ESRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) Pilot Programme
Project Application Form
Please complete ALL 10 SECTIONS and send the completed application form by 5pm on Thursday 31st October 2013 to Professor Alan Hughes either by email () or in hard copy to Professor Alan Hughes, Director, ESRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) Pilot Programme, Centre for Business Research, Top Floor, Judge Business School, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1AG.
1. Name of impact project:
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2. Department(s):
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3. Project lead(s) and Co-applicants (Please also list here any external partners who have agreed to be involved in the project and their affiliations)
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4. Duration of project:
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5. Brief summary of the impact project (maximum 400 words – Please indicate number of words used):
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6. Funds requested. Please indicate the distribution of funds between staff and non-staff costs and a time profile of expenditure across the life of the project:
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7. Please specify the project activities which will be supported by the funding:
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8. Please indicate how the project addresses the ESRC Pilot project objectives set out in the Guidelines for applicants that are relevant to your project (maximum 150 words per each objective – Please indicate number of words used):
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9. Measures of success. Please specify the outcomes and beneficiaries that you anticipate for your proposed project and how you would propose to assess progress towards impact (maximum 200 words – Please indicate number of words used):
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10. Existing or recent ESRC or other RCUK or external funding for social science research related to the project. Please specify funder, title of project, PIs, start and end date and value. Awards are not conditional on past or current ESRC or other funding. This information is sought to help identify links between IAA awards and prior funding in evaluating the IAA programme at the end of the pilot phase.
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