United States History Course Syllabus

Instructor: Mr. Fournier

Room #: 1009

Course/Semester: United States History 11th grade Full year

Plan hour: 1st Hour

Work phone: 224-1315

Email address:

Textbook: The Americans (2009 edition) Replacement cost $79.02

Course description: This is a survey of United States history from post-Civil War to contemporary events. Its goals are to instill an appreciation of the U.S. democracy, an understanding of the U.S. constitutional, political, economic, and social developments, and an increased knowledge of U.S. geography. Students will further develop skills in critical thinking, research, and writing skills. Primary and secondary documents will be used to research and report findings.

Major components of the course: The first semester of the course includes material from Civil War Reconstruction through the First World War. The second semester of this course begins with the United States’ emergence as a world leader during the Second World War and the Cold War through the Gulf War.

Grading scale: This course uses the standard grading scale as printed in the student handbook.

Attendance policy: This course follows the attendance policy as outlined in the student handbook. Attendance is a factor in the final semester grade.

Tardy policy: This course follows the tardy policy as outlined in the student handbook.

Make-up policy: Make-up work for excused absences will follow the policy in the student handbook. Work from unexcused absences will be accepted for half credit.

Late work: Late work will NOT be accepted for credit. Homework is ALWAYS due at the very beginning of class unless I tell you otherwise in advance.

Major assignments: Assignments other than regular homework will be due on the date assigned regardless of whether the student is in attendance on the due date. Major assignments turned in after the due date will be accepted for half credit. For group assignments, NO LATE WORK will be accepted.

Academic Dishonesty: This course follows the academic dishonesty policy outlined in the student handbook.

Behavior: The Jaguar core values are the same core values that should guide your behavior in this class.

Technology in the Class: Cell phones must be used for academic purposes only, which means school related research and reading. Texting, playing games, accessing social media, taking pictures, and recording video or audio are STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Listening to music is at my discretion and I will let you know when it is ok to do so.

Required materials: Students will be issued the required textbook for this course. Students are expected to arrive with a book, pen, and paper each day prepared to engage in the planned activities.

Course objectives:

1.  Learner will examine and analyze economic trends and conflicts throughout US history.

2.  Learner will examine and analyze social/cultural trends and conflicts throughout US history.

3.  Learner will examine and analyze geographic trends and conflicts throughout US history.

4.  Learner will examine and analyze political trends and conflicts throughout US history.

5.  Learner will examine and analyze foreign policy throughout US history.

6.  Learner will understand and use the tools of social science inquiry (surveys, statistics, maps political cartoons, primary and secondary sources) to analyze and make predictions.