Prayer Pointers
1. South Africa is offering the nations an African “calabash”, but Jesus offered us the Cup of the New Covenant filled with his blood (1 Cor 11:25). Eating and drinking communion is the most powerful weapon against the works of darkness. The action of breaking the bread and drinking the wine is the proclamation of the death and blood of Jesus and victory over all sin, Satan and the spirit of death (1 Cor 11:26). This weapon in the hands of born-again believers with a holy lifestyle can break the hold of the enemy over nations. Use this powerful weapon as often as possible before, during and after the World Cup. Pray that through the power of the blood, the words of our testimony as Christians and our willingness to lay down our lives for the truth and the message of salvation through Christ, the gospel will gain victory over all the work of Satan in South Africa (Rev 12:11). Pray for the breaking of the curses of all ungodly rituals, invocations and occult ceremonies before and during the World Cup. Pray that the plans of the evil one to cause violence, crime, sexual immorality, corruption and greed, will be frustrated and nullified. Pray for the purifying and cleansing power of the blood of Jesus against all sin.
2. During the World Cup, Africa wants to release a “new sound”. This “new sound” is linked with the blowing of the vuvuzela. The vuvuzela is a trumpet that is used in certain tribes to call the people to gather at the “kgotla” (court site where tribal leaders gather to make decisions). Whenever you hear the sound of the vuvuzela, call for the sound of heaven to be released on the earth. Call for and proclaim the “Voice of God” (Ps 29) over the waters, the mountains, the valleys, the plains, the cities, the stadiums and the nations gathering in South Africa. Pray that people will hear God’s voice and respond to it (John 10:27).
3. Pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit with the power to convict people of sin, righteousness and judgment (John 16:8). Pray that people will be convicted of the sin of unbelief, of the revelation that Jesus is ruling in heaven at the Father’s right hand, and that Satan is judged and has no more power to keep people in bondage.
4. Pray for God’s will to be done in the lives of every inhabitant of South Africa and every visitor from the nations. In the name of Jesus pray for every hindrance that the kingdom of darkness has employed to keep people in darkness, will be removed and destroyed (2 Cor 4:3; 2 Cor 10:4). Pray that many people who visit South Africa will have the opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ clearly explained. Pray a blessing over every outreach aimed at spreading the good news about Jesus Christ during this time. Pray for every Christian who will be involved in evangelism, social outreach, hospitality, security or any involvement regarding visitors to our nation, to be equipped, anointed and commissioned by the Holy Spirit to touch the lives of people they meet. Take authority over and resist every spirit that was sent to hinder the work of both the Holy Spirit and believers. Ask God to pour out his Spirit on South Africa and to fulfill the prophecy that a fire of revival will start in South Africa and touch the whole world. Pray for local churches to rise up and grasp the opportunities to further the kingdom of God in both their local communities and other nations of the world.
5. Declare the Name of Jesus Christ over South Africa as often as possible through this prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on South Africa. Bless this nation and make it a blessing to the nations of the world! Reveal your purposes for allowing South Africa to be released onto the global scene. Let your kingdom come, let your will be done, in and through South Africa, as it is in heaven!