United States History Syllabus

Teacher: Mr. Vaglio

Class websites: knightdalehs.wcpss.net/teachers/ajvaglio


Honors American History II Syllabus

Fall 2017

Mr. Vaglio ()

Class Web Page: ajvagliokhs.pbworks.com

Welcome to Knightdale High School. This promises to be an exciting semester as we embark on the foundations of our country in the study of United States History. The following information is designed to help you have a successful learning experience in US History. US History is one of the three social studies courses required for graduation. This year there will be a state mandated NCFE that will count for 20% of the final grade.

Class Preparation is a central component of the learning process. To benefit from and interact in teacher presentations, class discussions, and cooperative learning activities, each class member must meet their responsibility to prepare for class. For this reason, homework and classwork will be an important part of the learning process in this class and each assignment should be completed.

In order for students to work and plan ahead, assignments will be announced on a on the class web page: ajvagliokhs.pbworks.com

Homework Policy

Assignments will be collected at the beginning of class unless otherwise indicated. Students should turn in their homework assignments in the appropriate trays when entering class. If students turn in homework assignments late, a penalty of 40% deduction will occur. All late work is due prior to the correlating unit test/exam/assessment.


Attendance in class is absolutely essential to the successful completion of the course and to the attainment of a passing grade on the North Carolina Final Examination. Students returning from excused absences are responsible for completing missed in class assignments promptly (according to attendance policy). Be aware that the instructor is under no obligation


TUTORING: The Social Studies Department will offer tutoring on Tuesdays for all classes until 4:00pm. Students may ride the activity bus afterwards with a note.


To help with organization, students will be expected to keep a three ring binder notebook with dividers and bring it to class daily, along with pens, loose leaf paper, and your text. At the end of each quarter students will be given a notebook test that is worth a TEST GRADE. Essentially their notebook is graded on neatness and material in the actual notebook that reflect student participation in class. Students should have 8 sections in their notebooks.

  1. Goal 1Movement West6. Goal 6 – WWII
  2. Goal 2Immigration & Urbanization7. Goal 7 Cold War Politics
  3. Goal 3Imperialism8. Goal 8 Modern US History
  4. Goal 4 Progressivism
  5. Goal 5WWI & Great Depression


The Evaluation System that I will be using is a Weighted Grade Scale. The components of this Weighted Grade Scale are as follows:



2. Collaboration 25%

3. Critical Thinking25%

4. Communication25%

The final grade will then be calculated according to the KHS grading scale which is as follows:

A = 100 – 90

B = 89 - 80

C = 79 - 70

D = 69 – 60

F = 59 and below

Course Outline for United States History

Goal 1&2– Emigration, Immigration, Urbanization, & Industrialization

  1. Chapter 13 – Settling West
  2. Chapter 14 – industrialization
  3. Chapter 15- Urban America
  4. Chapter 16 – Politics and Reform

Goal 3 & 4– Imperialism & Progressivism

  1. Chapter 17 – Becoming a World Power
  2. Chapter 18 – The Progressive Movement

Goal 5&6– World War I, Roaring Twenties, and Great Depression

  1. Chapter 19 – WWI
  2. Chapter 20 – The Jazz Age
  3. Chapter 21 – Normalcy
  4. Chapter 22 – Great Depression
  5. Chapter 23 – Roosevelt and the New Deal

Goal 7 WWII – Cold War

  1. Chapter 24 – World in Flames
  2. Chapter 25 – America in WWII
  3. Chapter 26 – The Cold War Begins
  4. Chapter 27 – Post War America

Goal 7b – Recovery, Prosperity, & Turmoil

  1. Chapter 28 – New Frontier & Great Society
  2. Chapter 29 – Civil Rights
  3. Chapter 30 – Vietnam War
  4. Chapter 31 – Politics & Protest

Goal 8- The US Since the Vietnam War

  1. Chapter 32 – Politics & Economics
  2. Chapter 33 – Resurgence of Conservatism

To: Parents and Guardians

From: Andrew Vaglio, Teacher

Re: An overview of Honors American History II

Welcome to KnightdaleHigh School! This is an exciting year as all students adjust to new surroundings, new friends, and new teachers to guide them. I look forward to an exciting, informative, and educationally productive year for the students that I will be teaching in United States History. It is my hope that you will encourage your student to be present and prepared for each class so that the learning process can take place smoothly and sequentially.

US History is one of the three Social Studies courses required for gradation. There will be a state mandated NCFE test for Honors American II that will count for 20% of the student’s final grade.

The material covered in Honors American II focuses on information that will help students to develop into active, well informed and productive citizens of the United States. Throughout the course of study, we will investigate issues and events specific to the American Culture and develop tools necessary for students to understand and evaluate the present and the past with the goal of becoming equipped to make sound decisions for themselves and our government in the future.

The structure of class lessons will include teacher lectures, class discussions, small group analysis and presentations, individual research reports, visual documentaries, and guest speakers.

In addition to specific reports and projects, students will be expected to demonstrate their knowledge of the material covered on tests that will include recalling of factual information and written responses based on analysis.

To help students in organizing the material covered, I will require each one to keep a three ringed binder notebook and bring it to every class, along with pens, loose-leaf notebook paper and the textbook. Material covered in class and assignments that are given in class will also be available on our class web page: ajvagliokh.pbsworks.com . This will help students to plan study schedules and test preparations in advance.

Parents, please encourage your student to read the assignments, complete their study guides, and review all materials covered in class for greater understanding.

I may be reached at school if there are any concerns. (919) 217 – 5350

Parent Signature ______Date ______/______/______