Unit VIII – Civil Rights and Liberties

1.  Bill of Rights

2.  civil liberties

3.  civil rights

4.  alien

5.  Due Process Clause

6.  Establishment Clause

7.  parochial

8.  Free Exercise Clause

9.  libel

10.  slander

11.  sedition

12.  seditious speech

13.  prior restraint

14.  shield law

15.  symbolic speech

16.  picketing

17.  assemble

18.  content neutral

19.  right of association

1.  due process

2.  substantive due process

3.  procedural due process

4.  police power

5.  search warrant

6.  involuntary servitude

7.  discrimination

8.  writs of assistance

9.  probable cause

10.  exclusionary rule

11.  writ of habeas corpus

12.  bill of attainder

13.  ex post facto law

14.  grand jury

15.  indictment

16.  double jeopardy

17.  bench trial

18.  Miranda Rule

19.  bail

20.  preventative detention

21.  capital punishment

22.  treason

1.  heterogeneous

2.  immigrant

3.  reservation

4.  refugee

5.  assimilation

6.  segregation

7.  Jim Crow law

8.  separate-but-equal doctrine

9.  integration

10.  de jure segregation

11.  de facto segregation

12.  affirmative action

13.  quota

14.  reverse discrimination

15.  citizen

16.  jus soil

17.  jus sanguinis

18.  naturalization

19.  alien

20.  expatriation

21.  denaturalization

22.  deportation

Food for thought:

1.  What is the difference between civil rights and civil liberties?

2.  Explain the Establishment Clause. Explain the Free Exercise Clause.

3.  Compare libel and slander.

4.  Why does the government restrict seditious speech?

5.  What does the right to assemble peacefully mean?

6.  Explain what is meant by due process.

7.  Explain probable cause.

8.  What guarantees does the Fifth Amendment offer to the accused?

9.  What is the Supreme Court’s view of capital punishment?

10.  Who are immigrants?

11.  What was the purpose of the Jim Crow laws?

12.  What is the purpose of affirmative action?

13. Describe the ways in which people can become citizens of the US. Describe the ways in which people can lose citizenship.