New Visions: Health ProfessionsMrs. Petronella
Calendar 9/5-9/793-8640
Thursday 9/5/13Opening Day
Signed Forms Due / Textbooks and lockers handed out, brief review of handbook, web site directions provided, Oral Autobiography presentations begin. Citizenship and Resume worksheet due.
Friday 9/6/13
Photo ID pictures taken / Oral Autobiography presentations continue. Letter of Introduction lesson and memo writing. Handbook quiz, Lab Coat Sizing. 9/11 assignment handed out.
Monday 9/9/13
First Mantoux shots given by nurse / Rough draft letter of introduction due, Oral Autobiography presentations continue. Mrs. Williams in for English lesson. Journal Topic 1: What does the following phrase mean to you? Only way to enjoy anything in life is to earn it first.”
Tuesday 9/10/13 / HomeworkChapter 3 Wrap-Up questions 1-20 due, Begin lesson on Law/Ethics and Professionalism. Vocabulary matching exercise. See Me video with discussion. Reflective Journal: I’m taking New Visions Health because?
Wednesday 9/11/13 / Chapter 13Chapter Wrap-up questions 1-20 due. HIPAA film viewing and quiz with discussion. 9-11 assignment due. Discussion of Infection Prevention.
Thursday 9/12/13 / Chapter 14 Chapter Wrap-up questions 1-20 due. Journal Topic 2: Describe what you learned or thought about regarding the meaning behind the film ‘See Me’ that was viewed on 9/10.
Friday 9/13/12 / Test chapters 3, 13, 14. Journal due. Lab Skills: Body Mechanics and Infection Prevention.
Monday 9/16/13
Second Mantoux / Class review/discussion of Hospital student orientation packets, Lesson on clinical objectives. Journal Topic 1: Research and describe 5 medical terms you find interesting. Once you have identified 5, define them, use them in a sentence and explain why you chose these 5 medical terms. Med-Terms List one handed out.
Tuesday 9/17/13
Remember Guest Speaker dress Code / Representative from St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center in for student orientation, Review of Fridays test following presenter. Reflective Journal: Describe why health care professionals need to follow excellent infection prevention methods in their practice. Also in your journal entry identify two Multi-drug resistant organisms, define, and document how these infections are transmitted and what types of precautions are used for the 2 Multi-drug resistant organisms you selected.
Wednesday 9/18/13 / Student Orientation of Heritage Health Care Center, CLINICAL DRESS CODE REQUIRED. Up-Front magazine assignment due.
Thursday 9/19/13 / Student Orientation at ARC Arnold Ave, CLINICAL DRESS CODE REQUIRED. Journal Topic 2: List and describe ways a health care professional can communicate with various individuals who have cognitive problems which interfere with communication.
Friday 9/20/13 / Student Orientation at Faxton Hospital for OR rotations, CLINICAL DRESS CODE REQUIRED. Journal due
Monday 9/23/13 / Guided lesson on field note and thank you letter creation. Quiz Med term list 1, Med Term list 2 handed out. Journal Topic 1: Describe what a well written thank you letter, to your internship sites,portrays about you as a new visions health student? Mrs. Williams in for Lesson
Tuesday 9/24/13
Field Trip Dress Code / Representative from RCIL in to discuss the clients and environment at the Resource Center for Independent Living. Reflective Journal: Describe reasons why a New Visions Health student must portray a positive and professional attitude at all times?
Wednesday 9/25/13 / Orientation at Faxton-St. Luke’s Health Care Infection Prevention department. CLINICAL DRESS CODE REQUIRED Mock Thank you letters due
Thursday 9/26/13 / Orientation at Sitrin Rehabilitation Center, CLINICAL DRESS CODE REQUIRED, Choices Magazine due. Journal Topic 2: What role does confidentiality and privacy play in the world of health care, explain your answer.
Friday 9/27/13 / Journal due, Review of Clinical Requirements, Infection Prevention and HIPAA regulations as related to the clinical environment. Cultural Diversity Packet handed out, due Monday 9/30.
Calendar assignments and lessons are subject to change, students will be notified of any changes as they occur.