Date: Saturday, June 27, 2015
Time: 8:00 A.M.
Meeting Place: Marriott Hotel – Hampton Room East & West
Invocation: Jerry Robey.
Pledge of Allegiance: Bill Flick
Introduction of New Executive Committee Members: New Secretary was Welcomed – Scott Deal. New Plains Region Vice Presidents Judy and Floyd Engelhardt joined later.
Annual Meeting Review: Mike Matsko opened the floor up to discussion.
Edythe Weber mentioned that the left over packets were taken apart after the meeting, these need to go the Affiliates Presidents in the future.
Dr. Beverly Robinson, from one of the Affiliates – HI, was very happy to be a part of USDA. She presented hand written notes and trinkets. They are not able to get our insurance.
Patty thought Frank Habersberger; Past President of USDA would be a good candidate for the Centennial Award. It was mentioned that he was still dancing as of last year.
Motion: Move to USDA Executive Committee to issue a Centennial pin.
Jim Maczko – seconded by Jim Weber, Motion passed
Action – Larry Dunkel to get pin to Jim & Judy Taylor to deliver.
Jim Taylor thought the change on the USDA resolution to support the ARTS Live Lively logo/slogo was very good. Jim Maczko stated that Milene provided a copy of the change; he will update the Resolution and it will be added to the website and USDA News.
Service Awards – Mike and Pat Matsko handed everyone their service awards, and they thanked everyone for their support over the past two years.
USDA Seminars and Panels:
Insurance had two seminars; 15 were in attendance for the first one, and 8 for the second one. Pat felt it was a good turnout, and it is rewarding when people take information back. Pat will advise president of rates for 2016, and then you can share rates when they come out in August / September time frame.
USDA Club Resources: Alitia Backer stated 6 people attended, most that attended did not know who USDA is. Tony Rock advised one person came in cocky, and left well informed. Mike Matsko mentioned that if you had some that left with knowledge then it is a plus.
Round Table: Mike Matsko stated 40 people were in attendance, and they may help to get the word out. Judy Englehardt mentioned that the USDA Traveler program has helped a lot.
Festival Management: Bonnie Abramson and Sally Schmidt stated there were about 6-8 people, including some future national conventions. Response was positive CD’s with resources were ready now and will be distributed to participants
Alitia brought up that we need to make more one on one contact when we go to conventions, offer meeting time in your room if needed.
Mainstream After Party Review: Suggestions for callers for next year to include Tom Manning, Bob Asp, Mike Hogan and Lanny Weaklend.
Youth After Party Preparation: Bonnie stated that Lawrence Johnstone will be the MC for the dance, and she has spoken to several of the callers who said they would drop in and call. There is a signup sheet, but no actual schedule. She was concerned about how many kids will still be around. There is a little more in attendance than other conventions, there was a flash mob dance at the market place.
Dismantling of Showcase of Ideas: Jerry Robey
Planning to be there around 2 pm to begin to teardown, stated if everyone pitches in it will not take long to teardown.
Mike and Pat Matsko reminded everyone about the Fashion Show 1 pm
Mike and Pat turned the meeting over to Jerry and Donna Robey, the new presidents for 2015-2016.
New President Meeting 2015-2016
Jerry and Donna announced the new committees for 2015-2016, also asked if anyone would be interested in the Ways & Means to talk to them after the meeting.
Jerry thanked Jim Weber for updating the USDA website with all the new officers and committee positions.
Historian Boxes: Jim and Patty have these currently, Joy stated that she has two boxes in the shed from Joe.
2016 USDA Insurance Program: Pat Inglis. Pat stated that we will not get our rates until the fall. New members of the Executive Committee will now be covered, and those going off will no longer have insurance. Seminar went well. Pat brought up the reminder that if Markel increases our rate, we would increase our rate to affiliates and non-affiliates as well.
NSDC Program Book Advertising: Sally Schmidt asked if we wanted to pay for the dailies for the next convention. – Motion - Purchase ads in the Daily Program Books for the 65th NSDC. Jim Weber / seconded by Bill Flick Approved - Deadline is Feb. 1st.
Attendee to CALLERLAB Convention: 2016 - Mike and Pat Matsko
Attendee to ROUNDALAB Convention – 2016 - LPaul and Sally Schmidt
Winter Meeting 2015: Ed & Lynda Willis. The meeting will be January 21-24, 2016. Looking at Myrtle Beach, SC, as the SC convention will be going on the same time. They will offer us half price rates, if we will apply our rooms to their block.
65th NSDC – Des Moines: Milene McCall. Milene collected Des Moines long registration forms. Four night minimum, at the hotel, this is a convention requirement not a USDA requirement. Location is in the Marriott Hotel.
Other Items:
Jim Weber discussed the email for the new people.
35th Anniversary – it was mentioned that we would discuss in more detail at the winter meeting.
Suggestions are: Cakes – McCall
Banner – Weber
Flag for the 35th Anniversary
Give away – Badge Holders – looking for 1000
Slide Show – Bonnie – Jim M – Sally – Judy T.
Educational program – Iowa
Insurance, Round Table, Festival Management (Bonnie/Sally), Bylaws session (Jim M & Jim W)
Adjournment – Jerry Robey adjourned the meeting at 1:15 pm.
USDA Post Annual Executive Committee June 27th, 2015 Page 1