Cool Tool

Universal Expectation: Be Respectful

Lesson Length: 15-20 minutes

Name of Skill/Setting: Listen to directions of all adults, say thank you to the cooks/ Cafeteria

Purpose of Lesson (Why is this important?)

1.  To sit with correct posture

2.  Listen to all adults for directions and use good manners

3.  To eat your own food and keep things on your own tray

Teaching Examples

1.  Sally goes through the lunch line and goes to sit down on the bench in the cafeteria. Instead of sitting down she sits sideways on the bench. What should she do to correct her posture?

2.  Pedro goes through the lunch line and gets a lunch tray. What should you say to cooks at the end of the line to use good manners?

3.  Jon and Jim have food that each other would like. Should you trade food?

4.  You see a friend from another classroom you yell across the room. What should you do instead?

5.  You throw your junk at the person next to you. What should you do instead to use good manners?

Student Activities/Role Plays

1.  Practice using a soft voice in the lunch room.

2.  Discuss why it is important to eat food on your own tray.

3.  Brainstorm lunchroom manners?

Follow Up/Reinforcement Activities (Check for Understanding)

1.  Reinforce with complements, and gotcha

2.  Praise verbally`