University of Alabama at Birmingham
School of Nursing
Student Nurses’ Association
Executive Board Meeting
January 25, 2015
1. Call to Order (5:26) – Adrienne Bolan
2. Verbal Roll Call – Shivangi Argade
3. Visitor: Camp Smile a Mile
· Director at Camp-Smile-a-Mile has been in contact w/Angelica and they really encourage anyone w/a medical background to help volunteer over the summer. There are 7 camps over the summer. Applications are open until March 1st. Email Angelica if you have any question.
4. Approval of Minutes from November/December Meeting—Shivangi Argade
· Motion: Passed
· Second: Passed
5. Report of the President – Adrienne Bolan
· Welcome to new members: 1st Semester Class Reps!
o Josh and Anthony
o AMNP: Jamie Frink
· We need to set a date for the Spring General Body Meeting/Elections
o March 14th at noon!
o Dr. Langston is booking a room
· Convention
o Meeting will be held right after this meeting, stay after that if you want more details and you have turned in your forms.
6. Dr. Langston
7. Ms. Weaver
8. Mrs. Hamberger
9. Committee Reports
· Vice-President Ashley Prunty
o New tablecloth is in the closet!
o When can we meet with AMNP students?
o Need to meet with new class reps—when is a good time?
o Be The Match Drive
§ Partner with SNA for a drive. Something to think about.
§ Possibly tag it along with a bake sale.
§ The open house will be in February. Maybe tag along with that.
· Secretary Shivangi Argade
§ RSO Monthly Meetings
· Treasurer Jordan Barksdale
o Financial Report
Balance Brought Forward $5,800.81 (As of 11/16/15)
Deposits are as follows:
Memberships $1,305.27
Flowers (AMNP) $ 190.00
Jersey Shirts $ 209.56
Lab Value Cards $ 94.01
Total Deposits: $1,798.84
Expenses are as follows:
Memberships $1,160.00
Flowers (AMNP) $ 110.04
Lab Value Cards $ 112.51
Tablecloth $ 253.00
General Meeting $ 127.37
Board Meeting $ 34.42
Mentor-Mentee Social $ 40.70
Total Expenses $1,838.04
New Balance: $5,761.61 (As of 1/19/16)
10. Parliamentarian Amanda Segars
§ New Bylaws
Ø Motion: Passed
Ø Second: Passed
§ Pre-Nursing Students as members of office
Ø At the fall general meeting, they can be elected during that time.
§ 2 reps
§ Consider having one for historian or merchandise co-chair for the pre-nursing students.
§ Each position will be elected in the Spring along with all the other positions available to nursing students.
§ Each member should have their own log to keep track of their hours throughout the semester/years. Jordan has requested a card swiper to collect names of people who show up at events.
11. Historians: JoJo and Sarah
o #UABSNA keep it up and keep taking pictures
12. Membership Director Alexis Blackmon & Chair Nicole Head
o Membership Update
§ 196 members: after members who haven’t renewed were removed off of the email list
o Open house in February
§ 19th or the 26th
§ An email will be sent out once a location is decided
13. Breakthrough to Nursing Jessica Stillabower & Zachery Jones
o Social went GREAT! 44 people came out
o Worked well having it the first week of school
o More game nights!!
14. Fundraising Laura Terrebonne (Absent)
o Bake Sale 2/1/16
§ Doodle poll is made out
o Cardiogram sales begin this week!
§ Sales start THIS week!
§ Class reps will talk about this to each of their classes and then pass them out during class. Forms need to handed out.
§ Laura will send out more information to class reps.
§ Tell pre-nursing students they can come buy them from the nursing school. But the students and faculty will have them delivered to each other.
§ Find a date for the making of the cardiograms, the doodle poll for assembling the grams together, and a doodle poll for sending them out.
o Lamp of Learning Flower Sales 2/15
§ We will have AMNP and SNA: it will be BIG!
§ We usually buy 50 bundles for $125 for around 125 people. We will increase it, because we will have 180 this semester at the ceremony.
§ 75 bundles for this semester
15. Merchandise Ashley Coirier & Ariel Chavis
o In the process of ordering new t-shirts
§ We ordered 180 shirts at $7.60 each
§ Total: $1,368
§ If we sell them for $15, we will profit $1,182
16. Special Events Alyssa Graham
o December 12th foundry parade and BP Screening went well!
o Project Homeless Connect on February 27
o Spring Canned Food Drive
§ If you have any suggestions about where the canned foods will go, bring it up at the next meeting in February so that we can take them over in March
o Serve Africa event
§ Will give more details at the next meeting
17. Public Relations Lacey Wise and Publicity Chair Dallas Gilley
o Newsletter
§ If you have anything specific you want on the newsletter, send it to Lacy.
§ Convention info will be included on the next newsletters
18. Community Service Angelica Chapman
o Organizing Healthy Happy Kids
o Project Homeless Connect
o Camp Smile a Mile Red Nose Ball
o UAB Health Fair
· Class Reps
§ 5th Semester Next Semester
Ø Monthly treat idea
§ 4th Semester
§ 2nd Semester
§ 1st Semester
19. Unofficial Business
o Planned to go meet with the Dean in the next month or so, do a “lunch-in-lunch” to help out second semester students. Kind of like the panel for the first semesters.
· SON Basketball Night
o Maybe if they get SNA points for coming to the basketball game
· USGA maybe being involved in some way w/the mentor mentee program
20. Questions?
· HERST review will be held around sometime in April
· ATI is part of the curriculum and is required to go. HERST is a live review; it is about $350 for a review/remediation. It is optional if you want additional material that is taught in a different way.
· Interview workshops
21. Adjournment (6:25)