University Curriculum Committee Meeting
September 23, 2016, 2:15 p.m.
Hyland Hall Room 4303
CL = CourseLeaf*
UCC Members
George Ferencz, Marshall Anderson, Teri Frame, Bob Leitheiser for Soroush Aslani, Matthew Winden, Jenni Petersen, John Zbikowski, Lynn Gilbertson, Paul House, David Havas, Zach Oster, Roshani Patel, Joshua Selje, Hachten, Paul Waelchli for Carol Elsen, Jodi Hare-Paynter, Carol Morgan for Kate Ksobeich, Elizabeth Kim, Becky Pfeifer, Angela Harlan (Chair), Greg Cook.
- Endorsement of Angela Harlan to replace Greg Cook as Ex-Officio Chair for the 2016-2017 academic year. Greg started the meeting explaining that he will be taking a leave from being Chair of the UCC for this academic year and the Provost office has endorsed Angela Harlan to take his place. Marshall Anderson and Teri Frame moved endorsement of Angela Harlan area I: motion passed unanimously.
- Approval of Minutes from theApril 22 meeting.Marshall Anderson and Zach Oster moved approval of minutes of area II:motion passed with one abstention.
- AnnouncementsAngela reviewed the following announcements with the curricular committee.
- Function of the committee
- Quorum Policy
- 2016-2017 Curricular Schedule
IV.Information Only Items (To be Received and Recorded).
A.Special Courses approved since the most recent UCC meeting:George Ferenczand Robert Leitheiser moved approval of area IV. A.: motion passed unanimously.
Course No. / Title / Term / ApprovedAccounting Workshop 490 / Excel for Accountants / Spring 2017 / 5/12/2016
Biology Special Study 496 / Hot Topics in Biology / Fall 2016 / 4/20/2016
Biology Travel Study 491 / Ecuador Travel Study / Spring 2017 / 5/4/2016
Comm-Journalism Travel Study 291-491 / Cross Cultural Practicum United Kingdom / Spring 2017 / 5/20/2016
Econ Special Study 496 / Microeconomics of Banking / Fall 2016 / 5/4/2016
Geography, Environmental Science Travel Study 491 / Ecotourism & Sustainability in Peru / Spring 2017 / 5/4/2016
INTRANR 491/ POLISCI 491 Travel Study 491 / Exploring China / Spring 2017 / 5/4/2016
LSINDP Travel Study 491 French 491 / Artists and Exiles / Spring 2017 / 5/4/2016
SAFETY Special Study 496 / Sol’n to Airborne Hazards / Fall 2016 / 4/20/2016
SOCIOLOGY Travel Study 491 / Crossing Cultures: Ireland and the U.K. / Spring 2017 / 5/20/2016
Interuniversity 093 / Career Ready Internship / Fall 2016 / 8/8/2016
V.Action Items
A.Curricular Actions from the College of Business and Economics
1.Action from the Department of AccountingRobert Leitheiserand Marshall Anderson moved approval of area V. A.1.1.: motion passed unanimously.
1.1New Course- CL - ACCOUNT 480: Excel for Accountants
2.Action from the Department of ManagementRobert Leitheiser and Zach Oster moved approval of area V. A.2.1.: motion passed unanimously.
2.1New Course- CL - MANGEMNT 355: Negotiation Strategies
B.Curricular Actions from the College of Education and Professional Studies
1.Actions from the Department of Communication Sciences and DisordersMarshall Anderson and Teri Frame moved approval of area V. B.1.1.: motion passed unanimously.
1.1Grade Basis Change, Description Change – CL - COMDIS 371: Introduction to Clinical Practicum in Communicative Disorders
C.Curricular Actions from the College of Letters and Sciences
1.Action from the Department of ComputerSciencesZach Oster and Marshall Anderson moved approval of area V. C.1.1.: motion passed unanimously.
1.1.Contact/ Credit Hour Change, Prerequisite Change-CL - COMPSCI 332: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
2.Action from the Department of Language and LiteraturesPaul House and Matt Winden moved approval of area V. C.2.1-2.2.: motion passed unanimously.
2.1Title Change- CL- ENGLISH 266: Gender and Film
2.2Course Description Change- CL - ENGLISH 376: Screenwriting
VI. Discussion of CourseLeaf: progress, feedback, workflows, consultation process, other?
Becky Pfeifer explained the following updates now available: 1) CIM: drop-down for “Other Departments Consulted” is now working for both the Course and Program Management forms. 2) The “Effective Term” will now appear at the College Curriculum Secretary/Graduate Secretary roles. The effective term is then adjustable for the remainder of the workflow in case a change is needed at a higher level. 3)The name of the person submitting a proposal or adding comments to a proposal now appears instead of their ID number appearing. 4) Great progress has been made on Special and Travel Courses. Beckyis looking for test submittersin order to finalize both forms. Becky asked that the committee put the word out to their departments and to graduate studies for volunteers.
VII. Other actions, questions or comments?Roshani Patel, Whitewater Student Government Senator, had a question to committee members on Blind Grading. Angela asked to start since she uses this type of grading in her Math classes all the time. Other committee members, also agreed but said sometimes it is hard if you have a small class and the same returning students. All committee members agreedthat faculty would rather look at students objectively here on campus but still remain close so they can assist students as they can achieve their outcome.
VIII.Adjournment moved by Marshall Anderson and Zach Oster at 3:10 p.m.
Becky Pfeifer
University Curriculum Committee Secretary
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