Unit/Time Frame Students Will… Textbook Corollaries Teaching Activities Internet

State Mandates

(a) The content of the Declaration of Independence

(b) The arguments in support of adopting our republican form of government

(c) The essentials of the United States Constitution

(d) Flag education

(e) The elements of civil government,

(f) The history of the Holocaust (1933-1945),

(g) The history of African Americans

(h) The elementary principles of agriculture.

(k) The history of the state.

(l) The conservation of natural resources.

(m) Environmental health

(o) The study of Hispanic contributions to the United States.

(p) The study of women's contributions to the United States.

(q) Patriotism, responsibility, citizenship, kindness, respect, honesty, self-control, tolerance, and cooperation.

(r) The sacrifices that veterans have made

(s) Celebrate Freedom Week.

Skills for Social Studies Students
(all year)
Geography Handbook
(6-9 weeks) / Determine main idea
Analyze information presented in readings, charts, graphs, timelines, etc.
Compare and contrast a variety of information
Determine cause and effect of events and situations
Interpret information present in readings charts, graphs, timelines, etc.
Use chronological order
Use context clues to decipher new vocabulary
Identifies author’s purpose
Uses a variety of researching methods and reference materials to gather information
Uses a variety of presentation techniques to accurately and effectively present
Takes notes and outlines text demonstrating understanding and comprehension of material
Explain the difference between primary and secondary sources
Accurately analyze documents to complete documents-based-questions
Locate points on the earth using latitude and longitude
Differentiate between continents, regions, countries, states/provinces, and cities
Understand various map projection differences
Use scales to determine distances on maps
Determine and understand the purpose of various maps (political, physical, population density, land use and resources)
Identify information from various graphic organizers, graphs, diagrams, charts and tables
Understand systems of the world and how they interrelate to each other, including winds, climate, and environment
Identify major natural resources and determine how people around the world use and share them(L)
Explain the similarities and differences of major religions around the world
Differentiate between rural and urban areas
Define culture
Describe the development of cultures across the eastern hemisphere and their spreadENRICHMENT
Explain how agriculture affected culture. (H)
Explain the role perspective plays in the study of geography.
Explain the role geography plays in life and how studying geography helps us understand the world.
Describe some issues or topics that geographers study.
Identify the three levels geographers use to view the world.
Identify tools geographers use to study the world.ENRICHMENT
Explain and compare the study of human geography and physical geography.
Investigate the types of work that geographers do.
Identify the items that effect Earth’s features
Examine how human interactions change the world(E)
Describe the six essential elements of Geography.
Utilize both absolute and relative location to find points on the earth
Compare areas using physical and cultural place
Describe the processes that shape Earth’s surfaces
Explain the effects pollution has on the Earth(L) ENRICHMENT
Explain the factors that create weather and climates and why they might change over time
Identify the major climate types, and describe the types of vegetation that might live in each.
Understand topography as related to flood plains
Explain the differences between developing nations and industrialized countries (E)
Examine different types of economic systems
Identify ways that geographers describe and measure economies
Explain globalizationENRICHMENT
Explain why population density varies, and describe how the world’s population has changed.
Explain how governments differ.(E) / Reading Strategies
1: Previewing Text
2: Understanding Text
3: Using Graphic Organizers
4: Constucting Concept Maps
5: Visualizing Information
6: Building Background
7: Making Predictions
8: Activating and Using Prior
9: Anticipating Information
10: Developing Vocabulary
11: Taking Effective Notes
Social Studies Skills Review
  • Identifying the Main Idea
  • Identifying Cause and Effect
  • Studying Primary and Secondary Sources
  • Building Your Vocabulary
  • Distinguishing Fact from Opinion
  • Forming Generalizations
  • Doing Library Research
  • Creating an Outline
  • Writing About Social Studies
  • Taking a Test
  • Conducting an Interview
  • Analyzing Tables
  • Conducting a Debate
FoldNotes Appendix R0-R3
FCAT Reading Test Prep
Document-Based Questions Activities
Skills Handbook
(pgs S1-S17)
Chapters 1, 2 & 3
(pgs 1- 69)
Chapter Resource Files:
Map Activities:
Ch1. Absolute and Relative Location
Ch. 2 Earthquakes and Volcanoes
Ch. 3 Language Map
Critical Thinking Activities:
Ch 1 The Importance of Geography
Ch 2 Volcanoes
Ch. 3 Wheat and the World
Graphic Organizer Activities:
Ch 1 Six Essential Elements of Geography
Ch 2 Energy Resources
Ch 3 Levels of Economic Development
Main Idea Activities 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 3-1, 3-2, 3-3
Geography for Life:
Ch 1 Spatial Perspective
Ch 2 Hurricane Season
Ch 3 What Region do You Live in?
Technology Resources:
Holt Researcher:
World History and Cultures: Major Religions of the World;
Total GDP for Selected Countries
CNN Presents Geography: Yesterday and Today Segment
1- Mapping Change
2- Mission to Mars
3- Hitting 6 Billion
Creative Strategies for Teaching World Geography:
1- Understanding Absolute Location: Spy Tracking
2- Understanding Absolute and Relative Location: Where in the World
3- Themes of Geography: Place, HEI, Movement
4- The “ABCs” of Culture
5- Mural Method of Studying Culture: Case Study of the Mbuti
6- Cooperative Learning: Colonization of Country X
7- Studying States and Using Murals and the Themes of Geography
13- Understanding Climates Through Climographs
Environmental and Global Issues Activities 1, 2
Global Issues Activities
1, 2, 8
Readings in World Geography, History and Culture
1- Ancient Geographers
2- Mapping Earth from Space
3- Preparing for the Big One
4- Earth’s Rotation in Our Daily Lives
5- Protecting Our Home
6- The Day the Dinosaurs Died
7- Rain Forests at Risk
8- Dividing Resources
9- How Many is Too Many?
10- People and Migration;
Geography and Cultures Visual Resources:
Activities 1 – 19 (pgs 2- 39)
Environmental and Global Issues Activities 2, 4
I.D.E.A Works! CD-ROM:
English and Spanish Audio Summaries
Know It Notes
Teacher Edition:
Cultural Kaleidoscope: Religion and Weather p. 35
Extend p. 13 / Orange Maps
Objective: to explore the difference between 3D Projection and 2D Projection
Have students bring in some larger oranges or grapefruits. Kids work in partners or small groups
They will draw basic parts of the globe onto their whole fruit (ballpoint pens or permanent markers)
Kids will peel their fruit carefully, trying to preserve their maps
They then reconstruct their maps in 2D with the peelings on their desk/tabletops
They will write a summary of their observation
Classroom Grids
Set classroom up in columns and rows
On note cards write different coordinates for each row or column
Each seat has a geographic coordinate
6 Essential Elements of Geography Foldable
Have students create foldable for6 essential elements of geography

Teaching Scale

Use 1 roll of yarn and have students stretch it across the front or back of the school
Cut it and bring it back to the classroom
Measure it
Discuss how big that would be and draw it by “actual measurements”
Activity can also be done with the classroom or objects in the classroom
Culture Books
Pass out 10 sheets of copy paper (cut in half) and piecee of whit construction paper for cover
Have students write 10 facts about their family culture
Students will write their facts one on each sheet and draw an illustration of each fact. Cover should represent them
Population from Map to Graph
Students use population maps and convert specifies populations from map to graph

Human Mental Maps

Give each student a card with a continent, line of latitude or longitude, body of water or landform on it. Take students to open space
Have them go to their correct location creating a human mental map
Die Cut
Have students use die cuts to show shapes of the 7 continents
Students can traces cutouts and practice their shapes

Applying the Six Essential Elements

Have students apply the six essential elements to their neighborhood, classroom, house…etc

Fighting Cholera

Use website
Go to fighting cholera with maps.
Use activity –biography activity-John Snow
Grid Drawing
Make transparencies of grid (any size you would like) You will need a class set. Make sure the grids are heavy lines.
From the internet copy the pictures you want yours students to draw
Give each student a picture, grid, and copy paper

Neighborhood Map

Have students draw maps of their own neighborhoods.
Locate on a map- use city, county, state, maps
Label items on their maps that represent relationships between environment and society

Landform Booklet

Use foldable booklet, each page is a landform
Define and draw landform
Give one example of landform
Latitude and Longitude
Students work in pairs
One student has a sheet with the coordinates of several cities
Their partner has to find the city
They switch jobs

Movement of Goods and Services

Find five items at home that originate in another country.
List items and their origin
Look at clothing labels, games, food…
Have students label the origins on a map
Import Sales website-
Where’s it From? Have each student look at the label on their shirt and go to a world map and locate and mark where it’s from
/ Go.hrw.com:

Continents and Oceans Word Search

Investigating Time Zones

This site has all the continents. There are maps that give places to find.

Students create a booklet of geographic terms and pictures (landforms and bodies of water)


Website Treasures of the World

Geography Life

Five themes
Middle East
(2-4 weeks)
Countries: Afghanistan, Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen / History
Essential Themes
Explain how major physical characteristics, natural resources, climate and absolute and relative locations have influenced settlement, relations, and economies of major Middle Eastern countries.
Physical Features
On a map locate:
Middle East Countries and significant cities of the Middle East
Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Tigris River, Euphrates River, Jordan River, Red Sea, Gulf of Oman, Persian Gulf, Suez Canal, Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Caspian Sea, Black Sea, Sea of Marmara, Dead Sea, Sea of Galilee
Hindu Kush Mts., Zagros Mts., Syrian Desert, Negrev, West Bank, Gaza, Arabian Peninsula
Read, interpret, and design different types of projections, diagrams, graphs, and maps including, but not limited to- political, physical, population, environments, and economics in order to convey information about the Middle East.
Explain the significance of the disputed regions of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip including the conflict of Jerusalem between Israel and Palestinians.
Identify, describe, and use the basic elements of a variety of maps (key, scale, grid, parallels, and meridians)
Trace the discoveries that scientists have made about prehistoric times.
Identify characteristics of civilizations and explain where they were first developed.
·people living in an organized society
·people are able to produce more food than they need to survive
·they live in towns or cities with some form of government
·there is a division of labor(E)
Describe civilization features of Mesopotamia and the Fertile Crescent (Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Persians..)
·Fertile Cresant is an area good for farming.
Explore what Persian Rule was like.
Trace how Judaism developed in Southwest Asia.
Explore Christianity and how the life of Jesus developed it.
Explain who Muhammad was and what he taught.
Explain and discuss how Islam spread to become a large empire.
Discuss the influence of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula
Identify rulers and empires that took over Southwest and Central Asia (Mongol, Ottoman, Safavid and, Mughal)
Identify which of the countries in the Middle East became independent nations and explain how independence was achieved.
Discuss the reasons for and the effects of the United Nations’ attempt in 1947 to partition the remainder of the Palestine Mandate, including the migration of tens of thousands of European Jews to Palestine; the flight of about 650,000 Arabs from Israel during its War of Independence in 1948; and the flight of more than 800,000 Jews in Arab countries to Israel after 1948.(F) ENRICHMENT
Identify the increase in terrorist attacks against Israel and the United States and the financial support of radical and terrorist organizations by the Saudis.
Discuss the origins of the Persian Gulf War and the post-war actions of Saddam Hussein.(R)
Identify the defeat of the Soviet Union by the Mujahideen in Afghanistan
Discuss the weakness and fragility of the oil-rich Persian Gulf states, including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and others.
The Iranian Revolution of 1978-1979.
Identify the significance of the following people Mulla Nasrudin, Kemal Ataturk, Hamid Karazai, Saddam Hussein, King Hussein , Osama Bin Laden
Describe the impact of oil on the economy of various Middle Eastern countries
Identify how oil effected the relationship with the United States and many Middle Eastern countries(L)
Describe the general level of education in selected countries in the Middle East and its relationship to the economy. (E)
Describe the various economies of the Middle East.
Describe the effects that the lack of water has on the economy of Middle Eastern countries.(L)
Describe the political and social status of women in selected countries in the Middle East.(P)
Describe and compare major ethnic and religious groups in various countries in the Middle East (Christianity, Islam and Judaism)
Compare the cultural differences and similarities of the people in the Middle East.
Determine the impact of displaced populations on regional stability, such as the future of the Kurds
Government & Leadership
Compare the form and structure of government for Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, and Israel(E)
Explain the Taliban and Al Queda and their role in the Middle East and the world
Examine the Persian Gulf War including America’s involvement in the war(R)
Discuss the impact of Afghanistan and the events of 9/11(R)
Describe the role various religions play in conflict in this region
Explain the Arab Israeli Conflict
Discuss America’s involvement in the Middle East (President Carter, conflicts in Iran, Iraq, relation with the Saudis…)ENRICHMENT
Examine the Iran Contra Scandal ENRICHMENT
Discuss the current events occurring in the Middle East / Chapters 4, 5, 6
(pages 70 - F143b)
Lecture Notes
PowerPoint ( One Stop Planner)
All features can be found on the Physical Map of Southwest and Central Asia on page 73.
Graphic Organizer 5: Eastern Mediterranean
Main Idea Activity Ch. 5-1 and Ch. 6-1
Vocabulary Activity
Chapter 5
Map Transparency Activities
Map Activity Ch. 5 Israel: Struggles for Land
Ch. 5 Geography for Life Activity: What future for Jerusalem?
Know It Notes Ch. 4-S1
Graphic Organizer 4
Main Idea Activity S1
Know It Notes Ch. 4- S2
Main Idea Activity S2
Critical Thinking: The Fertile Cresant- the Cradle of Civilization
Biography Activity:
Darius 1
Know It Notes Ch. 4 S3
Geography for Life Activities 20,21
Readings in world Geography, History, and Culture Reading 50
Chapter 6: Map Activity Islam, Graphic Organizer: Islam and the ArabianPeninsulas
Ch. 5 -2 Main Idea Activity
Ch. 5 -4 Main Idea Activity
Know It Notes Ch. S4
Map Activity Ch. 5 Israel: Struggles for Land
Readings in Geography, History, and Culture: Visit to th Kibbutz Reading 52
Chapter 6 Main idea Activity 6-3 and 6-4
Chapter 5 Biography Activity: Kemal Ataturk
Chapter 5 Critical Thinking Activity: Mulla Nasrudin
Case Study Text : p.134
Middle East In Transition (MEIT)Educational Series
Lesson 1- Activity 2
Creative Strategies WB:Lesson 15 Why Study Southwest Asia and North Africa
Middle East In Transition (MEIT) Educational Series Background Lesson
Activity 2
Creative Strategies WB: Lesson 16 Did You Know You Were Speaking Arabic?
Middle East In Transition (MEIT) Educational Series
Lesson 4- Activity 4
Middle East In Transition (MEIT) Educational Series Lesson 2- Activity 1
Know It Notes Ch. 6-4
Middle East In Transition (MEIT) Educational Series
Activity 2 / Create a timeline
Compare/ Contrast Chart of the Three Faiths Text p. 133
Current Events: Students collect and share current events about the region and create a bulletin board to display articles
Countries posters- Post country poster on the walls and have students do research at home or in the library to see how many trivial or interesting facts they can find for each country. They write them on the posters daily. The students with the most facts win a prize. It keeps from only learning about war.
Arabic calligraphy- practice creating designs using Arabic language
Foldable- compare and contrast the three major religions of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. Include info such as: holy book, beliefs, membership, leaders, holy days…
Write letters to servicemen in the Middle East.
History of Egypt- Have students make cartouches and learn how to count with Egyptian numbers.
Pyramids- Have students make pyramids out of poster board and research information for the inside walls or write in them using hieroglyphics.
Vocabulary Bingo- Make a 4X4 Bingo board and make the boxes vocab words. Call out the definitions for students to match
Life in Iraq- Have students collect media info focused on the Iraq coverage (both American and Iraqi people) and reconstruct a day in Iraq (sights, sounds, smells, emotions…)