University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust

Procurement Department

Kings Norton Business Centre

32 – 34 Melchett Road

Kings Norton


B30 3HG

Tel: 0121 627 2865

Fax: 0121 459 0555

Dear Sir/Madam


CONTRACT TITLE: Consortium Partners for the provision of Integrated Sexual Health Services (Reproductive Sexual Health (RSH), Genito-Urinary Medicine (GUM) and Sexual Health Promotion) – Lot 2 “Pharmacy Partner(s)”

CONTRACT TERM: 5 year contract (break clause at 2 years) with an option to extend for a further 2 years.

Birmingham City Council and Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council have awarded a contract to University Hospitals Birmingham for Integrated Sexual Health Services in Birmingham and Solihull that aims to effect quality improvements and cost savings in the area by reconfiguring service provision. The Integrated Sexual Health Services are to be commissioned under separate contracts for Birmingham (RSH, GUM and SH promotion) and for Solihull (RSH and GUM only).

UHB will need to procure the assistance of other parties in order to be able to fully meet the requirements of the contract and further develop and enhance services for the population.

The purpose of this tender is to identify suitably qualified partners to join UHB in a consortium or joint working arrangement to provide the said services. This may be on a partnership, subcontractor or other model as best meets the needs of service users and the respective organisations.

All commercial and technical enquiries must be solely directed to the named person using the Pro Contract e-tendering system.

Please ensure that your tender submission is returned electronically before the closing date of 13:00Hrs on the Monday 23rd March 2015. Your tender must be returned using the Pro Contract e-tendering portal. The Trust will not accept any submissions that are submitted outside this system; failure to comply may result in your submission not being considered further.

Yours Sincerely,

Andy Harris

Head of Procurement


This invitation to tender comprises of the following documents:

Document Reference Document Title Page Number

Section A – Information for Potential Suppliers: 3

Document A-1 Background Information 4

Document A-2 The Vision 6

Document A-3 Terms of offer 7

Document A-4 Specification 12

Document A-5 Scoring Guide 15

Document A-6 Equality and Diversity 20

Document A-7 Guidance for Completion of Documents 21

Section B – Supplier Response Documents: 23

Document B-1 Form of Offer 24

Document B-2 Statement of Principles 25

Document B-3 Certificate of Bona-Fide Offer 26

Document B-4 Certificate of Non-canvassing 27

Document B-5 Statement of Good Standing 28

Document B-6 Financial Information 31

Document B-7 Corporate and Social Responsibility 32

Document B-8 Specific Evaluation Questions 34

Document B-9 Declaration 36

Should any documents be missing, or if you have any queries of a commercial or technical nature, please send an email through the discussions area within the Pro Contract system. The Procurement lead will respond to your query within 48 hours.

Section A – Information for Potential Suppliers

This section provides you with some information that may be of interest in determining your response to this tender.

You will be asked to confirm your acceptance of some of the policies and statements contained in this section within your response to this tender.

Document A-1


The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham is the city’s first new acute hospital for 70 years and represents a £545 million investment in health services for Birmingham and the Midlands. It provides a wide range of benefits that greatly improve the level of patient care our clinical teams can provide.

University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB) runs the new Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, which has replaced the Queen Elizabeth and the Selly Oak hospitals.

Building the new Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham has been a huge undertaking. The building project was one and a half times bigger than the construction of the Birmingham Bull Ring and includes a new Psychiatric Hospital for Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Trust, which opened in 2008.

The Trust worked in partnership with Consort Healthcare, which is made up of Balfour Beatty, The Royal Bank of Scotland and HSBC.

University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB) is the leading university teaching hospital in the West Midlands. The Trust employs around 6,900 staff and provides adult services to more than half a million patients every year, from a single outpatient’s appointment to a heart transplant. The Trust is a regional centre for cancer, trauma, burns and plastics, and has the largest solid organ transplantation programme in Europe.

The services we provide

As well as providing acute services for more than 200,000 people living in south Birmingham, we provide a range of highly specialist services to patients across the whole of the UK.

There are four clinical divisions; a fifth division is responsible for the facilities across the Trust

The clinical divisions are:

Division A / Division B / Division C / Division D
Ambulatory care / Cardiac surgery / A&E / ENT
Anaesthetics / Cardiology / CDU / Maxillofacial
Critical care / Vascular / Elderly Care / Urology
Short stay / GI/ General Surgery / Lung Investigation unit / Neurology
Theatres / GI Medicine / Acute Medicine Neurosurgery / Neurophysiology
Therapies / Liver medicine/surgery / Respiratory medicine / Trauma
Imaging / Endoscopy / Dermatology / Oncology
Lab services / Renal Surgery / Diabetes / Haematology
Medical Physics / Renal Medicine / Endocrinology / Burns & Plastics
Pharmacy / Breast Care / HIV / Radiotherapy
Radiotherapy / Ophthalmology
Pain services
Sexual health

Document A-2


In order to deliver an integrated service we are very keen to develop the model with the 3rd sector, community and other providers. We would, however, like potential bidders to consider the following statements which reflect our thoughts:

1.  The client and the needs of the client are our priority.

2.  Dignity and respect are paramount.

3.  Prevention is better than cure.

4.  Compassionate, understanding and caring services are essential.

5.  Research and evidence should drive our service development.

6.  Education and continual improvement are crucial.

7.  We must be honest with clients, the public and each other.

8.  We expect the service to positively evolve over the life of the contract.

9.  Services provided should be in the right place at the right time.

10.  Success will be dependent on a new approach with greater integration and cooperation of organisations.

11.  There is more to sexual health than just the immediate health need. Services must address the whole person.

12.  Clients who are empowered will get the most from our services and their health.

13.  The right model of care for Integrated Sexual Health Services in Birmingham and Solihull should be determined by all stakeholders together.

14.  The point of access to Integrated Sexual Health Services should be chosen by the client and be where clients want.

15.  Services in future must rely on secondary/tertiary care less with more help provided to clients to self-care or access community based care.

16.  There should be no stigma attached to Sexual Health and no one should be subject to any form of prejudice, discrimination, criminal act or abuse.

17.  Together we can make greater improvements. Apart we will achieve little.

18.  The time for change is now. There may not be as big an opportunity as this to deliver for the people of Birmingham and Solihull. We must take it.

Document A-3



1.1  Birmingham City Council (BCC) and Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council (SMBC) have awarded a contract for Integrated Sexual Health Services in the West Midlands to UHB. The Procurement aims to effect quality improvements and cost savings in the area by reconfiguring, consolidating and enhancing services.

1.2  University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB) intends to identify suitably qualified partners to join UHB in developing and delivering a new model of care in integrated sexual health service provision.

1.3  In their response to this ITT, bidders are asked to give details of the particular advantages, assets or capabilities that they will be able to deploy in order to provide the Tendered Services or assist UHB in delivering the services.

1.4  Bidders should note that the project requirements fall within the category of Part B (Residual Services) of Schedule 3, Part 10 of the UK Public Contract Regulations 2006 (as amended) ("the Regulations"). As such, whilst a robust and transparent process will be undertaken, there is no requirement to comply with the exact timescales that the ‘Open Procedure’ dictates.

1.5  Because of the timetable with which UHB must comply, this procurement will be run as an Open Invitation to Tender. All bidders are expected to comply with the timetable set out in section 7 below.

1.6  UHB seeks a number of partners who feel they can assist in the delivery of the Tendered Services if successful. In particular, the following are sought:

a.  company, broker, agent or otherwise to facilitate the engagement, support and service delivery of GP practices [GP Partner(s)]

b.  company(s) to facilitate the engagement, support and service delivery of Community Pharmacies [Pharmacy Partner(s)]

c.  provider of premises and supporting services to host clinical services in accessible locations for service users [Facility Partner(s)]

d.  Groups, Charities or organisations of all types with proven knowledge, experience and expertise of working with or gaining access to those individuals within the identified list of Priority Groups [Access Partner(s)]

e.  Organisations with proven expertise in developing communication and health promotion specifically in a sexual health context [Promotion Partner(s)]

f.  Any other group or organisation who feel they can contribute their proven expertise or knowledge to improving Sexual Health Services in the Birmingham and Solihull region, which may include clinical and non-clinical care services, research, education and training [Support Partner(s)]

g.  An organisation to supply and distribute self-testing kits and to receive and process pathology samples in an end-to-end solution [Pathology Partner]

1.7 This Tender will be for the appointment of the Pharmacy Partner(s) only. Other Partner Procurement documents will seek other Partners indicated at 1.6 above.


2.1  As a result of this Procurement, it is highly likely that UHB will award Partner status to more than one bidder. UHB does not bind itself to accept the highest scoring or any offer and reserves the right to accept an offer either in whole or in part.

2.2  There will be two implementation stages to the award of Pharmacy Partners – tranche 1 & tranche 2. Tranche 1 will comprise of the Pharmacies who will be operational under this programme on August 10th. Tranche 2 Pharmacies will become operational at a later date. All pharmacies, for both tranches, will be selected from this procedure.

2.3  Partners will be entered onto a framework contract for the provision of services as a Pharmacy Partner.

Acceptance onto the framework does not guarantee any form of activity, payment or exclusivity. Partners may be selected to the extent that they are qualified, suitable and meet minimum standards. The Trust reserves the right, however, to restrict the award of Partner Status to an appropriate number of Partners.

The acceptance onto the framework does not bind potential Pharmacy Partners to the provision of services should the Trust provide such Terms and Conditions or payment incentives that are unacceptable to the potential Pharmacy Partner.


3.1 By necessity, all Partners will need to agree to work cooperatively and enthusiastically with reasonable effort in the design and evolution of models of care. Accordingly, the precise details of contractual arrangements will need to be identified and finalised subsequent to the award of Partner status and all parties will use reasonable endeavours to achieve satisfactory agreements.

3.2 A final contract for the provision of services within the Partnership will be concluded in due course. Award of that contract to organisations provisionally designated as Pharmacy Partners may be subject to fulfilling further criteria resulting from the Procurement and verification of details contained in their response to this Tender, including assurance that the Trust requires to ensure safe and effective delivery of the Tendered Services.

3.3 It is anticipated that until the specific programme training has been completed any contract will not become operational.


4.1  Information provided to bidders as part of the tender procedure is supplied in good faith. It is the sole responsibility of bidders to satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of such information; no responsibility is accepted by the Trust for any inaccuracies or any potential loss or damage arising from this tender.

4.2  All information supplied in connection with this Tender shall be regarded as confidential.

4.3  This Tender and its accompanying documents shall remain the property of the Trust and must be returned on demand.

4.4  The Trust will not be liable for any costs incurred by bidders in relation to the preparation of their offer or any subsequent post offer clarification.


5.1  Price will not be subject to evaluation for the purposes of this Tender.

In line with current NHS contracting processes, prices will be set on a fee per item of service basis and will be non-negotiable. The Trust will use reasonable endeavours to ensure that prices are set in conjunction with suitable experts or representatives (e.g. the Local Pharmaceutical Committee). Price will be reviewed regularly throughout the lifetime of the contract.

All prices of drugs to be reimbursed will be from official up-to-date publications such as the Drugs Tariff & BNF.


6.1  Offers must comprise the information specified and requested in Section B of these documents.

6.2  The form of offer must be signed by an authorised signatory. In the case of a partnership by a partner for and on behalf of the firm, and in the case of a limited company by an officer duly authorised, the designation of the officer being stated. In every case the signature is to be witnessed.

6.3  The form of offer and accompanying documents must be fully completed. Any offer which: