No. 1January 2015



The year 2014 was the 32rd for the Society. We maintained ourselves financially, added to our collection, and welcomed many visitors to the museum.

Projects and Events

●Our 2015 calendar, "East Andover Remembered", was very well received. There will be another for 2016, probably featuring Andover Center, "Mouseum." We thank all of the monthly sponsors who make the calendar possible. Clayton Miller & Sons, Rick Estes, The Village Sweep, Robert & Rita Norander, Jay C. Boynton, Lake Sunapee Bank, Andover Fish and Game Club, Poulin Property Maintenance, Tilton Medical Assoc., Andover Elementary/Middle School community, Highland Lake Inn, Lake Farm Realty, and Stacey Viandier.

●Again in June the 4th graders from Andover, Webster and Salisbury visited the museum.

They played games, learned about early railroading and asked lots of questions. We will be seeing new faces in 2015.

●The Grange Hall in East Andover was full on June 26 when Jeff Warner, folk musician, entertained us with his very special kind of music. It was full again on October 16 when Steve Taylor, former NH Commissioner of Agriculture, spoke about "The Great Sheep Boom and its Enduring Legacy on the NH landscape."

●The first Sunday in August, the 3rd, was our Old Time Fair and it was a great day. Donna Baker-Hartwell did a wonderful job recruiting demonstrators and vendors and the field was full of very talented craftspeople. Lindsey Schust and the Ragged Mountain Band supplied the music followed by Carolyn Parrott who entertained the children with songs and stories. There was a very special visit by Abbot-Downing Society members, who had two of their wonderful Concord Coaches on display; and Spunk Ford brought the "one lung" engine he is restoring for the Society. Wanda Smith again created a stupendous basket of items and gift certificates that raised almost $1000 and was also won again this year by an Andover resident. Alas, Wanda and her husband Gerry have moved to Florida so we are looking to recruit another talented person to create a basket. Any volunteers?

●This past year we shared our Potter Place site with two other organizations that needed a space for a purpose. In September The Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust set up a lunch and relief space for the bikers who were participating in its fund- raising bike event; and in October the Andover-Danbury Lions Club had an "Oktoberfest" event.

Donations to the Historical Society Collection

●220 new items were added to the collection during the year by the following: Richard Brewster, Dorothy Lorden Estate, Ken Reid, Stephen Johnson, Mark Stetson, Angie Benton Henderson, Pat Cutter, Judy McDonald, Gail Richards, Bonnie Coombs, Bill Bardsley, Paul Glorioso, Clyde & Shirley Currier, Florence Gove, Jeff Miller, David Webster, Ralph Doe, Cynthia Blakeley, and Dexter Cheney. Thanks to all!

Memorial Gifts

●We were saddened to hear of the passing of two members this past year: Barbara Upton, first president and founder of the Society, and Richard Van Wagenen. The Society benefited from donations in their memory.

Trustees and Volunteers

●Four Trustees retired this year: Dane Loomer, Richard Brewster, Wanda Smith and Paul Glorioso. They were replaced by Pam Cooper, Sandra Graves, Jesse Schust and Rita Norander. Our grateful thanks to all who served and welcome to those who are willing to do so.

●Chris Norris did a wonderful job replacing the four sets of wooden steps on the caboose that had become very unsafe.

●As is usual we are in need of more volunteers to be stationmasters and staff the museum on weekends. Shifts are just 2½ hours on a Saturday or Sunday during the mid-May to mid-October season. It can be a very interesting time with visitors from almost everywhere. Many more folks are using the rail trail and Potter Place is a main hub on the trail. Some orientation is necessary, but if you can spare a morning or afternoon, please call Pat Cutter at 735-5628.


●We carry 275 members on our rolls. 74 life members and 56 current with their dues. The remaining are in arrears. Your financial support through membership is vital to allow us to maintain our buildings, provide events and programs for the community, and keep Andover's history alive. Membership dues are due in January. We welcome your participation and your ideas.


●We are grateful for all of the community support we receive and are planning for another good year. We rely solely on interested volunteers to continue the preservation of Andover's history. If you have time to give, please think of us. Check out the bottom of the membership form, which lists some of the areas where we can use help and support.

Thank you,

Pat Cutter, President


Membership Categories:

__Individual $10 __Family $25 __Donor $50

__Life Member $200 per person __$350 per couple

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Volunteers are always needed and welcomed. If you would like to participate in the work of the Andover Historical Society, please indicate your special interest:

__ General Volunteer Work__ Carpentry /Cabinet Work __Storage Space

__ Fund Raising__ Photography__ Special Projects

__ Programs __ Public Relations __Gift of exhibition Items

__ Clerical Work__ Stationmaster__Other

__ Grounds Maintenance __ Display______

__Building Maintenance__ Computer Skills______

Mail To: Andover Historical Society, PO Box 167 Andover, NH 03216