrial placement between Stages 2 and 3. On successful completion of the year in industry, which is supported through visits of academic tutors to the workplace, you will be awarded the Diploma of Industrial Study. It is quite clear that students who complete a placement not only gain valuable experience, but also often enhance their career prospects and do better in their final year of academic studies.

On the MSci course, you will spend all four years of the course in full-time academic study. This route is particularly suited to students who aspire to a career in a research environment; indeed as part of your Stage 4 studies you will undertake a significant research project on a subject of your own choosing over the entire second semester.

The curriculum may change, subject to the University's course approval, monitoring and review procedures, as improvements are made each year. More detail, including learning outcomes, is available for each unit.

Code / Module Title / L / S / C / FRMEDS
Stage 1 / Semester 1
CT1011M / Scientific Practice I / 1 / 1 / 10 / core / core / core
CT1009L / Principles of Forensic and Crime Scene Investigation / 1 / 1+2 / 20 / core / core / core
BM1010M / Human Physiology 1 / 1 / 1 / 10 / core / core / core
BM1111M / Cell Biology / 1 / 1 / 10 / core / core / core
BM1113M / Introduction to Biological Molecules / 1 / 1 / 10 / core / core / core
BM2107M / Human Genetics / 1 / 1 / 10 / core / core / core
Stage 1 / Semester 2
CT1507M / Scientific Practice II / 1 / 2 / 10 / core / core / core
BM2108D / Introductory Microbiology / 1 / 2 / 20 / core / core / core
BM2109M / Biochemistry / 1 / 2 / 10 / core / core / core
BM1011M / Human Physiology 2 / 1 / 2 / 10 / core / core / core
Stage 2 / Semester 1
MAN1060M / English Legal Systems 1 / 2 / 1 / 10 / option / option / option
MAN1051L / English Legal Systems 1 & 2 / 2 / 1+2 / 20 / option / option / option
CT2009M / Personal Professional & Expert Witness Skills / 2 / 1 / 10 / option / option / option
CT2015L / Forensic Examination and Analysis of Physical Evidence / 2 / 1+2 / 20 / core / core / core
BM2007D / Medical Microbiology / 2 / 1 / 20 / core / option / core
BM3102M / Clinical Biochemistry / 2 / 1 / 10 / core / option A / core
BM3103M / Immunology / 2 / 1 / 10 / option A / option A
BM2005M / Pathophysiology and Pharmacology of Systems 1 / 2 / 1+2 / 20 / option B / option B / option B
Stage 2 / Semester 2
CT6007M / Toxicology / 2 / 2 / 10 / option / option / option
BM1115M / Cellular Pathology / 2 / 2 / 10 / core / option / core
BM2002M / Molecular Genetics / 2 / 2 / 10 / core / option / core
BM4201M / Analytical Biochemistry / 2 / 2 / 10 / option A / option A / option A
BM2006M / Pathophysiology and Pharmacology of Systems 2 / 2 / 2 / 10 / option B / option B / option B
BM2004M / Haematology and Transfusion Science / 2 / 2 / 10 / option / option / option
CT7001P / Industrial Placement (Diploma Industrial Studies) / P / Elective / Elective / Elective
Stage 3 / Semester 1
CT3039L / Interpretation & Presentation of Forensic Evidence / 3 / 1+2 / 20 / core / core / core
AR5304M / Forensic Anthropology / 3 / 1 / 10 / option / option / option
BM3123D / Medical Genetics / 3 / 1 / 20 / core / core / core
BM3117D / Research Topics in Medical Cell Biology I / 3 / 1 / 20 / option / option
BM3121D / Research Topics in Medical Biochemistry I / 3 / 1 / 20 / option / option
BM3119D / Research Topics in Medical Microbiology I / 3 / 1 / 20 / option / option
AR6102M / Forensic Archaeology / 3 / 1 / 10 / option / option / option
AR3505M / Biometrics and Human Identification / 3 / 1 / 10 / option / option / option
Stage 3 / Semester 2
CT3504T / Research Project / 3 / 2 / 30 / core / core / core
BM3124D / Biology of Disease / 3 / 2 / 20 / option / option
AR8135M / Introduction to Forensic Taphonamy / 3 / 2 / 10 / option / option
AR6108M / Introduction to the Chemistry of Human Remains / 3 / 2 / 10 / option / option
LIF4001M / Electron Microscopy / M / 2 / 10 / option / option
Stage 4 / Semester 1
CT4011M / Scientific Project Management / M / 1 / 10 / core
LIF4003D / Fundamentals of Analytical Science / M / 1 / 20 / option
LIF4012M / X-Ray Diffraction / M / 1 / 10 / option
LIF4009M / Separation Science / M / 1 / 10 / option
LIF4011M / Vibrational Spectroscopy / M / 1 / 10 / option
BM9139D / Research Topics in Medical Cell Biology I (Level M) / M / 1 / 20 / option
BM9141D / Research Topics in Medical Biochemistry I (Level M) / M / 1 / 20 / option
BM9142D / Research Topics in Medical Microbiology I (Level M) / M / 1 / 20 / option
BM9140D / Research Topics in Cancer Biology and Cancer Therapeutics (Level M) / M / 1 / 20 / option
AR8103M / Introduction to Forensic Archaeology / M / 1 / 10 / option
Semester 2
CT4009Z / Stage Four Research Project / M / 2 / 60 / core

The curriculum may change, subject to the University's course approval, monitoring and review procedures.