University of Bradford: Undergraduate Programme specification template
UNIVERSITY OF BRADFORDSchool of Life SciencesDivision of AGESProgramme/course title: BSc (Hons) in Archaeological Sciences
Awarding and teaching institution: / University of BradfordFinal award: / BSc (Hons) [National Qualifications Framework level H]
Programme title: / Archaeological Sciences
Programme approved / accredited by: / Not applicable
Duration: / 3 or 4 years full-time; 6 years part-time
UCAS code: / V400, V401
Subject benchmark statement: / Archaeology
Last updated : / February 2010
The BSc Archaeological Sciences is a highly focussed degree in scientific archaeology, providing the most intensive scientific training of any archaeology degree offered in the UK.
Archaeology is fundamental to our understanding of how we evolved, how our communities developed, and how we study, preserve and interpret our past. At Bradford, our distinctive approach emphasises the integration of the natural and physical sciences in this enquiry in accordance with the University's mission, 'Making Knowledge Work'. BSc Archaeological Scienceshas as its focus the relationship between archaeology and methods of scientific analysis and emphasises the application of science based research to the discipline. A characteristic of Bradford's approach is the examination of human-environment interactions within a chronological framework, which provides a time-depth perspective of contemporary concerns such as ecosystems, globalisation and sustainability. This programme of study provides the student with a sound knowledge of how scientific techniques can be used within the greater discipline of archaeology.
AGES has an excellent research profile, which supports our teaching in all areas. Throughout the course, you will acquire skills that will be useful not only in Archaeology, but in whatever profession you choose to follow. These include project and time management, critical review and analytical thinking, presentational skills, computer and other applied IT skills and the management of data. These will be taught, practised and assessed. Over the last 15 years, less than 8% of our graduates were still seeking work six months after completing their studies.
Fieldwork, which contributes to each of the awards, takes place during the summer vacation between stages one and two: recent sites include Pompeii, the Yorkshire Dales, Hadrian’s Wall, Old Scatness (Shetland) and Cambridgeshire. Staff research informs much of the curriculum, especially in the final stage (50% of our research was recently (RAE 2008) judged to be ‘internationally excellent’, including 20% which was judged to be ‘world leading’)’.
Three years or four years?
You may undertake a placement between stages two and three. It is quite clear that students who do undertake a placement not only have an even better chance of employment, but also tend to gain a higher classification in their degree award. You will also receive a Diploma of Professional Archaeological Studies when you complete the placement successfully.
When you have completed the placement, you will have acquired the following:
- Professional Skills, according to the specific programme of training, including aerial survey; excavation/fieldwork; post-excavation; artefact conservation and finds management; artefact analysis, geophysical survey; Sites and Monument Record management; education, heritage and museum work.
- Personal Transferable Skills, including further development of communication, problem-solving, administrative and IT skills; time management; the ability to work independently; self-motivation; adaptability; team working.
Programme Aims
The programme is intended to:
- deliver a flexible programme of study in Archaeological Sciences, that reflects areas of staff expertise, for example in chronology and isotopic analysis;
- encourage the development of independent learning skills, by providing a supportive, structured environment;
- develop wide subject knowledge and understanding, and provide training in discipline skills to enable graduates to pursue further programmes of study or careers in archaeology or related practice;
- develop personal transferable skills to enable a significant proportion of graduates to pursue further programmes of study or careers in non-cognate fields;
- provide educational opportunities for mature and alternatively qualified students, as well as for school-leavers and traditionally qualified students.
Programme Learning Outcomes
When you have completed the programme you will be able to:
Knowledge and Analysis
LO1. Appraise theories of human biocultural evolution
LO2. Review archaeological theory and practice; the archaeology of the British Isles, the scientific principles underlying archaeology, landscape development and the formation and nature of the archaeological record
LO3.Evaluate archaeological field monuments, principles and methods of environmental archaeology; concepts of archaeological chronology and scientific dating techniques
LO4 Review the administrative legislative and financial context of modern archaeology;
LO5. Evaluate sampling strategies and excavation and recording techniques;
LO6. Evaluate growth, decline and sustainability of different human societies within different environmental contexts;
LO7. Explain fundamental physical and chemical principles underpinning techniques of analysis; and principles of selected analytical techniques
LO8.Evaluate archaeological artefacts, materials and production technology
Professional Skills
LO9. Recognise and handle archaeological artefacts and materials;
LO10.Interpret stratigraphic sequences and archaeological evidence
LO11.Formulate a research design;
LO12.Apply a variety of scientific techniques;
LO13.Design and complete a substantial work of independent study;
LO14.Assess the instrumental techniques applied to the analysis of archaeological materials;
LO15. Evaluate and integrate scientific analysis within a broader archaeological context;
LO16.Employ practical laboratory skills.
Personal Transferable Skills
LO17.Employ skills in critical thinking and data evaluation, basic numerical and statistical techniques; independent learning and research;
LO18.Prepare curriculum vitae;
LO19.Confidence with scientific concepts;
LO20.Present within a conference format;
LO21.Employ IT and computer assisted learning skills; written and oral communication skills; time management skills; analytical, numerical and problem solving skills;
LO22.Use scientific formulae and calculations
Stage 1
Module Code / Module Title / Type / Credits / Level / Study periodAR1107D / Archaeology of the British Isles / Core / 20 / 1 / 1
AR1006D / Archaeological theory and method / Core / 20 / 1 / 1
AR1108D / Human Evolution / Core / 20 / 1 / 1
AR2304D / Scientific Frameworks for Archaeology / Core / 20 / 1 / 2
EN1004D / AGES Field Course I (Malham) / Core / 20 / 1 / 2
AR2007D / Humans Past and Present / Core / 20 / 1 / 2
Stage 1 introduces the major strands of the degree programme. The first
major strand is fieldwork (Malham Field Course), which prepares the ground for fieldwork at stage 2. This includes introductions to techniques of field survey and archaeological geophysics. Scientific Frameworks for Archaeology provide grounding in the range of approaches to archaeological material and introduces the distinctive ‘Bradford brand’ which blends the perspectives of the sciences and the humanities in the study of the human past.
In stage 1 you will develop knowledge and understanding of archaeological principles, and laboratory skills. By the end of stage 1 you will be able to appreciate the breadth and range of the discipline, will have gained a broad understanding of the principles of archaeological theory and practice, an understanding of key themes and topics in world archaeology, an appreciation of the use of scientific methods in archaeology, and will have acquired experience of archaeological fieldwork through guided group-work in the field. As stage 1 is shared with the BAand BSc Archaeology, it will also be possible for you to change programmes at this stage if, having gained a fuller understanding of the discipline, you feel that one of these alternative programmes will better equip you for the career path you have in mind.
Stage 2
Module Code / Module Title / Type / Credits / Level / Study periodAR3010D / Archaeology Field Course / Core / 20 / 2 / Vacation
AR-2304D / Laboratory Science / Core / 20 / 2 / 3
new / Professional Practice in Archaeology / Core / 10 / 2 / 3
AR3506M / Theoretical Archaeology / Core / 10 / 2 / 3
EN2003L / Environmental Impact Assessment / Option / 20 / 2 / 3/4
AR-4201D / Instrumental Analysis / Core / 20 / 2 / 4
new / Advanced Methods in Archaeology / Core / 20 / 2 / 4
AR4104D / Celts, Greeks & Romans / Option / 20 / 2 / 4
AR-3107D / Bioarchaeology / Option / 20 / 2 / 4
In stage 2 the key core modules Laboratory Science and Instrumental Analysis develop the scientific principles and practice that are intrinsic to this programme. Stage 2 develops the fieldwork strand (Archaeology Field Course) and introduces coverage of aspects of archaeological theory and method (Theoretical Archaeology, Professional Practice in Archaeology) to fulfil the major benchmarking requirements in those areas. The core module Advanced Methods in Archaeology offers further depth in areas such as archaeological geophysics. You will have the opportunity to broaden your experience in the environmental/consultancy area by having Environmental Impact Assessment available as an option (which can be followed up with Professional Project at Level 3).
By the end of stage 2 you will be able to critically discuss current themes, issues and approaches in archaeological sciences and will have gained a critical appreciation of relevant laboratory techniques (preparing you for the optional Placement Year). You will have developed skills in archaeological fieldwork as well as a range of transferable skills (e.g. in data gathering and evaluation).
Stage 3
Module Code / Module Title / Type / Credits / Level / Study periodAR8131K / Individual Project / Core / 40 / 3 / 5/6
new / Vikings / Option / 20 / 3 / 5
AR8128D / Forensic Archaeology / Option / 20 / 3 / 5
AR-5002D / Human Osteoarchaeology / Option / 20 / 3 / 5
AR-8124D / Archaeometry / Core / 20 / 3 / 6
AR8132D / Reconstructing Past Environments / Option / 20 / 3 / 6
AR3101D / Hunter Gatherers: Present and Past / Option / 20 / 3 / 6
EN3325D / Geohazards: Past, Present, and Future. / Option / 20 / 3 / 6
new / Urbanisation / Option / 20 / 3 / 6
new / Professional Project / Option / 20 / 3 / 6
Stage 3 provides the opportunity to develop and refine your analytical skills in a major piece of guided research (Individual Project), while further analytical themes in archaeological science, specifically linked to ongoing research in AGES, are dealt with in the core module Archaeometry. Other modules are all presented as options, allowing students to select from a range of cultural/thematic/methodological modules as best suits their own perceived needs as they acquire greater confidence and understanding of their personal aspirations and career plans.
By the end of stage 3 you will be able to critically evaluate research in your field, and further refine your understandings of archaeological evidence from a range of time-periods and regions. You will have developed enhanced skills in archaeological sciences, beyond those available in most undergraduate courses in the sector, as well as a range of transferable skills.
The Curriculum meets the requirements of the subject benchmark statement for Archaeology published by the QAAHE.
The curriculum may change, subject to the University's course approval, monitoring and review procedures.
Teaching and Assessment Strategies
The teaching and learning strategy takes into consideration the learning outcomes, progression through the levels of study, the nature of the subject and the student intake, and the need for you to take greater responsibility for your own learning as you progress through the course.
The assessment strategy is designed to support the learning outcomes of each course and each specific module. A wide range of formative and summative assessment methods are used, including essays, worksheets, laboratory reports, reflective journals and examinations.
For example, in the core module Archaeometry at stage 3 the emphasis is on evaluating current research, including fundamental research in archaeological sciences carried out in AGES. This feeds through into the assessment, which comprises three critical reviews of recently published research. Detailed feedback will be given on each critical review before the next submission is due and there will be opportunity to view annotations on the scripts in individual meetings with tutors.
Part-time (intensive) route
Students may also elect to undertake this degree programme on an intensive part-time route over four years instead of three years full-time. In such cases they would follow the programme of study outlined below, undertaking 80 credits per year rather than the 120 credits taken yearly on the full-time route. Note that this route does not allow for a placement year.
Year 1
Module Code / Module Title / Type / Credits / Level / Study periodAR1108D / Human Evolution / Core / 20 / 1 / 1
AR1006D / Archaeological theory and method / Core / 20 / 1 / 1
AR2304D / Scientific Frameworks for Archaeology / Core / 20 / 1 / 2
EN1004D / AGES Field Course I (Malham) / Core / 20 / 1 / 2
Year 2
Module Code / Module Title / Type / Credits / Level / Study periodAR1107D / Archaeology of the British Isles / Core / 20 / 1 / 3
New / Professional Practice in Archaeology / Core / 10 / 2 / 3
R3506M / Theoretical Archaeology / Core / 10 / 2 / 3
R2007D / Humans Past and Present / Core / 20 / 1 / 4
new / Advanced Methods in Archaeology / Core / 20 / 2 / 4
Year 3
Module Code / Module Title / Type / Credits / Level / Study periodAR3010D / Archaeology Field Course / Core / 20 / 2 / Vacation
EN-2003L / Environmental Impact Assessment / Option / 20 / 2 / 5/6
AR-2304D / Laboratory Science / Core / 20 / 2 / 5
AR3012D / Britain and Ireland in the Neolithic and Bronze Age 4000-1000BC / Option / 20 / 2 / 5
AR-4201D / Instrumental Analysis / Core / 20 / 2 / 6
AR4104D / Celts, Greeks & Romans / Option / 20 / 2 / 6
AR-3107D / Bioarchaeology / Option / 20 / 2 / 6
Year 4
Module Code / Module Title / Type / Credits / Level / Study periodAR3012D / Britain and Ireland in the Neolithic and Bronze Age 4000-1000BC / Option / 20 / 2 / 7
new / Vikings / Option / 20 / 3 / 7
AR8128D / Forensic Archaeology / Option / 20 / 3 / 7
AR-8124D / Archaeometry / Core / 20 / 3 / 8
R4104D / Celts, Greeks & Romans / Option / 20 / 2 / 8
AR-3107D / Bioarchaeology / Option / 20 / 2 / 8
new / Professional Project / Option / 20 / 3 / 8
AR8132D / Reconstructing Past Environments / Option / 20 / 3 / 8
AR3101D / Hunter Gatherers: Present and Past / Option / 20 / 3 / 8
EN3325D / Geohazards: Past, Present, and Future. / Option / 20 / 3 / 8
new / Urbanisation / Option / 20 / 3 / 8
Year 5 (half year only)
Module Code / Module Title / Type / Credits / Level / Study periodAR8131K / Individual Project / Core / 40 / 3 / 9
Assessment Regulations
This Programme conforms to the standard University Assessment Regulations which are available at the following link:
Admission Requirements
The University welcomes applications from all potential students regardless of their previous academic experience; offers are made following detailed consideration of each individual application. Most important in the decision to offer a place is our assessment of a candidate’s potential to benefit from their studies and of their ability to succeed on this particular programme. Entrance requirements for each programme will vary but consideration of your application will be based on a combination of your formal academic qualifications and other relevant experience.
If you have prior certificated learning or professional experience which may be equivalent to parts of this programme, the University has procedures to evaluate this learning in order to provide you with exemptions from specified modules contained within the curriculum. Please talk to us if you do not fit the standard pattern of entry qualifications.
The University of Bradford has always welcomed applications from disabled students, and these will be considered on the same academic grounds as are applied to all applicants. If you have some form of disability you may wish to contact the programme leader before you apply.
A typical offer to someone seeking entry through the UCAS main scheme would be 240 points(CCC). Applications are welcome from mature students (those over 21 years of age on entry) and from candidates with non-standard qualifications (eg Science Foundation Course, BTEC, a 12 unit VCE Double award in science, Scottish Higher or Irish Leaving Certificate, International Baccalaureate, GNVQ or Access qualifications in science) or, lacking academic qualifications, having significant relevant experience. Up to 40 students are admitted to Stage 1 each year.
Learning Resources
The JB Priestley Library on the city campus and our specialist libraries in the School of Health and the School of Management provide a wide range of printed and electronic resources to support your studies. We offer quiet study space if you want to work on your own, and group study areas for the times when you need to discuss work with fellow students. Subject librarians for each School provide training sessions and individual guidance in finding the information you need for your assignment, and will help you organise your references properly.
Student PC clusters can be found in all our libraries and elsewhere on the campus. Many of these are open 24/7. You can also use the University's wireless network to access the internet from your own laptop. Most of our online journals are available on the internet (both on and off campus), and you can also access your University email account, personal information and course-related materials this way.
Staff are on hand during the daytime to help you if you get stuck, and there is a 24/7 IT helpline available.
The AGES student handbook (available on the Divisional web-site) lists specific resources useful to Archaeology students, including a list of electronic resources produced by the Subject Librarian.
Students are encouraged to join the AGES Society which sponsors social and academic events, and runs a Coffee Bar in our student common room. Students are also encouraged to attend AGES weekly Research Seminars where prominent scholars from other institutions (and from within AGES) talk on cutting-edge research – a valuable complement to the formal taught component of the programme which is a major benefit of AGES status as a top research department.
AGES is well equipped with teaching and research laboratories for the specialisms covered in the course and students use these facilities in modules and in dissertation research. Specialised laboratories include: the Biological Anthropology Research Centre (BARC); North Atlantic Research Laboratory; the Iron Age Research Laboratory; Conservation laboratory; Geophysics Laboratory; Archaeobotany and archaeozoology research collections, and. Bradford’s state-of-the-art University Analytical Centre, a £3m facility housing the major analytical instruments of the University.There is also an extensive collection of over 3000 specimens of rock, minerals and fossils to support geology and earth science components of the programme, and the ecology modules are supported by excellent microscope facilities and supporting biological materials.An excellent stock of field equipment is available for use by students, including equipment for geophysical and topographic survey (both conventional and electronic).
Student Support and Guidance
Course Team
Support for you personally and in your course of study will be provided both by the University and the Course Team. You will be allocated a personal tutor who is someone with whom you will be able to talk about any academic or personal concerns. The School will ensure that there is someone available with whom you feel comfortable to help and support you. You will be provided with a comprehensive series of handbooks that you can consult on a range of learning issues and your course tutors will be available to consult on subject specific queries.